Livermore Knightly News
once a week
April 16, 2019

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In this Issue
In This Issue:

Holy Week / Easter
LAST CALL for Red, Blue and Gold Tickets
Sign Up for Retreat
Don't skip the joke...

Upcoming Events
Upcoming events summary...get more details on the website -

On the horizon -

Red, Blue and Gold - 4/26
Membership Drive 4/27 - 4/28
Pancake Breakfast - 4/28
Men's Retreat - NEW! -5/4
Rib Cookoff - 5/11

Holy Week / Easter
Holy Week is here!

We are very fortunate to have so many Holy Week activities at St Michael and St Charles Borromeo parishes.

Take time for prayer and reflection and time with the Lord.

Many of your Brother Knights will be participating in the live Passion Play at 6:30 pm on Good Friday at St Michael. You should definitely not miss it.

If you plan to attend the Easter Vigil, don't forget your bells and candles!


If you would like to go, call or email GK by tomorrow:
925-337-6155 or
Take a Day...
Get Away...
Reflect on how we can better

Cooperate with God's Grace

with Fr. Sergio Probst
Adjunct Professor
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
When: May 4th, 8:30 am
Where: Dominican House, Fremont
Cost: $40 for the day, includes meals

This awesome men's retreat will be in the Dominican House in Fremont (chapel pictured at left).

It is coming soon, so click below for details and to sign Up.
Does this look good???
Well...RCCBB #9 is looking great !!

And it is coming fast!

You can help in two ways now!

Spread the word!

Recent Events
Great turnout for Palm Cutting!
Thanks to everyone who came out on a beautiful day to prepare the palm fronds for many in Livermore to use on Palm Sunday!!
No Fish Tacos This Friday!
Thanks to John Christman and Team Taco for another great job of bringing the parish together during Lent! It was really wonderful to see so many sharing stories over the six weeks as we prepare for the Easter season.
Tables For Large Hall - Already In!!
Thanks to Jim Gagliardi for such quick action to get the new tables into St Michael Large Hall! They are a great addition and serve the parish well.
Knights in the News
Member News
In our prayers
Pray for recovery of SK Vince Perpetuo who is in the hospital in San Ramon.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Rev. James Matthews, rector at Christ the Light Cathedral, who passed away suddenly over the weekend.

Pray for repose of the soul of Brother Knight John Pruner and for his family in this difficult time.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Annie Aflague Smith, sister of Lady Knight Mary Mitchell and for her family in this time of mourning.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Correen O'Rourke, who passed away unexpectedly, and for Joe Burrescia's family in this difficult time.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Anthony Passannante, father of Brother Dan Passanante.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Alberto Garcia Jr and his family.

Pray for Jan Robinson, sister of brother John Robinson, who is suffering from breast cancer.

Pray for the repose of the departed soul of brother Dave Parks' mother-in-law, Margaret Bunschus who recently passed away.

Pray for the rapid healing of WDD Ken Rief's broken arm.

Brother Chuck Harding who is still recovering from a back injury.

Brother Ruben Velazquez who requires surgery for his medical condition.

Brother Abe Quinones - getting treatment for pre-cancerous virus that was caught early. Thank you for your earlier prayers.

Philip Chukwu, Brother of Columba Chukwu - Who has received cell treatment and is now on chemotherapy with good prognosis. Keep the prayers coming.

Cristopher Carrano's mother, Elizabeth, is still on dialysis and in need of a kidney transplant. Please pray for the location of a viable and willing donor and for her recovery.

Ed Rocca, PGK - Dialysis

Patrick Wehmann, Pastor - Illness

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith, Paul Park

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

Brother Vaughn Brugman - Cancer

Brother Ron Hauck

Janine Robles - Kidney issues

Child of Brother Joe Allen

Brother Rich Stewart - Health issues related to seizure

Lindy and Dick Epp - Medical care

Cheryl Ruth - Coma
The 'Word' from our Sponsor

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
— John 3:16
Did you hear the one ...

A parishioner was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the priest was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands. He grabbed the parishioner by the hand and pulled him aside. The Pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord!" The parishioner replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor." Pastor questioned, "How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Good Friday?" He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service." 

If you have a good (appropriate) joke that you would like to share with the council, click below.
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Belly Buster
2nd grade
I don't get it
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