Livermore Knightly News
once a week
February 12, 2020

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In this Issue
In This Issue:
Membership News
February Business Meeting Recap
Crab Feed 2020 Recap
Upcoming Events
Knights in the News
In Our Prayers

Membership News
Votes Needed for Candidates
Membership Co-Director Ricardo Garcia has recruited 2 candidates - Eduardo Garcia and Martin Munoz . Both gentlemen are St. Michael parishioners and members of the Hispanic Ministry.

You votes to accept or decline these candidates are requested.
Do you support the admission of Eduardo Garcia into our council?
Do you support the admission of Martin Munoz into our council?
Business Meeting Recap
Business Meeting Recap
Thanks to everyone who attended the February business meeting last week. There were lots of lively discussions of a variety of topics. Faith Director Morry had his usual fun and informative presentation - this time on St. Valentine.

Please remember our Worthy Chaplain's request to be more visible at church and wear your council shirts and badges. Please spread the word as well to brothers who were not at the meeting.

The meeting minutes will be published on our website soon.

Crab Feed 2020 Recap
Crab Feed 2020 a Success!
Thanks to the core team lead by PGK Dennis Lundbom and all volunteers who help, Crab Feed 2020 was a huge success!

Guests enjoyed the usual abundant fare of crab, pasta and salad along with a variety of fine local wines and craft beers. The band "Mixed Nuts" was back again and played to a crowded dance floor until the end of the event.

Thanks again to all the volunteers - Knights, family members and the Youth Ministry - for all your contributions.
Upcoming Events
Ash Wednesday Soup Dinner

What: Ash Wednesday Soup Dinner
When: February 26, 2020, 4:00pm-7:30pm **
Where: St. Michael Large Hall

Note: There will be no soup dinner in St. Charles due to the kitchen renovation at Borromeo Hall.

**Extended hours were discussed at the business meeting but we are sticking with 4pm-7:30pm.
Fish Taco Fridays
Lent is near. That means Fish Taco Fridays are back!

As announced earlier, due to the renovations at Borromeo Hall and scheduling conflicts at St. Michael, we will only have 3 Fist Taco Fridays this year.

The new dates are:
February 28, 5pm-7pm
March 20, 5pm - 6:30pm (School's Shamrock Bingo event will follow)
March 27, 5pm-7pm
Knights in the News
In our prayers

Please pray for the repose of the soul Irma Ruth Henriquez, mother of brother knight Edwin Henriquez.

Please pray in thanksgiving for:

Jan Robinson, sister of John Robinson, whose cancer is now in remission!

Philip Chukwu, brother of Columba Chukwu, who has been declared cancer free!

Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Fr. Mario Mejorada, OSA
Fr. Stanislaus Poon
Bob McKenzie
Janine Robles
Dee Gutierrez-Penza
Grace Gorres-Dordas
Vi Stratman
Rey Mirano
Juan Carlos Ayeng
Rosemarie Adams
Jeri Lambert
Patrick Allen
Maria Bettina "Tina" Santiago
Maria Ibarria
Enrique Borgen
Helen Lim
Ernesto Avalos Perez
Arielle Mara Arnold
Elliott Arnold
Judith Aufderheide
Refugio Telles
Cheryl Ruth
Capt. John Mickey, USN
Marian Perry Tully
Wilfredo Banlaoi

Please pray for healing of:

Sandy Gagliardi
Deacon Bill Archer
Aaron Wiley
Ruben Velazquez
Abe Quinones
Elizabeth (Cristopher Carrano's mother)
PGK Ed Rocca
PGK Vaugh Brugman
Joseph Figueiredo
Edmundo Alise and wife
Ron Hauck
Daphne Pascual
Rich Stewart
Lindy and Dick Epp
Paul Phelps
Al Medina
Fr. Larry (uncle of brother Mike and Lay Rhoda Pereira)
Randy (brother of Lady Rhoda Pereira)
John Beebe
Dom Nardy

Please pray for:

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith and Paul Park

Brother Knight Dave and Lady Natascha Parks

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

The 'Word' from our Sponsor

" I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon them. "
Ezekiel 25:17
For More Information