Livermore Knightly News
once a week
February 25, 2020

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In this Issue
In This Issue:
Membership News
Upcoming Events
Message from the Supreme Knight
Message from the State Advocate
Knights in the News
In Our Prayers

Membership News
Welcome New Brothers
On Thursday, February 20, our Council became the first in the District (possibly in the Chapter too) to conduct a live exemplification using the new format. The new and simplified format combines the lessons on Charity, Unity and Fraternity, which were previously spread across 3 separate ceremonies, into a single streamlined ceremony.

Fr. Ryan Dellota and Mark Ang joined our ranks as 3rd Degree Knights after that Thursday ceremony.

On Monday, the Degree Team was back at it again. This time conducting the ceremony for our newest brother, David Eckermann .

Say hello and welcome when you see them at our next events.
Upcoming Events
Officers and Directors Meeting
What: February Officers and Directors Meeting

When: Thursday, February 27, 2020 @ 7:30pm

Where: St. Michael Small Hall

ALL Members are welcome to attend this meeting.

Ash Wednesday Soup Dinner

What: Ash Wednesday Soup Dinner
When: February 26, 2020, 4:00pm-7:30pm
Where: St. Michael Large Hall

Note: There will be no soup dinner in St. Charles due to the kitchen renovation at Borromeo Hall.

Please click on the link below to help prepare the dinner.
Fish Taco Friday #1`
The first of 3 Fish Taco Fridays will be on February 28, 5:00pm - 7:00pm at the St. Michael Large Hall.

Please click on the link below to sign up and help.

A Message from the Supreme Knight

Dear Brother Knight,

Your immediate action is needed to support two important bills in the U.S. Senate that stand up for life!

This week, the Senate is scheduled to consider two very important bills – the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

The first bill, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, is life-saving legislation that would ban abortions at the point when scientists agree unborn children begin to feel pain in the womb (approximately 20 weeks). Our recent Knights of Columbus/Marist polling found that 54% of Americans agree with this policy – including nearly half of all those who identified as pro-choice!

The second bill, the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, protects a child who is born alive, despite an attempted abortion, by requiring doctors to care for the child as they would any other child born at the same age. This life-affirming legislation recognizes that there are two patients – a mother and her child – and that our public policy should protect both.

For more than a decade, our polling has found overwhelming support for the idea that our laws should protect both the mother and her child. Both of these pieces of legislation acknowledge the humanity and dignity of the mother and her child and it’s time for Congress to act.

Visit our Knights of Columbus Action Center to ask your senators to support both the  Pain Capable Unborn Child Protect Act  and the  Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act  today! Please note that you need to send a letter to your senators on each bill in order to be counted, so please be sure to click through to both links. You can also call your Senator directly –  phone numbers are available at this directory .

Thank you for taking action to support a culture of life.

Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight
A Message from the
State Advocate
From:  State Office <>
Sent:  Tuesday, February 18, 2020 1:47 PM
To:  State Info <>
Subject:  Guidance and Policy regarding Political Activity
Worthy District Deputies, Worthy Grand Knights…Please share the following information with the Brother Knights of your respective Councils.

Brothers All…We are currently in a very important national and local election cycle. The Right to Vote is paramount to our Nations success. As you exercise your Constitutional Rights, it is important that you have the necessary Supreme Guidance and Policy regarding Political Activity and Social Media. I am providing you these important guidelines for your information and use. Here are the specific highlights:

Prohibition On Use Of Membership To Promote Candidates For Public Office:  This guidance not only applies to supporting a specific candidate, it also applies to those who  ARE  running for political office. If you are running for office, I congratulate you. However, you must be very careful that you comply with the Laws of the Order. Failure to do so could lead us to take disciplinary action.

Guidelines for Political Activity:  This document outlines the  Do’s  and  Don’ts  as it concerns your efforts in exercising your Constitutional Rights. The  Do’s  outlined are very inclusive and are straight forward. However, please pay close attention to the  Don’ts  listed. Especially note the last  Don’t  listed which discusses social media and states:  “DO NOT use Knights of Columbus facilities, including, but not limited to, email accounts, social media, fax machines, letterhead and the like, in connection with partisan political activity.”   There have been instances in the past where Brother Knights did not comply with these guidelines and had to be cautioned or disciplinary action taken.

Member Social Communications Policy and Guidelines:  This policy is important in our daily activities as citizens and a member of the Knights of Columbus. This provides a clear and concise discourse of what you should follow. In the  Guidance for Members,  one of the sub-bullets states:  “Avoid making negative judgments about persons and organizations in connection with your membership in the Knights of Columbus. Avoid topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory – such as politics. Do not use ethnic slurs, personal insults, personal attacks, obscenity, or engage in any conduct unbecoming of a Catholic Gentleman.”

The above-mentioned documents are attached below. Please take time to print and review them so you can be a stronger member of the Knights of Columbus. Go and Vote!
Brother Rene
State Advocate
Knights in the News
In our prayers

Please pray our brother Columba Chukwu as he recovers from surgery on one eye and prepares for surgery on the other eye.

Please pray in thanksgiving for:

Jan Robinson, sister of John Robinson, whose cancer is now in remission!

Philip Chukwu, brother of Columba Chukwu, who has been declared cancer free!

Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Fr. Mario Mejorada, OSA
Fr. Stanislaus Poon
Bob McKenzie
Janine Robles
Dee Gutierrez-Penza
Grace Gorres-Dordas
Vi Stratman
Rey Mirano
Juan Carlos Ayeng
Rosemarie Adams
Jeri Lambert
Patrick Allen
Maria Bettina "Tina" Santiago
Maria Ibarria
Enrique Borgen
Helen Lim
Ernesto Avalos Perez
Arielle Mara Arnold
Elliott Arnold
Judith Aufderheide
Refugio Telles
Cheryl Ruth
Capt. John Mickey, USN
Marian Perry Tully
Wilfredo Banlaoi
Irma Ruth Henriquez

Please pray for healing of:

Sandy Gagliardi
Deacon Bill Archer
Aaron Wiley
Ruben Velazquez
Abe Quinones
Elizabeth (Cristopher Carrano's mother)
PGK Ed Rocca
PGK Vaugh Brugman
Joseph Figueiredo
Edmundo Alise and wife
Ron Hauck
Daphne Pascual
Rich Stewart
Lindy and Dick Epp
Paul Phelps
Al Medina
Fr. Larry (uncle of brother Mike and Lay Rhoda Pereira)
Randy (brother of Lady Rhoda Pereira)
John Beebe
Dom Nardy

Please pray for:

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith and Paul Park

Brother Knight Dave and Lady Natascha Parks

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

The 'Word' from our Sponsor

" But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well . "
Matthew 6:33
For More Information