Livermore Knightly News
once a week
January 8, 2019
Degree Advancement!
Free Throws and Pancakes

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Upcoming Events
Upcoming events summary...get more details on the website -
Move up a degree or two...or three!
What: 2nd/3rd Degree
When: January 12th
Where: Dublin

What: 4th Degree Exemplification
When: February 2nd
Where: Rohnert Park

Brothers - You should take advantage of a great opportunity that his available over the next few weeks and complete your advancement to full Knighthood and the 4th degree. With the convenient schedule that has come together (above), you can take care of 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree within a couple of weeks!! Don't miss it ... Send Tom McCaffrey a note ( and he will make sure you get signed up.
Free Throw / 3-point Competition - Jan 12th
What: Free Throw / 3-point competition
When: January 12th; 10 am - 3 pm (or earlier)
Where: Livermore High School Main Gym

The Annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw / 3-point Competition is this Saturday, January 12th, 2019. We can probably use a few more guys to help so that we are ready and staffed for the event.
6th Grade Science Camp Pancake Breakfast
What: Pancake Breakfast
When: January 13th
Where: St Michael Large Hall

The next breakfast is the Science Camp breakfast this Sunday, January 13th. While we will have 6th graders helping promote and serve the breakfast to help raise money to support their annual Science Camp attendance, we still need some more helpers, especially to help with set up and cooking. Sign up to help, spread the word and bring the family!
Walk for Life
What: West Coast Walk for Life
When: January 26th
Where: Meet at St Michael for morning prayer; gather in SF for March as Council

We ant to have well over 100 parishioners going from Livermore! We have plenty of signs for everyone to carry and show support!

There will be Mass at 8:30 AM at St. Michael's, followed by a rosary and hospitality in the courtyard. The rally begins at 12:30 PM in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza, and the Walk, down the city’s Market Street, begins at 1:30 PM. Visit for more information. 

Please join the communities of St. Michael and St. Charles for the walk. We will be meeting at 1:00 -1:30 PM on Grove St, between Larkin St and Polk St. Look for the St. Michael banner. For questions, email  
Let us know...Are you coming to the Walk for Life?
01/26/19 - 01/26/19

I'll be there!
I can't make it
KofC Walk for Life Peace Keepers: I know a number of Livermore Knights server as Peace Keepers - Here are this year's details:

We need Peace Keepers at the Civic Center starting at 10:00 am. 
We should finish the walk around 3:30-4:00 pm. 

If you can help as a Peace Keeper contact Steve Hagarty at 925-595-3391 or . The sign-up table will be at the Civic Center by the main crosswalk on Larkin Street, look for the KofC table.

If you are walking with your parish or Council please stop by the sign-up table and pick-up a Peace Keeper vest to show the KofC support for this event.
4th Degree Exemplification
All 3rd degree Knights! You should SignUp for the upcoming 4th degree exemplification to be held in Rohnert Park on February 2nd. This is the best of the four membership ceremonies and closes out the 4th pillar of our Order - Patriotism. The event happens once per year in Rohnert Park and is the best way to become a Sir Knight.
Send Tom McCaffrey a note ( and he will make sure you get signed up.
Crab Feed Planning Underway
Tickets Available Now for this All Hand's Event!
Our date is March 16th, which is looking good given the tough crab conditions so far this year. We will need everyone's help to make this a successful fundraiser.

Many jobs are for pre-event preparation if you would prefer to enjoy the dinner on the day of the event. Other jobs are during the event if you just like throwing a big party...there something for everyone.

Click below and pick what matches best with how you would like to help. Also Tickets are now available. You can buy at meetings, after masses or online (link below).
Member News
Call for Crab Feed Auction Items
Our Crab Feed fundraiser is coming up in the Spring. This is one of our two big events that supports our charitable activities and we need great items to raise funds. If you have sporting event tickets (sports, performances), condos, timeshares, art, jewelry, services, please consider making a donation to the council and we will use it to raise funds during the auction.

If you would like to purchase a sponsorship of the event as marketing for your business, those are also available!!

If you have an item of value that you would like to contribute for auction, please contact Anthony Contarciego.
Dues Notices
You should have received your dues notices by now. If not please contact our Financial Secretary, Brian Littrell.

Thank you in advance for your prompt payment. In fact, you can pay Brian at the business meeting and save yourself the cost of a stamp!

This is also a great time to update any contact information in our system.
In our prayers
Brother Ruben Velazquez - serious medical condition

Brother Michael Valent - Simultaneous flu and Pneumonia

Pray for the repose of the soul or Laurie Vavuris, mother of Brother Knight Robert Vavuris. May she rest in peace.

Brother Abe Quinones - getting diagnostics for potential liver problems.

Philip Chukwu, Brother of Columba Chukwu - Bone Marrow Cancer

Cristopher Carrano's mother, Elizabeth, is still on dialysis and in need of a kidney transplant. Please pray for the location of a viable and willing donor and for her recovery.

Ed Rocca, PGK - Dialysis

Patrick Wehmann, Pastor - Illness

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith, Paul Park

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Pray for the repose of the soul of former President Bush

Brother Vaughn Brugman - Cancer

Brother Ron Hauck

Janine Robles - Kidney issues

Child of Brother Joe Allen

Brother Paul Hendrickson - Recovering from surgery

Brother Rich Stewart - Health issues related to seizure

Brother Ted Clapp

Lindy and Dick Epp - Medical care

Cheryl Ruth - Coma
Knightly News and business meeting minutes online
Did you know that the Knightly Newsletter and Business Meeting minutes are archived and available at You can go back and check all of our activities with the click of a mouse...
Livermore Knights Shirts

Some of the custom embroidered shirts were distributed this week. If you would like a limited run "2018 CA Council of the Year" cut-n-sewn shirts that can be embroidered with your name (and title, if you like). You can email me with you order - just send your name, phone number and how you want your name on the shirt. Price is $30. There are some "2018 CA Council ..." Shirts without names that you can purchase as well ($30).

We have polo style shirts ($20) and hats ($10) available as well.
The 'Word' from our Sponsor

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. ”  

Did you hear the one ... (ran out of Knight jokes)

     A kindergarten teacher was walking around observing her classroom of children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.
   The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."
   The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like."
   Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

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Belly Buster
2nd grade
I don't get it
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