Livermore Knightly News
once a week
June 4, 2019

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In this Issue
In This Issue:

New Knights!
BIG June Business meeting - Don't miss it!!
Installation ceremony
Baby bottles pickup
Father Mark BBQ
July 4th VA BBQ
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events ...
more details on the website -

On the horizon -

Business Meeting
Installation Ceremony
Father Mark BBQ
Priest Swap
VA BBQ 7/4

June Business Meeting this week
When: June 6th (Dinner at 7; meeting at 7:30 PM)
Where: St Michael Large Hall

This business meeting will cover our transitional topics to enable a smooth transition of the council leadership.

Don't miss it:

Election of officers and directors
Approval of 2018-19 budget
Approval of Continuing resolutions
Vote on Ultrasound funding
Discussion of State Convention
and more...
Officer Installation and Award Ceremony
June 22nd
When: June 22nd; 5 pm
Where: St Michael Large Hall

Mark your calendar and bring the family. It is time to install the new officer's for our council and recognize great contributions made by so many brother knights this year!

In keeping with tradition, it will be a potluck dinner with drinks served by the council.

We are timing this installation so that everyone can participate in the Corpus Christi Candlelight Procession at St Michael Church afterward (starts at 8 p.m.). While not a mandatory follow-on activity, it will be a great way to kick-off the new Columbian Year boy participating in a ceremony dedicated to praying for the return of fallen-away Catholics.
BBQ for Father Mark
When: June 30th; 12:45 - 4 pm
Where: St Charles Borromeo

There will be a farewell BBQ for Father Mark. The event is being coordinated by the Social Ministry at St Charles and the Livermore Knights will and grill for the event.

We will need to take the the grill over to St Charles. They will provide 100 lbs tri-tip and more for the Livermore Knights to cook up for the farewell party. Sign Up Genius will come out this week
Exodus 90
Become a better man, father and Catholic
"Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring."
— St. Catherine of Siena

Brother Carl Biscevic wants a few good men who want to become better men. He has uncovered an intriguing program called


and he would like to get a group of 4-7 men together to undertake the program.

Exodus 90 is a challenging 90-day program of asceticism and self-denial designed to free men from the bondage of the culture and comforts of the world: technology, laziness, addictions to sports, TV, food, alcohol, drugs and pornography. It was formed in 2013 as a pilot program for seminarians and was re-presented from the traditions of the Early Church. 

Prayer and fasting for the victims of sexual abuse and for deep and lasting purification of the Church. To give new life for men to be more present to their parishes, wives and children by removing distractions. 90 days is the scientifically proven time it takes to return the brain to a normalized state capable of forming new, lasting and healthy habits.

Please take a moment to click the links below to learn more. Contact Carl at the June business meeting or to sign up or to get more information.
Charity Golf Tournament -San Ramon Knights
July 22
What: Charity Golf Tournament
Where: Crow Canyon Country Club
When: July 22nd

Our San Ramon brothers are having a Charity Golf Tournament on July 22nd. Read more in the attached flyer!
Recent Events
Movie Night
Movie night was a lot of fun on a beautiful late-Saturday afternoon. Thanks to Brother Mike Taranowski and the Movie Night team for putting together a fun end-of-year party.
Baby Bottle Campaign a Success

The money count is not yet completed but early estimates are very promising. In two short weeks between drop-off and pick-up, we easily exceeded last year's total. I expect we will receive a few more in coming weeks if history is any indication. We should have estimates at the business meeting. Great job, Nick!
Knights in the News
Member News
Knights Supporting Knights
Brothers - As Knights, we support each other in so many meaningful ways - faith, fraternity, family, help in times of need. Quite often, we don't realize that our council is filled with brothers operating businesses that can be of service to us. Given that we have control of our website, I would like to collect the names of companies that are owned / operated by brother Knights so that we can have a page dedicated to listing services / companies that we can consider supporting. Please note that we are not going to be able to endorse the business but we will be able to list them a provide a link to a website where brother Knights can go to decide if the company / service is appropriate for each individual's need.

Please send me a note at if you have a business or service that you would like to include.
Interesting upcoming events
We received a nice list of upcoming events happening around the Bay Area from our friends at Ethos. We selected a few to share with you at the link below.
Congratulations to New Graduate Knight
Congratulations to Brother Knight Christopher Choate on his recent graduation from Las Positas College with his degree in music. He was also a part of the graduation ceremony on May 25th!!

Be sure to say Hi and congratulate him at the June business meeting!

Great Job, Christopher!
In our prayers
Pray for repose of the soul of Brother Knight John Pruner and for his family in this difficult time.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Annie Aflague Smith, sister of Lady Knight Mary Mitchell and for her family in this time of mourning.

Pray for Jan Robinson, sister of brother John Robinson, who is suffering from breast cancer.

Brother Chuck Harding who is still recovering from a back injury.

Brother Ruben Velazquez who is recovering from surgery for his medical condition.

Brother Abe Quinones - getting treatment for pre-cancerous virus that was caught early. Thank you for your earlier prayers.

Philip Chukwu, Brother of Columba Chukwu - Who has received cell treatment and is now on chemotherapy with good prognosis. Keep the prayers coming.

Cristopher Carrano's mother, Elizabeth, is still on dialysis and in need of a kidney transplant. Please pray for the location of a viable and willing donor and for her recovery.

Ed Rocca, PGK - Dialysis

Patrick Wehmann, Pastor - Illness

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith, Paul Park

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

Brother Vaughn Brugman - Cancer

Brother Ron Hauck

Janine Robles - Kidney issues

Child of Brother Joe Allen

Brother Rich Stewart - Health issues related to seizure

Lindy and Dick Epp - Medical care

Cheryl Ruth - Coma
The 'Word' from our Sponsor

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 
Acts 1:9
Did you hear the one ...

Years ago in Ireland, there was a priest who was very anti-British. Every Sunday he would blast them from the pulpit. He became so notorious that the Pope himself summoned the priest to Rome for an audience. 

"Father," said the Pope, "I want that there should be peace between the British and the Irish. You're not helping matters at all. I want you to kiss my ring and swear by the Blessed Virgin that you'll never so much as mention the British in public again." 

"But Your Holiness, I - I - " the priest stammered. 

"No buts," said the Pope. "Swear it here and now or there'll be trouble!"

"Aye, Holy Father," sighed the father. "All right. I swear it." 

The very next Sunday just happened to be Easter, and the priest was back at his pulpit in Ireland, giving his annual Easter sermon. 

He got to the part of the Easter story where Jesus said, "And one of you shall betray Me." 

The priest continues: "Saint Andrew jumps up and says, 'Is it I Lord?' and the Lord says, 'Nay, Andy darlin', it's not you. Sit down now and dunna worry. Eat your supper.' 

Then Saint John the Divine gets up with tears in his eyes and cries, 'Is it I Lord?' And the Lord says, 'Nay, Johnny me boy, it's not you. Sit down now and dunna fret yourself. Eat your supper.' 

"Then that dirty dog Judas Iscariot slowww-ly rises to his feet. And he looks the Lord right in the eye and says, 'Blimey, Mate. Ya think it's me?" 

If you have a good (appropriate) joke that you would like to share with the council, click below.
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Belly Buster
2nd grade
I don't get it
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