Livermore Knightly News
once a week
March 24, 2020

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In this Issue
In This Issue:
Grand Knight's Message
St. Michael Request/Reminders
Prayer for Protection Against COVID-19
In Our Prayers

GK's Message
Brother Knights,

I hope this note finds you and your families in good health.

I would like to thank all brothers who answered the call to help the St. Charles parishioner who asked for help last week. In hindsight, I did not handle that request in the most efficient manner. I should have known better that there will be several brothers who will reach out to me and Jim Oliver to assist.

Going forward, I would like to form a team of volunteers who will be tasked to field future requests that we might get from parishioners at St. Michael and St. Charles. If you are willing to help, please email me at [email protected] or reply to this email and I will add you to the list. We will come up with a smaller distribution list and take turns fielding requests.

With the shelter in place order in effect, our Council activities continue to be on hold. The latest event to be postponed is the Bishop's Vocation Dinner. However, as I mentioned last week, opportunities to live out our main principle of charity abound. The following sections of this edition of Knightly News includes a request from St. Michael as well as reminders of services that Fr. Carl and his staff continue to offer. A prayer for protection against COVID-19 is also included.

Let us all continue to pray for an end to this pandemic.

Vivat Jesus!

Anthony R. Contarciego
Grand Knight

St. Michael Updates
Live Streamed Masses
9:30am English
12:30pm Spanish

Daily: 6:45am
Drive Up Confession
Every day, March 19 - April 7 
11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Bilingual) 
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (English) 

Only one occupant per car.
Drive up to the courtyard driveway and remain in your car. 
A priest will keep a 6-foot distance from your car window to hear your Confession and absolve you. 

Parking Lot Benediction
Every day, March 19 - April 7 
8:30 am and 6:00 pm   

Park in St Michael's parking lot and remain in your car. Clergy will process with Jesus present in the Eucharist and pass by all cars. 

While in your car pray this prayer three times: 
O Sacrament most Holy, 
O Sacrament Divine, 
All praise and all thanksgiving, 
Be every moment Thine. 

Knights can help with the Benediction. Please contact PGK Dennis Lundbom if you are able to help.
Church Open for Prayer
Every day
6:00 am – 12:00 pm
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

The church is quiet and peaceful, and our Lord is present in the tabernacle. A few moments out of your house might be restorative. Please remain 6 feet from others and follow all the health guidelines. During the break between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm, the church will be cleaned daily.

Subscribers Needed
Help St. Michael Reach 1000 Subscribers on YouTube
The live streamed masses from the St. Michael chapel have been overwhelmingly successful.

To reach more people within the parish and beyond, the parish staff would like to stream the masses on YouTube as well.

In order to activate YouTube's live stream feature, 1000 subscribers are required. You can help make this happen by clicking on the link below and clicking "Subscribe" on the ensuing page.
Oratio Imperata
Prayer for Protection Against COVID-19
God our Father,
We come to you in our need
To ask your protection against the COVID-19 Virus,
That has claimed lives And has affected many.

We pray for your grace
For the people tasked with studying the nature and cause
Of this virus and its disease
And of stemming the tide of its transmission.
Guide the hands and minds of medical experts
That they may minister to the sick
With competence and compassion,
And of those governments and private agencies
That must find cure and solution to this epidemic.

We pray for those afflicted
May they be restored to health soon.

Grant us the grace
To work for the good of all
And to help those in need.

Grant this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. 
In our prayers

... For a quick end to the pandemic
... For the safety and health of our families
... For the healing of all those afflicted by COVID-19
...and for the repose of the soul of Billy Sanson and the souls of all who have died from the COVID-19 virus.

Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Fr. Mario Mejorada, OSA
Fr. Stanislaus Poon
Bob McKenzie
Janine Robles
Dee Gutierrez-Penza
Grace Gorres-Dordas
Vi Stratman
Rey Mirano
Juan Carlos Ayeng
Rosemarie Adams
Jeri Lambert
Patrick Allen
Maria Bettina "Tina" Santiago
Maria Ibarria
Enrique Borgen
Helen Lim
Ernesto Avalos Perez
Arielle Mara Arnold
Elliott Arnold
Judith Aufderheide
Refugio Telles
Cheryl Ruth
Capt. John Mickey, USN
Marian Perry Tully
Wilfredo Banlaoi
Irma Ruth Henriquez

Please pray for healing of:

Sandy Gagliardi
Lindy and Dick Epp
Columba Chukwu
Deacon Bill Archer
Aaron Wiley
Ruben Velazquez
Abe Quinones
Elizabeth (Cristopher Carrano's mother)
PGK Ed Rocca
PGK Vaugh Brugman
Joseph Figueiredo
Edmundo Alise and wife
Ron Hauck
Daphne Pascual
Rich Stewart
Paul Phelps
Al Medina
Fr. Larry (uncle of brother Mike and Lay Rhoda Pereira)
Randy (brother of Lady Rhoda Pereira)
John Beebe
Dom Nardy

Please pray for:

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith and Paul Park

Brother Knight Dave and Lady Natascha Parks

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

The 'Word' from our Sponsor

" Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. "
Matthew 11:28
For More Information