Livermore Knightly News
once a week
May 19, 2020

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In this Issue
In This Issue:

Benefits Webinar
2020 CA State eConvention Recap
May Meeting Minutes
Prayer for Protection Against COVID-19
In Our Prayers

Benefits Webinar
It's here!!!
As announced last week, our Worthy Field Agent, Paul Morassutti, will be conducting a benefits webinar on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 7:00pm PDT.

Whether you're a new Knight who hasn't had chance to meet with Brother Paul yet, or an old timer who has been through this before, come and hear what benefits are available to us all and and recent changes that may have come up!

Here are the meeting details again.

Meeting number: 296 516 717
Password: VMpN2973VDT (86762973 from phones and video systems)

To join by phone: +1-408-418-9388
Access code: 296 516 717

To join by video system:
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
2020 CA State eConvention
The 118th CA State Convention was held last Saturday, May 16. This was the first convention ever to be done virtually. During the business meeting portion of the convention, a number of resolutions were passed, the State budget for CY 2020-2021 was presented and approved and a new slate of officers were elected. The second part of the convention was the awards ceremony where the Livermore Knights once again shined!

Our Council got the following awards:
  • Three 1st Place Winners for the State Essay Competition on Catholic Stewardship (student names will be announced after they are notified)
  • 2nd Place in Family Activities Program for our Christmas Baskets program
  • 1st Place in Community Activities Program for the Wheelchair Mission and Crab Feed
  • Best in State Community Program - Wheelchair Mission

Due to technical issues, our entries for Culture of Life and Faith Activities programs are still being re-evaluated. Our entire activities program is also being re-valuated for Best Program in the State Overall. Results should be available later this week.

We received a lot of excellent feedback for all our programs. The State Deputy, State Warden-elect and State Awards Program Chairman have all complimented the activities packages that were submitted by our Council.

This is all a reflection and product of all the hard work that our Council does in supporting our parish communities.

CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU, Brothers for all that you do!!!
May Meeting Minutes
The minutes from our May business meeting has been published on our website and available for review.

As a reminder, we will be voting on the Budget, Calendar and new slate of officers in our June business meeting. You can click on the button below the view the proposed budget, calendar and slate.
Oratio Imperata
Prayer for Protection Against COVID-19
God our Father,
We come to you in our need
To ask your protection against the COVID-19 Virus,
That has claimed lives and has affected many.

We pray for your grace
For the people tasked with studying the nature and cause
Of this virus and its disease
And of stemming the tide of its transmission.
Guide the hands and minds of medical experts
That they may minister to the sick
With competence and compassion,
And of those governments and private agencies
That must find cure and solution to this epidemic.

We pray for those afflicted
May they be restored to health soon.

Grant us the grace
To work for the good of all
And to help those in need.

Grant this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. 
In our prayers

... for Lady Nora Taranowski as she fights through a recurrence of an old illness.
... for brother Knight Calvin Gillespie who is currently undergoing cancer treatment.
... for Lady Cyndi Keifer, wife of brother Pat Keifer, who was diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing chemo treatments.
... for an end to the pandemic.
... for the safety and health of our families.
... for the safety of all medical professionals and in gratitude to their service to COVID-19 patients.
... for the healing of all those afflicted by COVID-19.
... and for the repose of the souls of all who have died from the COVID-19 virus.

Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Fr. Mario Mejorada, OSA
Fr. Stanislaus Poon
Bob McKenzie
Janine Robles
Dee Gutierrez-Penza
Grace Gorres-Dordas
Vi Stratman
Rey Mirano
Juan Carlos Ayeng
Rosemarie Adams
Jeri Lambert
Patrick Allen
Maria Bettina "Tina" Santiago
Maria Ibarria
Enrique Borgen
Helen Lim
Ernesto Avalos Perez
Arielle Mara Arnold
Elliott Arnold
Judith Aufderheide
Refugio Telles
Cheryl Ruth
Capt. John Mickey, USN
Marian Perry Tully
Wilfredo Banlaoi
Irma Ruth Henriquez
Billy Sanson
Joanne Crossman
Edward Roberts
Wilfredo Duka

Please pray for healing of:

Sandy Gagliardi
Lindy and Dick Epp
Columba Chukwu
Deacon Bill Archer
Aaron Wiley
Ruben Velazquez
Abe Quinones
Elizabeth (Cristopher Carrano's mother)
PGK Ed Rocca
PGK Vaugh Brugman
Joseph Figueiredo
Edmundo Alise and wife
Ron Hauck
Daphne Pascual
Rich Stewart
Paul Phelps
Al Medina
Fr. Larry (uncle of brother Mike and Lay Rhoda Pereira)
Randy (brother of Lady Rhoda Pereira)
John Beebe
PGK Dom Nardy

Please pray for:

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith and Paul Park

Brother Knight Dave and Lady Natascha Parks

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

The 'Word' from our Sponsor

" Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up "

Galatians 6:9
For More Information