Livermore Knightly News
once a week
November 13, 2018
Deceased Knights Mass Thursday
More Crab Feed Planning Wednesday
Movie Night Coming 11/30

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Upcoming Events
Deceased Knights Mass and Reception -
What: Deceased Knights Mass and Reception
When: Thursday, November 15th
Setup starting at this 6 pm; service starting at 7:30 pm; reception after mass.
Where: St Charles Borromeo Church and Hall

Father Carl Arcosa will preside over a special evening mass and we will have our moving annual ceremony to remember those Livermore Knights who have passed away before us. Afterward, there will be a light reception in Borromeo Hall. Please be sure to join us and bring the family.

We still need some Knights to help / participate: readings, altar service, eucharistic ministers, setup of church for Knights ceremony, music, beverage service, etc. for this special once-a-year event.
Crab Feed Meeting - Wednesday

What: Planning Meeting
Where: St Michael Convent Living Room/Dining Room
When: Wednesday 11/14; 8 p.m.

The Crab Feed is coming up: February 16th at RLCC. It is one of our biggest fundraisers and parties! We will continue with planning activities. Please join us and be a part of the team.

Bring ideas to make it a unique and memorable event that raises tons of money to support our programs and ideas to make it as efficient as possible (e.g,. themes, auction ideas, marketing ideas, other ideas, games, etc.).
Movie Night
What: Boutique and Movie Night
When: Friday November 30th
Boutique 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Cartoons at 6:30 pm
Polar Express at 7 pm
Where: St Michael Small and Large Hall
COST: FREE! Popcorn, water and lemonade too!
BRING: Parents, children, blankets, snacks to share!

We will host a Family Movie Night for all families of St. Charles and St. Michael’s parishes and present the “The Polar Express”, a Christmas movie about a boy's rail adventure to the North Pole.  

Saint Michael's School will concurrently be hosting their 2nd Annual Holiday Boutique Fair. 

Come to the Boutique for a plate full of yummies and peruse potential presents sure to delight those who are hard to shop for. Proceeds benefit St. Michael's Catholic School. 
Christmas Party!!
What: KofC Christmas Party
When: December 8th
Where: St Charles Borromeo Hall

Hold the date for our annual "Tom and Jerry" Christmas Party. We will have food, drink, music, crafts for kids and lots of fun and always a full house...mark you calendar and don't miss it! Watch for sign up list next week - you can help and/or bring your favorite holiday dish!
Pancake Breakfast -December 9th
What: Pancake Breakfast for Christmas Gift Program
When: December 9th
Where: St Michael Large Hall

The next pancake breakfast - proceeds will fund the Christmas Gift Program. Sign up below.
On the Horizon - Watch for SignUp Genius' Soon!!
November 15 - Deceased Knights Mass and Reception
November 26 - Christmas Poster Contest Starts
November 30 - Family Movie Night
December 2 - Pancake Breakfast - Christmas Gift Program
Decemnber 8 - Knights 'Tom & Jerry" Christmas Party
Recent Events
Free discussion on Estates, Wills, Trusts
The seminar by Jennifer Thaete was well-attended and very informative. We will continue to bring information sessions that will be beneficial to our out for the next one soon. Thanks to Suzanne and John Gutierrez for making this happen!!
Christmas Gift Program Underway
Things are continuing forward with the annual Christmas Basket program. The electronic signup forms (new this year) have been successful in helping with logistical aspects of the program and the initial stage of request collection is nearing completion. As we move forward, we will need a number of people to help with the execution of this effort to bring Christmas joy to those in our community who are in need. We will also need help with the fun-raising portion...Please watch for the SignUp Genius soon.
Member News
In our prayers

Brother Cristopher Carrano's mother, Elizabeth, is still on dialysis and in need of a kidney transplant. Please pray for the location of a viable and willing donor and for her recovery.

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith, Paul Park

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Brother Robert Kuhleman - Recovering from surgery

Brother Vaughn Brugman - Cancer

Brother Ron Hauck

Janine Robles - Kidney issues

Child of Brother Joe Allen

Brother Paul Hendrickson - Recovering from surgery

Brother Rich Stewart - Health issues related to seizure

Pray for the repose of the soul of SK Ellis Schott who passed away on Nov 4

Brother Ted Clapp

Margaret Keifer - Mother of PGK Patrick Kiefer passed away peacefully on 10/22. Pray for the repose of her departed soul and for the Keifer family.

Lindy and Dick Epp - Medical care

Dave and Cheryl Ruth
Read the Business Meeting Minutes
Did you know the business meeting minutes are all on line at While I can't put the food and drink up there, you can certainly catch up on what council business happened...
Livermore Knights Shirts

Some of the custom embroidered shirts were distributed this week. If you would like a limited run "2018 CA Council of the Year" cut-n-sewn shirts that can be embroidered with your name (and title, if you like). You can email me with you order - just send your name, phone number and how you want your name on the shirt. Price is $30. There are some "2018 CA Council ..." Shirts without names that you can purchase as well ($30).

We have polo style shirts ($20) and hats ($10) available as well.
The 'Word' from our Sponsor

“It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is He who provoked you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise; it is He who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; it is He who reads in your hearts your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle.”
~ St John Paul II
Did you hear the one about the Knight ...

Q:  What is the name of the Firefly class Knight?
A: Sir Renitee
For More Information