Livermore Knightly News
once a week
November 19, 2019

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In this Issue
In This Issue:
A Message from the Deputy Grand Knight
Membership News
Pancake Breakfast Recap
Upcoming Events
Wreaths for Veterans
Knights in the News
In Our Prayers

A Message from the Deputy Grand Knight
To all my fellow Knights of this Council,
    I myself have been honored to serve with you known to me as my Brothers of this council. I enjoy the events and what it allows me to do. It allows me to express my faith through action, for we are looked upon not by our words ,but by our deeds that we do as Knights representing not only our brotherhood and our catholic community.

     I do ask you all my fellow Knights, to let us reflect as to why we became Knights. I ask you gentleman to go back ,and reflect to the time when we decided to become a member of this Order to serve God and with our Mother Mary. “Mary and her Knights a team beyond compare in the service of her Divine Son. Mary, heart of the Holy Family, Tower of Ivory with her knights for justice of the downtrodden “.

We all took a solemn pledge in our 1st Degree ceremony. We also listened to the words of the Grand Knight and the Deputy and Chancellor and all the other officers at that ceremony.

Gentleman let us also reflect upon what the basic principle of our order is “Charity”.

Every monthly business meeting I look forward to seeing all of my brothers at those meetings and the events in which support our community.

In closing, I ask each of you and I make a formal plea as your Deputy Grand Knight, please to come to your meetings ,please come to your events and participate. This is your council ,this is your catholic community this is how we support our faith through our deeds. For without you my brothers, there is no council.


Walter S. MacInnes
Deputy Grand Knight
Membership News
Honorary Life Member
Congratulations to brother John Kupski on achieving Honorary Life Membership!

As a reminder, Honorary Life members are those who have been Knights for 25 consecutive years and are 70 years old or older; those who have been Knights for 50 years regardless of age; or are members of the clergy.

2nd Degree Knights
Congratulations to our newest 2nd Degree Knights, Andres Gutierrez, Dr. Daniel Kostalnick and John Mulrooney!

They achieved the 2nd Degree in a ceremony conducted at St. Charles Borromeo on Sunday, November 17th.

The ceremony also marked the inaugural performance of our District's new 2nd Degree Ceremonial Team led by brother Dan Leary.

Pancake Breakfast Recap
Pancake Breakfast
THANK YOU to all who answered the call to sign up and help at the pancake breakfast last Sunday. It was another successful event!

Thanks also to brother Jim Gagliardi. Even though he could not attend, he was still working behind the scenes and making sure we had everything we needed. He was checking on how things were going and even sent their donation in!

We served approximately 175 guests and raised over $1200 in donations towards our Veterans programs and scholarships.

Upcoming Events
Save the Dates
  • November 25, Start of the Christmas Poster Contest.

  • December 5, Business Meeting
  • Dinner starts at 6:30pm, Meeting starts at 7:30pm
  • Bring your donations for our Christmas Basket Program!

  • December 7, Tom and Jerry Christmas Party
  • 6:30pm at St. Michael Large Hall
  • This will be a potluck as our tradition goes

  • December 8, Pancake Breakfast
  • Sign-ups coming next week. Please sign up early!
  • Donations collected will be for the Christmas Baskets

  • December 14, Gift Baskets & Coats for Kids Distribution

Wreaths for Veterans
The deadline to order wreaths has now passed.

If you ordered a wreath, please reach out to Rebekah Libby at rebekah.s so she can track the number of orders from the Knights.
Knights in the News
In our prayers
Please pray in thanksgiving for Philip Chukwu, brother of Columba Chukwu, who has been declared cancer free!

Please pray for Lady Sandy Gagliardi as she recovers from back surgery. Also pray for good results on further tests.

Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

Fr. Stanislaus Poon
Rey Mirano
Juan Carlos Ayeng
Rosemarie Adams
Jeri Lambert
Patrick Allen
Maria Bettina "Tina" Santiago
Maria Ibarria
Enrique Borgen
Helen Lim
Ernesto Avalos Perez
Arielle Mara Arnold
Elliott Arnold
Judith Aufderheide
Refugio Telles
Cheryl Ruth
Capt. John Mickey, USN
Marian Perry Tully

Please pray for healing of:

Deacon Bill Archer
Aaron Wiley
Dee Gutierrez Penza
Jan Robinson
Jeanne Sylvester
Ruben Velazquez
Abe Quinones
Elizabeth (Cristopher Carrano's mother)
PGK Ed Rocca
PGK Vaugh Brugman
Joseph Figueiredo
Edmundo Alise and wife
Ron Hauck
Janine Robles
Daphne Pascual
Rich Stewart
Lindy and Dick Epp
Paul Phelps
Al Medina
Fr. Larry (uncle of brother Mike and Lay Rhoda Pereira)
Randy (brother of Lady Rhoda Pereira)
John Beebe

Please pray for:

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith and Paul Park

Brother Knight Dave and Lady Natascha Parks

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

The 'Word' from our Sponsor

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. "
Matthew 21:22
For More Information