Livermore Knightly News
once a week
October 2, 2018
Complete your advancement this weekend!
Tootsie Rolls - need more volunteers!
Family Rosaries!
Tootsie Roll Drive
: Saturday 10/6 and Sunday 10/7
Jim Gagliardi
Help Wanted - Brother Jim Gagliardi has several more slots on his SignUp that we need to fill.
This activity is easy and really fun...
Pick a two-hour slot at a store front or help before and after a mass. Then, you hand out candy and be nice to people...simple.
If they decide to drop a money into the donation can (which they do quite often), we get the money into the hands of those who help kids with developmental disabilities.
Give Jim a hand and make a difference in a kid's life.
Business Meeting
: Thursday 10 /4
St. Michael Large Hall
Don't miss this week's business meeting. There will be more Charitable Donations, votes on spending, discussion of upcoming events and lots of fraternal spirit and lively discussion plus music, food and beverages. Donation recipients will tell us about their missions over dinner starting at 7 pm, the meeting starts at 7:30 pm
HELP-WANTED: We will need a few guys to help Jim with dinner and to help with set up beforehand. Remember, we would like to set up a little early so we can join the rosary as well.
Second and Third Degree on Saturday 10/6
Description: Formation and Knighthood degrees (2nd and 3rd)
When: October 6th, sign in at 9 am
Where: St. Michael Large Hall, Livermore
Now is the time to finish your membership ceremonies - while they are here in Livermore! You can complete the second and third (of three) ceremonies and get to full Knighthood this Saturday. There will be wonderful lessons, morning donuts and coffee and lunch. You'll be able to complete both in one day.
Indicate your interest by clicking below. You will really enjoy the event.
HELP WANTED from Full Knights: We need some help with lunch as well for this event. Nothing major, we need someone who can pickup lunch and set it up for the midday lunch at the break between ceremonies. Contact Anthony Contarciego for details and to sign up.
The first Knights rosary will be this week on Thursday, at 6:30 pm in the St Michael courtyard.
We will pray for the healing of our Church and any other intentions you may have.
Thank to Brother Michael Pereira for signing up to lead on October 11th ...
Help Wanted - we need a few more bold families! Let's fill the courtyard and pray together before the business meeting.
Cycling for Veterans Event - 10/6 LPCC
Brother Knight Todd Steffan, through his LPCC Veteran's First program, will be hosting a cycling and a walking event at Las Positas College on Saturday 10/6 in support of our veter
They are looking for more participants in the 2.2 Walk for Vets to raise awareness of t
22 Veterans who commit suicide each day on average.
This will be a partnership with Cattlemen's who is providing the food for the event.
Brother Jason Seberger and Carl Biscevic could use another guy or two to help cook on Saturday.
Please sign up below!
Student Essay Contest! Now grades 4-12!
Description: Student Essay Contest
All Catholic Students in
4-12 grade
Contact: Dan Leary
Great news! the essay contest has been expanded. There are now topics for younger students!
4th Grade Topic:
“Ways I share My Time, Talents and Treasures at Home, School, and in My Church Community”
5th Grade Topic:
“In my life, who have been my Spiritual Role Models and Why?”
6th Grade Topic:
“How do I live Jesus’ Teaching, “To Love Thy Neighbor?”
7th Grade Topic:
“How My Catholic / Christian School Education has influenced My Personal Values”
8th-12th Grade Topic: "
How does your family keep its Catholic Faith in Action?
For grades 4-7, essays need to be 250 - 500 words. for 8-12th grade
essays should be 500-750 words.
I think all of the 4th - 8th grade classes at St Michael School will be participating thanks to support from Mrs. Wilkie! Spread the word so we have lots of entries from the entire parish youth community.
REMINDER: with all these essays, we will need judges to read the essays and determine winners...sign up below.
"Blue Mass" to Honor First Responders
Blue Mass to Honor First Responders
: October 7, 2018, 10 AM
This year, the Mass, sometimes known as the Blue Mass, in honor of the uniform color, will be the 10 a.m. Mass Oct. 7 at the Cathedral of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison St., Oakland. Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, will celebrate the Mass.
See website for additional details of event.
Ethos event for Young Adults
Relationship Conference
: 10/6
Organizer: Ethos CA
Ethos CA, formed by former Birthright Livermore leaders to provide a Catholic-based, proactive educational resource for young adults, is holding a
FREE conference for high school students, college students and young adults to learn about relationships from experts in the field. The goal is to use Catholic-based relationship education, geared to this age group, to prevent the need for abortion decisions. You should still be able to register. More information is in this flyer:
Nationwide Rosary Rally
: 10/13
Organizer: Ed Idelicato, Dublin Knight
On Saturday, Oct 13th at 12 Noon a very "Special Nationwide Rosary Rally" will be held at Osage Park in Danville just opposite the Tennis courts on the S W Corner of the Park on a Knoll. A large banner will be displayed and visible to note the location. This will be part of 23,000 Public Rosaries in a Crusade across America to pray for our current Spiritual Crisis within our Church as well as any private petitions you may have. We ask for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, especially through this Rosary. More details in next week's
Remembrance Event
: 10/15
Lady Knights Alison Sarboraria and Karen Tighe asked us to help bring awareness to a Pregnancy and Infant Loss Ministry event.
Monday, October 15th is Worldwide Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. If you have lost a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death or would like to support families who have experienced this type of lost, please join a prayer and remembrance vigil in the parish courtyard from 6:30 to 8:00 PM.
We will be praying and lighting candles in remembrance of the children we have lost and you will have the opportunity to have your child(ren) be remembered by name in prayer. If you are unable to attend the event but would like your child to be remembered, please contact them:
On the Horizon - Watch for SignUp Genius' Soon!!
October 4 - Family Rosary
October 4 - Business Meeting
October 6 - C4V and 2.2 Vet Walk
October 6/7 - Tootsie Roll Drive
October 7 - Blue Mass at Cathedral
October 11 - Family Rosary
October 12 - Fraternal Night
October 13/14 - Membership Drive
October 15 - Remembrance event
October 19 - Pastor Installation
October 27 - Baby Gift Drive / Blood Drive - St Charles
Parish Centennial Festival
Well - it was a lot of fun and the weather was great but it is nice to have the festival behind us.
A huge THANKS! to all of those who came out and helped with the Bishop's Mass, helped to set up, work shifts, tear down, clean up and just do anything that needed to be done to make the St Michael festival a big success.
I was great to see all of the local Seminarians who came out for the event, to eat such great food and enjoy a nice weekend with our Catholic community. I hope you all had a chance to participate in one way or another.
Are you a Social Media wizard?
I still need a brother Knight to step up and help with our website and /or Facebook. We now use the modern WordPress platform and our Facebook account has a growing follower base.
Contact me ( or John Robinson ( if you can help. It is a great opportunity to help spread the word about our activities and to gain experience as well.
Our Church
Purita Wariner - wife of PSD Raymond Warriner. Pray fro the repose of her departed soul.
Margaret Keifer - Mother of PGK Patrick Kiefer passed away peacefully on 10/22. Pray for the repose of her departed soul and for the Keifer family.
Lindy and Dick Epp - Medical care
Tom McCaffrey - brother serious illness
Dave and Cheryl Ruth
If you need some new Livermore Knights swag, we have a fresh supply of the polo style shirts ($20) and hats ($10) available.
We are still taking orders for the limited run "2018 CA Council of the Year" cut-n-sewn shirts that can be embroidered with your name (and title, if you like). Price is $30. You can email me or sign up at the business meeting on October 4th.
The 'Word' from our Sponsor
The greatest among you will be your servant.
Mark 23:11
Did you hear the one about the Knight ...
What is the name of the Knight who is a great trader?
A: Sir Plus