Livermore Knightly News
once a week
October 23, 2018
Brother Marshall Kamena a Tri-Valley Hero!
Office meeting has delayed start this month

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Upcoming Events
Delayed start for Officer/Director meeting
To accommodate attendance of our officers and directors at the rosary for brother knight Marion "Dale" Swadley, we will delay the start of the October 25th Officers and Directors meeting by one hour. We will start the meeting (still at St Charles) at 8:30 pm, have a couple of pizzas available and move quickly through the topics that need to be covered. All are welcome.
Family Rosaries
The final October Knights family rosary will be this week on Thursday, at 6:30 pm in the St Michael courtyard. We will pray for our public leaders, brother Dale Swadley and any other intentions you would like to offer.

Knights should plan to begin the rosary promptly (or a little early) so that they can attend the 7 pm rosary for Dale Swadley at Callaghan's mortuary.
Student Essay Contest deadline approaching

Description: Student Essay Contest
When : NOW
Who: All Catholic Students in 4-12 grade
Contact: Dan Leary

If your child / grandchild has not done their essay yet...time to remind them...FRIDAY IS THE DEADLINE

4th Grade Topic:  “Ways I share My Time, Talents and Treasures at Home, School, and in My Church Community” 
5th Grade Topic:  “In my life, who have been my Spiritual Role Models and Why?” 
6th Grade Topic:  “How do I live Jesus’ Teaching, “To Love Thy Neighbor?” 
7th Grade Topic:  “How My Catholic / Christian School Education has influenced My Personal Values”
8th-12th Grade Topic: " How does your family keep its Catholic Faith in Action?

For grades 4-7, essays need to be 250 - 500 words. for 8-12th grade essays should be 500-750 words.

We still need Baby Gift Collectors!!
Help collect gifts to help new mothers!

We will be collecting gifts for babies on 10/27 and 10/28 at both parishes. Brother Nick Libby will have equipment set up and ready. We just need friendly knights to come a little early to greet gift-giving parishioners before / after mass and help with the collection - it is a fun collection event. We need help at all St Charles Borromeo masses and the afternoon / evening masses at St Michael.
Don't forget the Blood Drive next weekend
Just a reminder, the blood drive in next weekend at St Charles Borromeo - jut in case you signed up to help or donate.
First Degree at November Business meeting
We will be having a first degree ceremony on 11/1 at our November business meeting. If you are working on calling candidates on the list or if you know someone who should be a Knight - now is the time to sign them up!
On the Horizon - Watch for SignUp Genius' Soon!!
October 27 - Baby Gift Drive (Both parishes) / Blood Drive (St Charles)
November 9 LPCC Veteran's Day BBQ
November 11 - Pancake Breakfast for Veterans' Scholarships
November 15 - Deceased Knights Mass and Reception
November 30 - Family Movie Night
Decemnber 8 - Knights 'Tom & Jerry" Christmas Party
Recent Events
Pastor Installation
Father Carl's Installation was a beautiful ceremony. Thank you to all the Color Corps knights who supported the installation and the reception. An awesome buffet was in available with a full roasted pig...MMMM! Welcome SK Fr Carl Arcosa as the St Michael pastor and council co-chaplain! See more photos by clicking below (Thanks go out to Suzanne G for the great photos!).
Christmas Gift Program
Things are continuing forward with the annual Christmas Basket program. The electronic signup forms (new this year) have been successful in helping with logistical aspects of the program and the initial stage of request collection is nearing completion. As we move forward, we will need a number of people to help with the execution of this effort to bring Christmas joy to those in our community who are in need. Please watch for the SignUp Genius soon.
Crab Feed Kickoff

If you like planning and throwing great parties and / or coordinating fundraising events, the Annual Crab feed is a a great event for you. It is one of the most fun and rewarding events of the year. We are scheduling a kickoff meeting for the event (to be held February 16th, 2019 @ RLCC) - watch for a follow-up message with details soon.
Member News
Brother Kamena Named Tri-Valley Hero
Announcing 2018 Tri-Valley Heroes

Lifetime Achievement: Dr. Marshall Kamena, Livermore.  Dr. Marshall Kamena has lived a life of public service, serving on the Livermore City Council from 1976 to 1985, including as mayor in 1979-80 when the city selected mayors from the council and again as elected mayor from 2001 to 2011.
The Tri-Valley has benefited from Dr. Kamena's vision and leadership; he is one of the community leaders who, in the early 1970s, put together a plan to start a public access television channel, which is now Tri-Valley Community Television, a government and public education channel serving the cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton, known to the locals as TV30.
A Message from our Seminarian brother
 We received an update from Seminarian Aidan Cameron-Smith, our brother knight who is studying at Bishop White Seminary in Spokane. I was also a pleasant surprise from some of us to see Aidan this past weekend as he was in Livermore this weekend to attend the funeral of Patricia Wiesner. You can read his message here.
Loss of brother Dale Swadley
Brother Knight  Marion 'Dale' Swadley passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by family on October 11th, 2018. 

 A Rosary will be held at Callaghan’s Mortuary in Livermore on Thursday, October 25 at 7:00 pm and a funeral mass will be held at St. Michael’s Church Friday, October 26 at 11:00 am. Please make arrangements to attend in support of our brother if possible.

Please pray for the repose of brother Dale's soul and pray for his family, including his loving wife of 63 years, Carmel, children Linda Reason (David), Steven Swadley (Laura), Susan Munn (Michael), Michelle Sterritt (Russell), grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
In our prayers

Our Church

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith, Paul Park

PGK Marion 'Dale' Swadley- Pray to the repose of his departed Soul

Joseph Gabriel McCaffrey - Brother of PGK Thomas McCaffrey - Prey for the repose of his departed Soul

Patricia Wiesner - Mother of Father Mark Wiesner - Pray for the repose of her departed soul.

Our newly installed pastor Father Carl Arcosa as he shepherds the St Michael flock

Mike Surritte - cousin of brother Luke Gregory. Pray for the repose of his soul and for the consolation of his wife and two young children.

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Brother Paul Hendrickson - Recovering from surgery

Brother Rich Stewart - Health issues related to seizure

Purita Wariner - wife of PSD Raymond Warriner. Pray for the repose of her departed soul.

Margaret Keifer - Mother of PGK Patrick Kiefer passed away peacefully on 10/22. Pray for the repose of her departed soul and for the Keifer family.

Giracello family - Pat Giracello brother of Vince Giracello passed away on Friday Oct. 12th. May the peace of our Heavenly Father comfort the Giracello family during this difficult time

Lindy and Dick Epp - Medical care

Dave and Cheryl Ruth
Livermore Knights Shirts

Some of the custom embroidered shirts were distributed this week. If you would like a limited run "2018 CA Council of the Year" cut-n-sewn shirts that can be embroidered with your name (and title, if you like). You can email me with you order - just send your name, phone number and how you want your name on the shirt. Price is $30. There are some "2018 CA Council ..." Shirts without names that you can purchase as well ($30).

We have polo style shirts ($20) and hats ($10) available as well.
The 'Word' from our Sponsor

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
Psalm 55:22
Did you hear the one about the Knight ...

Q:  What is the name of the brainy (forever punning) Knight?
A: Sir Ebral
For More Information