Livermore Knightly News
once a week
September 3, 2019

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In this Issue
In This Issue:

A message from the District Deputy
Membership News
Upcoming Events -Sign-ups!
St. Michael Festival Dinner Tickets
Safe Environment Training
In our prayers

A Message from the District Deputy
Knights of Columbus

District Deputy #43

I’d like to devote this newsletter to time. More specifically our perception of how much time we have and how we are willing (or not) to use it.

I just attended a parish membership drive where the pastor gave an awesome sermon exhorting everyone to go out there and live their faith by showing the world what it means to be Christians. Not just by words but, more importantly, by deeds. Everyone received the message loud and clear. What a great lead-in to our recruitment drive!

Amazingly, everyone shifted gears as they left the church. They left that valuable lesson within the church walls. When we offered men the opportunity to do exactly what Father encouraged, they said “I don’t have time” or “Not now, maybe later”. Or they ignored and avoided us. But we’re the good guys trying to help them be better men and better Catholics! Why such a disconnect? Why is everyone so quick to throw up the time excuse?

Here’s another example. You all know what a major commitment it is for a man to be Grand Knight. A lot of work goes into organizing the entire year so that everything will run smoothly. A critical element is forming a cohesive team of officers and directors for the operations and programs. Sadly, I’ve noted that, on average, two officers / directors quit within two months because they don’t have time.  I won’t judge their reasons. However, I will mention the negative, impact they have on the councils. 

When a leader quits or fails to perform his committed duties, those duties get dumped on the already overburdened Grand Knight, or they just don’t get done at all and the council or parish suffers. As men of faith and action, we should not let such things happen. When a vacancy appears, please man up and volunteer to fill it. When you commit to a duty, please see it through to the end.

Some men truly don’t have time. One brother has a large family. His job requires travel. One of his children is dying. He is stressed to limits that most men cannot even imagine. This man doesn’t have time to lead a council program. Yet, he continues to support his council by his presence and participation, along with his family members. What an example of selfless faith in action! This man gets it.

I signed up for a council program called Exodus 90. It involves removing all unnecessary time commitments from your daily life. It also demands the removal of many unhealthy habits like consumption of alcohol and sweets. I’ve been preparing myself for several months by seeing how hard it would be to give up certain things like TV, movies, ball games and dessert.  It was enlightening to see how much time is drained by these seemingly normal habits and how much energy is wasted on them.

When you pull on the “I don’t have time” string, it is amazing what you find at the other end. I’ve heard men say they can’t do Exodus 90 because they aren’t willing to give up watching the Warriors games, playing Saturday golf games, watching their favorite TV shows, or spending time on Facebook and Twitter. Or they can’t give up their weekly wine tasting or movie date. Some of these men are the same ones who won’t step up to council leadership positions because they don’t have time. 
It is sad that many men give more importance to personal endeavors than to serving God and others. They might talk the talk, but they don’t truly walk the walk by giving up some of their daily habits and routine commitments for the benefit of others.

I ask you to reflect on how you are spending your time. When you decline to get involved with council operations or programs because you don’t have time, what do you really mean? We never asked you for your “free time”. By its very nature, free time has no value. It’s free. What we asked you to do is to live your faith in actions of service. It is up to you to carve out the time for that. You know it’s the right thing to do.

Vivat Jesus!

Tom McCaffrey, CFA
Captain, USN(Ret)

Membership News
New Member
Welcome to our newest brother knight, Javier Soto . Brother Javier signed up during the Hispanic Family Retreat and joined us on Wednesday, August 28th, via a DVD ceremony.

Be sure to say hello when you see him at our next business meeting!

Your votes are in!
Thanks to your votes last week, PFN SK Cliff Wiesner is now in the process of being transferred to our council.

The candidate, Dennis Mastrantonio, was also approved for admission and is scheduled to have his First Degree on September 4th.

Upcoming Events
September Business Meeting

What: Business Meeting
When: September 5
Dinner will start at 6:30pm
Meeting will start at 7:30pm
Where: St. Michael Large Hall

In light of a recent events at St. Michael, we have important items to discuss at this meeting.

As mentioned last week, we are expecting quests at this meeting. Expected to attend and receive our donations are representatives from the Dominican Sisters, Livermore Homeless Refuge, Catholic Charities, Support Circle and St. Michael Scouts.

Our brothers from the San Leandro council are also still planning to visit.

Last but not least, PGK/FDD/PCP Chuck Bellavia will also have a short presentation on the KofC Retirement Home.

Alpha Dinner #1 at St. Michael
What: Alpha
When: September 9 @ 6:30pm
Where: St. Michael Large Hall

Our council will sponsor the first Alpha dinner.

Volunteers are still needed to prepare and serve dinner. Please click on the link below to sign up.

Invite a friend to join Alpha and sign up to help today!

Wheelchair Sunday

What : Wheelchair Sunday
When : September 14-15, 2019 @ All Masses
Where: St. Michael Church

We will have our first Wheelchair Sunday in over 10 years! We are partnering with our brothers from the American Wheelchair Mission to raise funds and provide a life changing gift to people with physical disabilities and lack of mobility.

Representatives from the AWM will handle all the set-up and presentations but we need at least 6 Knights to help distribute envelopes and do the 2nd collection at each mass.

Please sign up to help at the mass you regularly attend by clicking on the link below.

Noche Mexicana
What : Noche Mexicana
When : September 14, 2019
Where: St. Michael Large Hall

Noche Mexicana is a welcoming/hospitality outreach to the Hispanic community. Come celebrate Mexican independence day and enjoy delicious traditional finger foods served buffet style.

This is a themed event so put on your sombreros or long colorful dresses and join the fiesta! There will be dancing with mariachi music and folk dance presentations.

St. Michael Festival Feast Day Dinner

What : St. Michael Feast Day Dinner
When : September 28, 2019 @ 6pm
Where: St. Michael School Yard

Tickets are now on sale for the St. Michael Festival Feast Day Dinner. Tickets are $50 each or $400 per table.

Contact PGK Dennis Lundbom at ( 775) 772-6369 or to get your tickets.
Safe Environment Training
It's not too late to complete your Safe Environment Training!

With our events ramping up and more of those involving the school community and kids, it is critical that everyone gets certified.

You can access Praesidium's Armatus training platform online by clicking on the link below. Use registration code "kofcsafe" if you are creating an account for the first time and send your certificate of completion to: .
In our prayers
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Maria Ibarria and for the Ibarria family during this difficult time.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Enrique Borgen, brother of Fr. Alfonso.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Helen Lim, mother-in-law of Mike Taranowski and mother of Lady Nora.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Ernesto Avalos Perez, brother-in-law of Knight Milton Camero and brother of Lady Sofia. He was a police detective killed in the line of duty.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Arielle Mara Arnold, sister of the late Past Chief Squire Elliott Arnold. Also pray for their parents Jim and Resa Elliott during these difficult times.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Judith Aufderheide, mother of Worthy Lecturer and Faith Director, Morry Aufderheide.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Refugio Telles, mother of Lady Cynthia Garay.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Cheryl Ruth.

Pray for the repose of the soul of Capt. John Mickey, USN.

Please pray for Dee Gutierrez Penza, sister of brother John Gutierrez, who suffers from advanced metastatic cancer.

Pray for our brother John Beebe as he recovers from surgery.

Pray for Patrick Allen - son of brother Joe Allen and Nicole Allen. Patrick has been diagnosed with a very aggressive late stage brain cancer. Also pray for Joe and Nicole and the entire family in this terrible difficult time.

Pray for Brother Jim Shirley as he continues to recover from shoulder surgery.

Pray for Jan Robinson, sister of brother John Robinson, who is suffering from breast cancer.

Pray for Jeanne Sylvester, mother in law of brother John Robinson. Surgery.

Brother Ruben Velazquez who is recovering from surgery for his medical condition.

Brother Abe Quinones - getting treatment for pre-cancerous virus that was caught early. Thank you for your earlier prayers.

Philip Chukwu, Brother of Columba Chukwu - Who has received cell treatment and is now on chemotherapy with good prognosis. Keep the prayers coming.

Cristopher Carrano's mother, Elizabeth, is still on dialysis and in need of a kidney transplant. Please pray for the location of a viable and willing donor and for her recovery.

PGK Ed Rocca - Dialysis

PGK Vaugh Brugman - cancer

Joseph Figueiredo

Edmundo Alise and wife - cancer

Our Seminarians - Nathaniel Mayne, Juan Carlos Ponce, Candelario Jimenez, Aidan Cameron-Smith, Paul Park

Christians persecuted in the Middle East

Protection of the unborn and an end to abortion

Brother Ron Hauck

Janine Robles - Kidney issues and losing vision

Daphne Pascual - Cancer

Junio Jacela - a brother knight in the Philippines recovering from surgery and complications

Brother Rich Stewart - Health issues related to seizure

Lindy and Dick Epp - Medical care
The 'Word' from our Sponsor

St. Anthony of Padua
For More Information