During our December staff meeting, teachers discussed and collaborated on how we assign conduct grades. Our rubric can be found below. Through our collaboration, we acknowledged that in the past, conduct grades at times have not reflected the student’s performance and effort accurately. For some students this may appear to be a drop to their usual conduct grade. It is a better representation of your child’s classroom conduct. An accurate conduct grade will improve communication as to how your child conducts themselves in the classroom. This improved communication will help school and home support students classroom/school conduct. The teachers will begin assigning more accurate grades this semester. Please reach out to your teacher or me if you have questions.
Mr. Liponoga
Dean of Students
The teachers developed a conduct rubric. They use this rubric to calculate conduct for the report cards.
“A” in conduct means model behavior.
1. Student demonstrates responsibility in all aspects of school life.
2. Student demonstrates self-control
3. Student is self-motivated
4. Student shows respect towards others
“B” in conduct means good behavior.
1. Student demonstrates responsibility in most aspects of school life.
2. Student demonstrates self-control.
3. Student needs occasional verbal reminders.
4. Student is usually motivated.
5. Student shows respect towards others.
“C” in conduct means fair behavior.
1. Student’s self-control needs attention.
2. Student needs frequent verbal reminders.
3. Student’s sense of responsibility needs attention.
4. Student needs to show respect towards others.
5. Student may have received a behavioral referral.
“D” in conduct means poor behavior.
1. Student has little or no self-control.
2. Student is not self-motivated.
3. Student needs constant verbal reminders.
4. Student is not respectful towards others.
5. Student may have received a behavioral referral.
Any student receiving a behavior referral is not eligible for Honor Roll for that quarter.