We are collecting the following items in support of the Abiding Presence Food Pantry: Children’s Lunch Box Snacks: goldfish, pretzels, granola bars, also lentils. Please drop your items in the donation boxes outside of the Worship Center. Contact Glenn Keller with any questions at Glenn.keller@hotmail.com.
6:30-8:30 P.M.
Need some fun food ideas for your Super Bowl Party and/or Valentines/Galentines Gathering? Ladies 7th grade and up are invited to learn how to build a charcuterie board and then enjoy tasting what you create! Boards and food items will be provided. Cost: $5 to offset food. Click the button below to sign up by February 2nd.
It’s that time of year…preschool registration for 2025/2026! If you have a preschooler and you are interested in learning more about our amazing Knollwood Preschool, please contact Kristin O'Dell to arrange a tour. Registration for Knollwood families will begin on February 5th and as a church member, your registration fee is waived. You can learn more about us at Knoll.org/preschooland by taking a tour of our incredible school.
Sanctity of Life Ministry (SLM) has merged with Mosaic Virginia Pregnancy Centers. The mission to offer comprehensive resources, educational support, enhanced outreach, compassionate medical care, and strong support for women facing unplanned pregnancies has not changed. SLM affirms life in the womb. On Sunday, February 9, a ministry representative will share how Knollwood’s support is vital to their mission.
Join us as all ages come together for a night of fun! We’ll play several rounds of BINGO (with prizes!) and enjoy a POTLUCK meal together. The games are FREE! Just sign up to bring dish to share! Email Mary Mendez with any questions at mary@knoll.org.
The existence of other religions can be a disorienting reality for God's people; so much so, it is often completely ignored. Led by Elijah Hearin, this course will take a detailed look at what the Bible says about the existence of other religions and address questions such as: (1) Are all religions the same? and (2) Is salvation possible outside of Jesus? Additionally, the course will explore certain beliefs of other religions so we as Christians may know how to more effectively communicate the gospel to our neighbors in a clear and compelling manner. There are no required or recommended readings for this course. Childcare provided upon request.
Check out this video in which Pastor Chris talks about how community makes you thrive. While you’re there, don’t forget to give it a like, comment, and share the article.
If we had an email address and you donated to Knollwood in 2024, you should have received an email from Knollwood this past Tuesday (1/28) with a secure link to your 2024 annual giving statement. This statement is provided to support your 2024 IRS tax filing requirement. If no email was in our system, we mailed this report to the address on file. If you have questions or need us to provide a hard copy, please contact Kathryn (Kathryn@Knoll.org) or David (David@Knoll.org). Thank you for your generosity this past year.