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Knops disappointed after visit to St. Maarten

PHILIPSBURG - State Secretary Raymond Knops is disappointed on several levels after his visit to St. Maarten last week. His experiences with the islands of Statia and Saba were much more positive. This appears from the report Knops submitted to...

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Job Vacancy: Lawyer Wanted

Local Law Firm Cor Merx Legal Services continues to grow and is Seeking a Lawyer with 3 to 5 years experience with social skills that go beyond just the knowledge of the laws. Click here for more details ...

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Information on how to use and get the most out of ~ - Register for the Free Newsletter at You will not only become a member of the website but also receive the free email newsletter. Send...

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NAGICO urges preparation; active hurricane season expected

PHILIPSBURG - The Atlantic Hurricane Season starts June 1st and NAGICO Insurances is urging everyone to get ready for what has already been forecasted by NOAA's Climate Prediction Center (CPC), to be 'a very active season'. "Getting an early...

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Jurists called to become prosecutors

Training available ~ PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Jurists seeking to explore another facet of the criminal justice system of the Dutch Caribbean can do this by training to become a prosecutor. This opportunity is available to two qualified persons...

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How To Quickly Detect A Dishonest Foreign "Expert"

The recent decolonization debate will surely bring forth the usual parade of charlatans and "quick buck" artists who wish to exploit the gullibility and general lack of information regarding decolonization. Here's a quick test that governments...

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Parliament of St. Maarten now stuck with law firm at $7000 per month?

Watching the parliament meeting with Mr. Peter Choharis of the law firm hired to submit a petition to the United Nations (UN) on behalf of the Parliament and the People of St. Maarten, a question started to ferment in the back of our minds. Who is really paying this good gentleman?

Out of the meetings held yesterday, Wednesday, May 26, and today, Thursday, May 27, all we can gather is that Mr. Choharis has been hired by 'Parliament'. He has not named any individuals who exactly hired his law firm. Correct us if we are incorrect.

But saying one is hired by Parliament is like saying one is hired by the People of St. Maarten. (How vague can you be....?)

We all know as well - all too well - that that is also incorrect. No People of St. Maarten hired Choharis. School children are telling us who exactly retained the services of Mr. Choharis. But we will not confirm the name mentioned unless we get corroboration.

We can only conclude for the time being that the Parliament of St. Maarten is now stuck with this Choharis law firm. We will be looking forward to the court case when names will be called of who exactly hired this law firm to represent Parliament and the People of St. Maarten because we foresee that indeed, the People of St. Maarten will not be footing the bill when it is sent to Parliament. Politics
MP Buncamper requests committee meeting to address NIPA

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - On Friday, Member of Parliament (MP) Claudius "Toontje" Buncamper, faction leader of the United St. Maarten Party (USP) in parliament submitted a letter to the chairlady of the Committee of Education, Culture, Youth...

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Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs travels to Netherlands to ...

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten - Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion traveled to the Netherlands yesterday, May 25, 2021, to rectify the non-payment of the fifth tranche of liquidity support. State Secretary of...

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COCI To Commence with Deregistration of Legal Entities...

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry (COCI), calls on the business community, social organizations, foundations, and other legal entities to update their information at the Chamber within the soonest time...

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Man arrested for ill-treating tenant with a knife

Police dispatch received several calls on Monday, May 17 2021, around 9:30pm about a stabbing on Tjon-Sie-Fat Road, Cole Bay. At the location, the police patrol and ambulance personnel found a man with two stab wounds on his shoulder. The victim...

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Office of the AG to host seminar on sexual offences

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - The Office of the Attorney General PPG of Curaçao, St. Maarten and Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba has organized a seminar on sexual offences for Thursday, 26 August 2021, on Curacao. Partners on Sint Maarten, Saba,...

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'Toon Knops moet anders'

Nieuwe commissie KR kritisch over stopzetten steun Sint Maarten Van onze correspondent Den Haag - De nieuwe commissie voor Koninkrijksrelaties van de Tweede Kamer was gisteren weinig enthousiast over het optreden van CDA-staatssecretaris Raymond...

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Knops wil eerst daden van Sint Maarten zien

Van onze correspondent Den Haag - De intenties van de regering van Sint Maarten lijken goed, maar staatssecretaris Raymond Knops van Koninkrijksrelaties wil daden zien voor hij de liquiditeitssteun overmaakt. Dat schrijft hij in zijn verslag voor ...

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Coronasteunpakket voor Caribisch Nederland verlengd

Den Haag - Het coronasteunpakket van het Rijk voor Caribisch Nederland wordt net als dat in Europees Nederland met opnieuw 3 maanden verlengd. Dat hebben de ministers Blok (Economische Zaken) en Koolmees (Sociale Zaken) vandaag bekendgemaakt in...

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VWS: Vaccineren moet ook op Sint Maarten gratis blijven

Den Haag - Het besluit van de regering van Sint Maarten om vanaf 1 augustus tegen betaling te vaccineren stuit op bezwaren van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. "Vaccinatiegezant Marc Sprenger is in overleg met de minister van ...

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COLUMN - Sint Maarten heeft een gespleten persoonlijkheid

In de zondagse estafette-rubriek 'Bericht uit...' belichten columnisten uit de Caribische delen van het Koninkrijk bij toerbeurt de kanten van hun eiland waarvan zij vinden dat die de aandacht van alle koninkrijksburgers verdienen. Vandaag komt...

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Eight New Positive COVID-19 cases on Wednesday

SINT MAARTEN (POND ISLAND) - As of May 26th, there were eight (8) persons who tested positive for COVID-19; however, twelve (12) persons have recovered; bringing the total active cases eighty-four (84). The total number of confirmed cases is now...

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VMT appeals for Community Outreach volunteers ...

SINT MAARTEN (GREAT BAY, (DCOMM) - The Vaccination Management Team (VMT), is appealing for volunteers to assist in the vaccination outreach campaign. The VMT wants to emphasize that the current mass vaccination campaign will end on July 31st....

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SXM DOET enforces stricter rules due to rising COVID-19...

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - This weekend, Friday, May 28 & Saturday, 29, the annual SXM DOET projects are scheduled to take place. Due to the rising covid-19 numbers, the SXM DOET team is asking all participating organizations to re-assess if...

Read more now offering shared charters to St. Kitts & Nevis

Shared charter rates from $260 US Dollars per one-way and up for groups of up to seven (7) passengers + one piece of checked luggage and one carry-on each. Submit a reservation request online at

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Gold SafeSeal Granted to "Be Safe with Nexus" Protocols

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - A Gold Safeseal recognition was granted to the Health and Safety protocols of Maho Events Management / Nexus. SafeSeal is the recognition of best practices in protecting its customers against COVID19. Maho Events...

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Mr. Peter Choharis hides behind 'attorney-client privilege' to not reveal who hired him. Fair?
It is taxpayers money! We need to know!!!
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Government poised to extend coronavirus support for biz

The Dutch cabinet is expected to announce an extension to the current support measures for companies caught up in the coronavirus crisis later today. The new deadline for the measures to be phased out would be the fourth since the pandemic began.

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Government urged to help vaccinate Dutch citizens abroad ...

A Dutch expats' group has called on the government not to overlook people living in countries with high coronavirus infections in its vaccine planning. The organisation Stichting Nederlanders Buiten Nederland (SNBN) has called for the rules on...

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Police find 550kg of laughing gas in car

Police in Zwolle have arrested a man who was caught transporting 78 canisters of nitrous oxide in his car. Traffic patrol officers stopped the vehicle after they received a report about someone acting suspiciously in the area on Wednesday.

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Coronavirus cases and patient numbers continue to decline

The number of people being treated in hospital for coronavirus has fallen by 20% in the last seven days, according to the public health agency RIVM's latest figures. On Thursday morning there were 1,512 patients in total, including 971 on the...

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Need a Shared Charter to Curacao?
AirStMaarten now offering shared charters to Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao starting at $2000 USD per seat.
It is smarter to charter!
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