The City of Boca Raton's Police, Firefighters and Paramedics are hosting the
2024 First Responder Expo on Saturday, February 3 at the
Town Center Mall from 10am - 2pm. Come out to meet and greet YOUR first responders. Here are some helpful tips to #KnowBeforeYouGo!
A FREE and fun event for the whole family to enjoy. Planned activities for the day include:
  • Live action firefighting
  • K-9 and motorcycle demonstrations
  • Interactive activities
  • Informative displays
  • Free food
  • Raffles
  • Photo opportunities
  • Free blood pressure & cholesterol checks

Date: Saturday, February 3

Time: 10am - 2pm

Location: The Town Center Mall parking lot, at the corner of Glades Rd. and St. Andrews Blvd. (in front of the former Sears location).

Weather: The event continues rain or shine.

Restrooms: Portable restrooms will be available.

Come one come all: This event is FREE and open to the public.

NEW! This Year: The Kathryn Krickstein Pressel MammoVan will be on-site. Registration required.
Where to Park?:
  • FREE parking is available in the Town Center Mall parking lot, near the NW corner of the mall, between Glades Rd. and St. Andrews Blvd.
Let's Be Friends: Like Boca Raton Police Services Department on Facebook to stay updated on event details as well as future public safety events. Also, check out the City's Fire Rescue Services webpage for more information on the department.

Spread the Love: Use the hashtag #LoveBocaRaton when posting your photos around the City. You might be featured on one of our pages! Also, use the First Responder event hashtag

Stay Connected with the City: 
  • Subscribe to the City's monthly City Connection
  • Get the My Boca App for a quick and easy way to report a concern, check beach conditions, pay a water bill & more.
  • Sign up TODAY to receive important messages about City services, initiatives, and emergency notifications directly from the City and Boca Raton Police Services through Alert Boca or text AlertBoca (no space) to 38276
It Takes Four Seconds or Less for someone to break into your vehicle: Be sure to lock your car and take all personal items with you. Never leave your keys in your vehicle.
Plan Ahead: Talk to your family members about a potential meet up spot around the event in case you get separated.