Know Your 2022 Ballot

Dear Friends,

As we find ourselves amid voting season, it is important that your vote is informed and prepared. As voting is underway, we have received many emails and phone calls asking for help in understanding the ballot. We are so thankful that you have considered us a helpful resource and we are happy to continue to assist voters in understanding their ballot.
As you prepare to vote, consider these FAQ’s:

Where Can I get a sample ballot?
To see your ballot ahead of time, visit the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Voter Portal to find your Registration and Election information. Here you will be able to print a sample ballot and prepare yourself to have an informed vote.

How can I be informed in my vote to retain judges when their party affiliation is not listed?
The best way to be informed when voting for judges is to consider their record. Since each ballot will have district specific judges listed, you will need to get specific details about judges on your ballot. To aid in obtaining details, contact your County Chairperson and ask them for information specifically related to the judges on your ballot. Need help finding your County Chair? Just send us a message at and we will connect you. 

What should I know about the Amendments as I prepare to vote?
There are currently 3 amendments on the ballot that will need your vote. Ballotpedia gives the following explanations of each amendment:

Constitutional Amendment 1 would allocate 1.25% of the five-year average of year-end market values of the money in the Land Grant Permanent Fund to early childhood education (60% of the allocation) and public education (40% of the allocation).
Bottom Line: the amendment will increase the amount per year that our legislators can pull from our state savings account to give to education. It’s always wise to pause before dipping into a savings account. First, we must consider if current funds are being used wisely and efficiently before dipping into reserves.

Constitutional Amendment 2 would amend Article IX of the state constitution to add an exception to the state's anti-donation clause to authorize the state legislature to appropriate state funds through a majority vote in each chamber for infrastructure that provides essential services. The amendment defines essential services as "infrastructure that allows internet, energy, water, wastewater or other services provided by law." 
Bottom Line: We feel that it is important to point out that this amendment will create further exceptions to the state’s anti-donations clause. If you remember the situation with the City of Albuquerque allocating funds to Planned Parenthood, the biggest ethical question was whether or not the allocation violated the anti-donations clause. To further extend exceptions to this clause in our constitution could open potentially dangerous and alarming avenues to fund “other” services provided by law, which could include abortion services.

Constitutional Amendment 3 would amend Section 35 of Article VI of the New Mexico Constitution, which addresses the appellate judges nominating commission. The ballot measure would also affect state supreme court justices, district court judges, and metropolitan court judges.
Constitutional Amendment 3 would provide that an appointed judge shall be up for election at the first general election one year after being appointed. At the election, the winning candidate would serve the remainder of the term in effect.[2]
As of 2022, an appointed judge is up for election at the next general election following appointment.
Bottom Line: this amendment allows judges who have been appointed to a position to have, at minimum, one full year of service before having to run in a partisan election. 

How do I understand the Bond Questions?
Bonds always seem to be information overload by the time you get to the end of your ballot. Prepare yourself ahead of time by looking at the breakdown of what each bond will do. Remember, bonds cost money so it’s always wise to consider where the money will come from.

We hope these resources and explanations will help you as you prepare to cast your vote in the 2022 election. We pray for each of you to have wisdom and discernment as you unleash biblical citizenship this election cycle.

Standing Firm,

Jodi Hendricks
Executive Director
New Mexico Family Action Movement
Voters need to know who their Pro-Life Candidates are. Help us spread the word by sharing these resources with your church, business, or community.

New Mexico Family Action Movement
PO Box 52201
Albuquerque, NM 87181-2201
Protecting Families, Preserving Freedom
