RCLLG April Newsletter

Read our past newsletters!

Newsletter Content:
1. April 9 Meeting Summary
2. Transforming Learning Summit
3. Land Use On-Demand Trainings
April Members Meeting:
What's Next for our Schools?
Last Friday, April 9th, RCLLG held their April members meeting featuring a fishbowl conversation with 5 school district leaders. Featured was:

  • Superintendent Chris Lennox, Mounds View Schools
  • Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent Elect Dr. Jenny Loeck, Roseville Area Schools
  • Tim Wald, Assistant Superintendent, White Bear Lake Schools
  • Jessica Kopp, Board of Education, St. Paul Public Schools
  • Sean Cotherman, Administrator of Online Programs, North St Paul - Maplewood - Oakdale Schools
The meeting began with attendee introductions. Members were asked to share their biggest takeaways or lessons learned from the educational challenges of the past year. The themes of resiliency, collaboration, gratefulness for the dedication, creativity, and passion of educators and leaders, as well as evidence of disparities, such as broadband access, were recurring takeaways. Mental health of educators was, unsurprisingly, another concern. In conclusion, everyone agreed that educators are truly unsung heroes!
Fishbowl Conversation

When asked about their district's greatest threats and opportunities that have emerged the past year, these themes arose:

  • Family and student engagement virtually and post-pandemic
  • Financial implications – enrollment effects e.g., private school enrollment up, public enrollment down
  • Health and safety – food insecurity
  • Shifting learning models
  • Mental health impact

  • Programming to meet needs
  • Leveraging technology – engaging larger amounts of people with virtual meetings
  • Accelerated instruction schedules
  • Implementation of meal delivery systems
  • Parent insight/involvement into the student learning experience
  • Deeper and more authentic focus on student engagement, allowing students to guide education

Panelists were also asked how they can support our communities to learn from racial injustices and traumas. Tim Wald discussed how it's important to create an awareness of racial equity, and listening to our students' voices can help accomplish this. Read the notes to hear the other panelists' answers!
How can RCLLG support schools?

Dr. Jenny Loeck suggested that RCLLG can help tell the schools' stories to help grow the appreciation and connection in our community. We can also inform our leaders what resources our schools need, such as ensuring there are housing supports for families. Overall, since RCLLG members represent cities and schools, we can work together to figure out where our missions and visions align.

A member Q&A followed. RCLLG members asked panelists what are some things that won’t return to ‘normal?’ Another member asked how can we help students who have experienced learning loss? Click below to read the meeting notes to hear our panelists' answers.
Thank you to those who participated!

To All of Our Educators! You're Invited
Fusion Learning Partners is pleased to help support our educators with this unique opportunity for learning, engagement and inspiring innovation – and RCLLG member school districts receive a special discount!

Transforming Learning Summit
Virtual Conference |August 11 & 12, 2021
Building a Culture of Learning

This two-day, virtual Summit will bring together hundreds of leaders and professionals from across the spectrum of K-12 educational settings and functions, along with their private, public and civic sector partners to advance learning and share best practices. 
This year’s Summit aims to address the urgent needs of educators and school administrators in the areas of student and educator mental health, diversity, equity, inclusion, student centered learning, technology, assessment, virtual learning & so much more! We understand the challenges educators are facing right now and want to be responsive and supportive!
Registration fee includes access to all conference content
+ access to recordings of all sessions!
SAVE $20
Use code TLS2021RAMSEYCO at checkout
per student
A Resource to Support Your Community’s Planning:

Land Use On-Demand Sessions are now available!
Check out our online library of on-demand sessions covering the most popular topics for those new to the field, looking for a refresher or looking to expand knowledge on a specific topic. 

Watch anytime, from anywhere for a great value. Choose from individual breakout session(s), the main session “Planning & Zoning: The Essential Elements” or the All Access pass, which gives you full access to all the sessions.

Thanks for reading our newsletters!

Make sure to follow RCLLG on Twitter!

If you have any questions about RCLLG, your membership, or news listed above, please email

Please note that GTS Educational Events is now Fusion Learning Partners! Due to this name change, the RCLLG email address and website address have also changed. 
Visit the RCLLG website and follow us on social media!
Ramsey County League of Local Governments |