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This bald eagle chick embodies one of Connecticut's best conservation success stories. Nesting bald eagles disappeared from our state in the 1950s. Today, through cooperative work between wildlife biologists and landowners, eagles are thriving and represent the importance of the Recovering America's Wildlife Act. Dedicated funding for wildlife conservation will create a wildlife legacy we can be proud of -- where future generations of eagles soar free and we delight in watching them.
2019: Make a Difference for Wildlife
There are plenty of simple ways everyone can help wildlife, and each month we will highlight an action you can take to benefit the species that call Connecticut home.
Share the Shore.
Human disturbance at beach nesting areas may result in nest abandonment by state and federally threatened piping plovers and state threatened least terns or the loss of eggs and chicks. Each year, the Wildlife Division delineates nesting sites with stake and string fencing to dissuade people from disturbing the birds and nests. These shorebirds need special protection throughout their April to August nesting season, especially during the increased beach activity over the Memorial Day and Fourth-of-July weekends. By following the warning signs and staying away from fenced areas, beach visitors can avoid disturbing the nesting birds. We thank you for your cooperation.
Join Us for Discover Outdoor Connecticut Day |
SAVE THE DATE! Join us at Hammonasset Beach State Park (Meigs Point Area) in Madison on Sunday, September 15, from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM to participate in a
FREE event sponsored by the DEEP Bureaus of Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation.
Discover Outdoor Connecticut Day explores Connecticut's fish and wildlife resources and legacy of outdoor traditions, with live animals, demonstrations, fish casting, fly tying, archery, kid's activities, outdoor skills, a photo contest, and more! Bring a picnic lunch and stay for a few hours or the whole day! Activities are still being planned, so stay tuned to our website as September approaches to get more details (
Report Bat Maternity Colonies |
Summer is bat maternity season. During this time, female bats gather together and form colonies to rear their young (pups). Often times, these colonies are in eaves, barns, or other man-made structures. It is essential to not perform exclusion tactics during maternity season, as you run the risk of separating flightless, nursing pups from their mothers. The bats associated with human structures have been severely impacted by white-nose syndrome and are state endangered. Delaying exclusion work until young bats can fly makes a meaningful contribution to their conservation. If you know the whereabouts of a maternity bat roost, contact the Wildlife Division at deep.batprogram@ct.gov.
If You Care, Leave It There
Photo courtesy of Chris Chevalier |
Deer fawns are being born this time of year (late May to mid-June), and the Wildlife Division would like to remind residents to avoid disturbing or picking them up. It is best to keep your distance because the fawn's mother is almost always nearby. When people see a small fawn alone, they often mistakenly assume it is helpless, lost, or needing to be rescued. Fawns do not attempt to evade predators during their first few weeks, instead they rely on camouflage and stillness to remain undetected. Also, deer nurse their young at different times during the day and often leave their young alone for long periods of time. If you care, leave it there.
The 2020 State Forest Action Plan - Let Your Voice Be Heard
Every 5 to 10 years, Connecticut residents have the opportunity to help shape the future of our state's woodlands through participating in the Forest Action Plan public input sessions. The current CT Forest Action Plan, written in 2010 and updated in 2015, acts as a guide for the Division of Forestry and hopefully inspires others to improve and protect Connecticut's forest resources for future generations. Public roundtable discussions will be held in June in three regions of Connecticut: Central, Eastern, and Western. Let your voice be heard.
Juvenile ratsnake |
Warmer weather means an increased opportunity for Connecticut residents to encounter some of the 14 species of native snakes. The Wildlife Division frequently receives calls and emails from concerned residents regarding snake encounters.
Snakes have a long history of being misunderstood, and many people view these creatures as aggressive and full of malice. In reality, the snakes of Connecticut are generally harmless and would prefer to not be bothered by people. Snakes only bite to capture food or in defense. Defensive biting in snakes, venomous or not, is a last resort, and no snake will attack humans unprovoked. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with our native species to be better prepared to properly identify snakes in the future. If you encounter any exotic reptiles or amphibians in the wild, please contact the Wildlife Division at deep.ctwildlife@ct.gov.
National Pollinator Week: June 17-23, 2019
Twelve years ago, the U.S. Senate's unanimous approval and designation of a week in June as "National Pollinator Week" marked a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations. Pollinator Week has now grown into an international celebration of the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats, and beetles.
What can you do to help? Pollinators need places to nest, feed, and protect their offspring. By managing your property to be pollinator-friendly, you may be able to greatly improve pollinator habitat. Maintaining natural areas (unmanicured areas of your property) is key for long-term pollinator protection. If you have a forest, meadow, or wetland on your property, bees will use those areas extensively for both feeding and nesting.
To encourage butterflies, you should plant the caterpillar host plants. For example, monarchs need milkweeds to feed on as caterpillars. New Jersey tea is eaten by many Connecticut insects, making it a great addition to a pollinator garden. Planting native food plants in your yard or garden is a great way to encourage pollinators to flourish!
Housatonic Valley High School Wins 2019 Connecticut Envirothon Competition
On May 16, 2019, 29 teams comprised of high school students from across the state competed in the 2019 Connecticut Envirothon competition held at Spring Valley Farm in Tolland. Envirothon is a natural resource-based education program that is managed by a steering committee comprised of several conservation and environmental organizations.
High school students work in teams led by a teacher/advisor. During the school year, teams receive curriculum materials and are invited to a series of training workshops in the Envirothon study areas of soils, aquatics, wildlife, forestry, and a current environmental issue. In May, teams meet for an all-day field competition where they put their knowledge to the test. This year Housatonic Valley High School came in first place and will advance to the national-level competition.
Upcoming Hunter Education Courses for July 2019
Conservation Education/Firearms Safety courses are administered by the Wildlife Division and taught throughout the year by a dedicated corps of certified volunteer instructors. Certifications are offered in the disciplines of firearms hunting, bowhunting, and trapping. Following is a list of upcoming courses for the month of July.
These courses post for registration 30 days prior to their start date.
Please note:
Courses can be scheduled at any time, and this may not be a final list of this month's offerings.
- Monroe: Saturday, July 13 AND 20
Firearms (Self-Study):
- Norfolk: Saturday, July 27
Coyote Land Trapping:
- Burlington: Saturday, July 13
Species of the Month: Gray Tree Frog
The gray tree frog varies in color from greenish-gray to gray-black, depending on the background environment. Their coloration allows them to perfectly blend in with lichen encrusted tree bark where they often rest. The back of the tree frog's thighs are bright yellow-orange with black mottling. Gray tree frogs favor moist, deciduous woodlands with pools of standing water for breeding. More often heard than seen, the gray tree frog's hearty, resonating trill, is usually heard in spring and summer.
Your Feedback Is Important to Us!
Send your comments or suggestions to deep.ctwildlife@ct.g
You are making a difference and we thank you for your support!
You'll find each issue packed with information about wildlife, hunting, fishing, and natural resource-related issues in Connecticut.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact us at 860-418-5910 or deep.accommodations@ct.gov if you: have a disability and need a communication aid or service; have limited proficiency in English and may need information in another language; or if you wish to file an ADA or Title VI discrimination complaint.