MAY 2019
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Next Edition Topics:

CTPAT 101 : The basics regarding Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, for companies who wish to engage in smooth and efficient international trade by partnering with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The purpose of this publication is to provide information about investigative topics that you can use.
In this month's edition of VantagePoints, we first discuss the targeted exploitation of senior citizens by charitable organizations. Families are increasingly being forced to deal with this unfortunate situation.  
We next present an observation of societal issues that have contributed to the mushrooming incidence of theft of non-cash items in the workplace.      
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Overly Charitable: When organizations exploit the generosity of senior citizens
As people reach their later years, they often begin to contemplate ways they might make a difference - to leave the world a better place. Many will start sending money to charitable organizations that support causes with which they feel an affinity. In doing so, they feel as if they have done their part to address a serious need.  
What the donor does not know is that contributor lists are widely shared amongst the marketing firms that spearhead fundraising efforts for the various organizations. Consequently, the donor will typically begin to receive solicitations from many other groups, which often using slick promotional materials that appeal to their individual values.
In many cases, the marketer receives the lion's share of the money that is given to the cause. Coupled with added administration fees, the percentage of donations being applied to the stated outreach can be minuscule - or even nonexistent. The starving child depicted in the advertisement may never receive any assistance.
A senior citizen who donates money to support entities such as veterans' or police associations can expect
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Fringe Benefits: Employees who rationalize workplace theft
In this age of relativism, it seems that the old mores of society are increasingly being cast aside in favor of a nonjudgmental environment in which people are viewed as not wholly responsible for their actions. Outside influences and factors are continually blamed for the shortcomings of the individual, rather than his or her own poor choices. This societal shift has reared its ugly head in the area of workplace theft.

Additionally, the virtual enslavement of vast numbers of our citizens to electronic devices and social media has provided a new element to office thievery. An employee who is harnessed to his or her personal iPhone endeavors while on the clock is stealing - plain and simple.

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners reports that theft of non-cash items increased from 10.6 percent of corporate theft losses in 2002 to 21 percent in 2018.[1] Pairing the two aforementioned factors, this should come as no surprise.

An employee who has continually been the beneficiary of blame shifting can much more easily justify the theft of company property, from office supplies to equipment , especially someone who feels underpaid or underappreciated.   And a worker who is addicted to Facebook probably... Read More