August 2018
In This Issue
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Trace Investigation's Kaytlyn Black is presently enrolled in advanced studies in cyber investigations and intelligence. The McAfee Institute is a privately held e-education company providing training and certifications for private investigators, loss prevention professionals, law enforcement personnel and cyber security specialists. Kaytlyn is Trace's first full time legal investigator dedicated to cyber investigations.
"You can't have privacy without security."

- Larry Page,
CEO of Alphabet,
co-founder of Google

We are grateful to have the opportunity to provide you this valuable information. We take special care to ensure the information we provide you in "Tracings" is the latest and most current information available.  In this edition, we address the need for greater vigilance in protecting our private and personal information when using our cellular and computer devices.
The goal of this e-newsletter is to provide you with critical information that will help you prevail in your business affairs wherever fact finding is an essential component. We will share what we have learned in our 30+ years as professional investigators and intelligence analysts.

We want to write about topics that will assist you in succeeding in your business endeavors. Please e-mail us your topics of interest to
We encourage you to share our e-newsletter with others in your sphere of influence.  
The Trace Team

The Federal Trade Commission recently released its 2017 update on Privacy & Data Security. The FTC has a broad range of law enforcement responsibilities in protecting consumers and competition across the U.S. economy, among those is prohibiting unfair or deceptive trade practices. In 2017 there were major players in the U.S. marketplace which found themselves in the FTC's crosshairs.

Uber Technologies settled FTC charges that it had deceived consumers in how they protected customer's private information as well as their driver data. If you utilized Uber in recent years, there's a chance your personal information (phone number, credit card data, etc.) has been compromised. Part of the FTC's complaint against Uber concerned how they store consumer data in the cloud. Uber utilized a third party cloud service, but failed to require multiple authentication factors for access to the data. Although Uber had implemented "... an automated system for monitoring employee access to consumer personal information, the company stopped using it less than a year after it was put in place ..." in December 2014. The FTC and Uber entered a consent agreement that requires implementation of an extensive privacy program and subject's Uber to regular, independent audits.

Lenovo is one of the world's largest manufacturers of computers. Thirty-two state attorneys general joined the FTC in charging the company with selling laptops to the public beginning in August of 2014 that were loaded with an adware program called VisualDiscovery (from Superfish, an e-advertising company), which delivered unwanted... Read More

art2 The Last Act for an ID Thief
A 38-year old former payroll supervisor for the Louisiana Supreme Court was recently sentenced for stealing $116,000 from the state, after her conviction for creating fake payroll vouchers using the identities of four retired judges who fill in on the courts' docket when other judges are not available. She deposited the pay checks into bank accounts that she controlled. She received a four year suspended prison sentence along with four years of inactive probation. She has repaid $70,000 of the pilfered funds and was ordered to repay the remainder as part of her sentence. If she successfully completes her probation and repays the money, she will be eligible to expunge the felony conviction. Sometimes, second acts are possible.
If you are the victim of identity fraud and need assistance in investigating someone you believe responsible, contact Trace Investigations at (812) 334-8857.