Diocese of Knoxville Priests seek help from the Papal Ambassador to US - Request ignored since September 2021
The Pillar (PillarCatholic.com) is reporting on a letter sent by 11 priests of the Diocese of Knoxville to Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Papal Nuncio, requesting relief from Bishop Richard Stika.

Weekend of Standing for Survivors - Summary
Included in this video:
  1. The name of a suspended priest of the diocese is still listed as pastor on the church sign, the parish website, and the church bulletin. This is failure to follow diocesan policy. Priest should have been removed from ministry pending investigation immediately when the bishop knew of allegations. This is re-abuse of the victim as well as negligence toward the parishioners.
  2. If the bishop won't follow policy, where are the vicar generals and the chancellor of the diocese? If the chancellor is in charge of the Safe Environment program, he should have had the name removed.
  3. Leaving the name up in this way demeans the victim and places doubt in the mind of the people about the victim's claims. It gives unfair advantage to the accused priest when his name is still attached to the parish as pastor. This is not what "suspension from ministry looks like."
  1. Successful day at Sacred Heart Cathedral.
  2. Rector of the Cathedral announced after Mass that we were outside on public property. Stated that the church did support victims. Told anyone with questions to call him and to call third-party number if they knew or suspected abuse.
  3. We hope this third party is the police because that is diocesan policy.
Chris O'Leary from St. Louis came to Knoxville and Gatlinburg to lead the vigils
Susan Vance | 865-748-3518