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Kol Hatnua

March 2022

The Voice of the Movement

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Shalom Judaeans! 

Welcome to the Kol Hatnua, Young Judaea’s national newsletter. We hope this finds you off to a remarkable start of the new year. 

In addition to implementing this new initiative, we are excited to bring back in person events, including conventions! This past November, mazkirut members on both the national and regional levels had the privilege to attend the YJ gala. It was amazing to have the opportunity to meet, greet, and schmooze with Young Judaeans who throughout their lives have all come together around YJ. 

Here are events to look for this spring: 

  • The Gesher Summit: although we have had a few delays with this program that will aid our 12th graders in the learning of how to express themselves and their stories in a thoughtful way, we are hoping to find an alternative approach that is just as impactful.
  • An immersive and interactive programming workshop where regional mazkiriot and other YJ teen leaders had the opportunity to learn about and write creative, thought-provoking and engaging programs  
  • National Convention will be May 27-30 at Tel Yehudah and is open to all grades 8-12. Make sure to mark your calendars!

See you at National Convention!

Your National Mazkirut

The Scoop

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Read the Regional Update!

Click to Read
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Bubbie's Kitchen - YJ Inspired Recipes

Click for Recipes!

A Reflection on Alternative Winter Break

Click to Read

A Year Course Update

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Click to Read

Coming Up!

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National Convention

May 27-30, 2022

Camp Tel Yehudah

Barryville, New York

So you want a taste of camp before June? If so, make sure to mark your calendars! National/Northeast convention is this Memorial Day weekend (May 27-30) at TY! Keep your eyes out for our registration link! See you all there! 

Voice of the Movement

In this issue of Kol Hatnua we spoke to Judaeans that live in areas where though there might not be a strong Year-Round Young Judaea presence, they are all inspired to revive and lead their Young Judaea clubs. Each interviewee spoke on the themes of connection, community, long lasting friendships, and YJ in their lives beyond summer camps. Listen to hear how much YJ means to chanichim today!

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Leon Cohen

Atlanta, Geogia

 Current Mazkir of ATL YJ

Click to listen

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Canaan Estes

Houston, Texas

Gesher summer 2022

Click to listen

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Uri Levinson

Monterrey, Mexico

Gesher summer 2022

Click to listen

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Ana Suskind

Takoma Park, Maryland

Gesher summer 2022

Click to listen

Fun n' Games

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Where is Leo the Lion? Find him in this picture!

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Do you see David Weinstein, an Israeli flag, and Leo the Lion? Play iSpy right here!

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