Rabbi's Blog:

Christmas is early this year. In fact, it begins on the 24th of the Hebrew month of Kislev. Because of how the Gregorian calendar works, some of Christmas even falls on the first night of

Chanukah. Of course, some people say the opposite - Chanukah is late. I suppose it depends on your frame of reference.


President's Blog:

This month, I wanted to share my thoughts I shared during Kol Nidre for those that may not have attended or missed the playback on our YouTube channel. The inspiration for my message is one of personal connection that leads us to examine how we got to TKC and where we go from here. Regardless of the road we took to arrive at this moment, the most important thing is we are present and hope to have a presence here at TKC moving forward.


News From the Mitzner Family Religious School

We have had a very busy few months in the religious school! We celebrated Sukkot with our annual Sukkot picnic with Whit's Custard in our new sukkah. Our students made some beautiful decorations and our 6th grade class (with additional helpers) helped to set it up.

Now we turn our focus on Chanukah and our biggest fundraiser of the year for the religious school! Join us on December 15 for a pajama party to celebrate Chanukah - we will make gifts for our family and enjoy made-to-order omelets by Chef Chip and coffee donated by Summit Coffee.

Our classes have been learning a lot and we are so proud of them! See some of our in class learning below!


Cherokee County Gathering

We had a fabulous time celebrating Havdalah last month. Kehillah members who reside in Cherokee county were invited to attend. Thank you to the Federation Gather Grants for providing the funding! Find out how individuals like you can receive $180 to host an event you plan at the place and with people you choose.




Milestone Anniversaries and Birthdays!



Devon Manuel 12/4

Madison Brinn 12/5

Michelle Wallace 12/25

Noah Garcza 12/28


Amber & John Bahl - 20th



Michael Shafer 1/1

Larry Hahn 1/3

Stefan Langmandel 1/12

Rachel Liebman 1/18

Jan Gaines 1/21


Erin & Graham Stieglitz - 15th

We mourn the recent passing of:

Susan Kunzman

Debbie Varnes

Christel Faulhaber

We are so thankful to our donors who help us get the work of the Kehillah accomplished. To see the most recent Donation List, click on the list.




The Sisterhood of Temple Kehillah Chaim offers many social, religious and creative events throughout the year. Our events are well attended and enjoyed my many. Currently about 30 % of female Kehillah members belong to the Sisterhood, which is a highly representative percentage according to the Women of Reform Judaism Association. We believe this is due to our excellent programming that reaches a diverse group of women. Our dues structure also enables women to join at several levels so that we have extra funds to put back into programming and the Kehillah. The Sisterhood board is grateful for such wonderful support.

To highlight some of the donations over the past years, we would like to share with you what YOUR Sisterhood has donated to YOUR temple and benefits our temple sponsorship of the Drake House. 

·      2018 - $5000.00 to the purchase of our new High Holyday Prayer Books that all participants have used these past few years.

·      2019 – Brotherhood/Sisterhood Casino night – donated $1400.00 for the Drake House. 

·      Spring 2019 through 2021 - Covid pandemic, Sisterhood took a hiatus, yet we were able to have a few outings at various restaurants with outdoor seating.

·      Fall 2021- 2022 - donated $750 (2 years) to be a temple sponsor of Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Crankin, the annual Drake House fundraiser. $300 for a tent for the Kehillah to use, $250 for a new microwave for kitchen. $250 Silver sponsor for the Kehillah’s 40th Anniversary Celebration

·      2023 - $400 for Mah Jong card tables, $250 joint sponsor for Food Truck Shabbat, $250 ice cream truck for Sukkot/Simchat Torah celebration, $200 sponsor 8th night of Chanukkah S’mores and Bonfire

Sisterhood does have a few events that we choose to subsidize the cost to make it more affordable for our members. In addition, we pay for police security at some events for our members and their guests.

This year (2024-2025), the Sisterhood plans to make a contribution to the remodeling plans for our social hall as outlined by president Robin Shafer and the board. The Sisterhood board feels that the Sisterhood plays a vital role in OUR Kehillah and we hope all members feel the same!

Stacy, Debbie, Lori and Kathy

Sisterhood Board


Come join Brotherhood for these upcoming exciting events:


January 26 6:00pm- Blue Ghost Arcade in Woodstock (164 Towne Lake Pkwy Woodstock, GA 30188)

Connecting an old generation of games with a new generation of players. Featuring a full bar, 50+ retro arcade games, pinball machines, and console games. Unlimited play included in admission. Play all day for $15


February 9 6:00pm - Annual Brotherhood Super Bowl Extravaganza in TKC Social Hall

Come join us for the big game. Drinks, food and fun await you. We will be doing Super Bowl squares once again. If you have never done it before, you are in for a treat and some money if you win.


If you are interested in any of these events or want some more information on joining Brotherhood, please contact Jeff Seltzer or Dan Eifert at tkcbrotherhood@gmail.com


On November 17, we had a Mitzvah and Ice Cream Sundae day.

We made hats and scarves for The Drake House and the Zaban Couples shelter. We also made plush stuffed animals for the kids at The Drake House. Special thanks to Laura Weiss and Mindy and Sally from the TKC Knitting Group who patiently taught and guided us to create beautiful projects.

Our next event will be working a craft table at Chanukkah Palooza where we will be making dog toys from blanket fleece.

Parents, if you have any questions or are interested in helping, please contact Klub345 Advisor, Suesan Phillips, at 770-641-8630 or klub345@gmail.com


On November 3, JYG and RAFTY did a joint Cupcake Wars event at Flour Power Studios East Cobb. The kids made the cupcakes and then decorated them. They had free reign with all the candy toppings they could want!

The winner was Leah Erste, who was voted on by Robin Shafer and Laura Dreffin, our celebrity judges.She won for her Candyland cupcake.

Our next JYG event is December 8. It will be a session with Officer Cheryl from the Roswell PD, who will teach about online safety.

Looking for something you don't see here? Check out our website! Lots of information is posted there, including upcoming events, candle lighting times, Yahrteitzs, and more.


Please support our advertisers!

Want to buy an ad? Contact Suesan Phillips at bookkeeper@kehillatchaim.org

Brick Order Form

Clergy and Staff

Jason Holtz, Rabbi


Harvey J. Winokur, Rabbi Emeritus


Kyra Goldman, Music Director


Michelle Erste, Director of MFRS and

Family Programming


Amy Deich, Administrative Director


Suesan Phillips, Bookkeeper


Kyra Goldman, Office Administrator


Board of Trustees

Robin Shafer, President


Erica Goodwin, Executive Vice President

Sam Deich, Vice President

Michael Heldman, Vice President

Mark Kunzman, Vice President

Robin Bledsoe, Secretary

Jay Markowitz, Treasurer

Seth Litman, Immediate Past President

Dan Eifert & Jeff Seltzer, Brotherhood


Stacy Lampert, Sisterhood President

Trustees: Tom Bryant, Larry Hahn, Becky Langmandel, Carole Liebman, Debby Oberst & Ari Waller

Youth Advisors

Senior Youth Group (RAFTY), Jason Simon: RAFTYcomm@gmail.com

Junior Youth Group (JYG), Michelle Erste: TKCjunioryouth@gmail.com

KLUB345, Suesan Phillips: klub345@gmail.com

Temple Kehillat Chaim is a member of the Union For Reform Judaism www.urj.org

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