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Kootenay Freedom
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February 10th, 2022 Newsletter
You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.

For those not going to the Patterson border crossing;
Join us this Sat, Feb12 at noon in Winlaw
(and support Gaia Tree and Mama Sita's)
And while in Winlaw, peruse the market across the street at the Spicer Center
Heads UP! DOCTORS ON TOUR Is Coming To The Kootenays Towards 3rd Week of February

The Doctors On Tour, featuring Dr. Stephen Malthouse M.D and Dr. Charles Hoffe M.D is coming to Trail, Castlegar, Nelson, Kaslo and Creston. These are open house events to educate people questioning COVID, masking, vaccine safety, especially for children and lock down measures so please spread the word Far and Wide. Stay Tuned for Posters.
To Volunteer for the Doctor's Tour, contact: nadia4life@protonmail.com or 250-226-6911
A call for police and military veterans to come to Ottawa to lend support - Feb10
Tom Marazzo provides an update - Feb10
Freedom Convoy leaders provide an update - Feb07
Freedom Convoy leaders address the nation - Feb06
A City of Ottawa paramedic of 13 years, resigns in disgust over what he is witnessing.
A message to law enforcement from an active duty Calgary police officer
A good rant from Ottawa
Chris Sky gives a powerful speech to a massive crowd in Ottawa
Ottawa, a city under seige, in which it is no longer safe to walk the streets at night due to violent extremists and terrorists.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski gives a powerful speech at the Coutts, AB border crossing.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested yet again, preventing him from giving a follow-up speech at the Coutts, AB border. A telephone interview with Artur from behind bars.
A clip from an interview with Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson in which he addresses some of the smears leveled against the trucker convoy in Ottawa.
Fired ethics professor, Dr Julie Ponesse, interviews Dr Jordan Peterson regarding the trucker convoy in Ottawa.
Freedom Convoy's' lead attorney Keith Wilson and former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford call out the Canadian prime minister for characterizing the protesters as 'Nazis' and a 'fringe minority.'
"I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions"

Some high level doublespeak - George Orwell would be proud.
Some very interesting "666" symbology incorporated into the City of Ottawa logo
The new Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 donation website on GiveSendGo is already up over $8 million in donations (after GoFundMe froze the over $10 million which had been raised previously).
Scenes from the trucker convoy support rally in Nelson on Sun, Feb06
Video of trucker freedom convoy support rally in Kaslo on Sat, Jan29
Attorney Reiner Fuellmich delivers opening statements during day 1 of a grand jury investigation.
"In this video we are going to discuss why obedience, not disobedience, is the greatest threat to mankind"
Project Veritas interviews a whistleblower regarding the inflation of the covid case numbers.
The blatant hypocrisy of the mainstream media
"Home" by RC the Rapper featuring Jordan Shingoose
Recent News from Prior Newsletters

Feb 03

Jan 27
Freedom Rally Events in Belgium, in Spain, in UK, more UK, Australia, in the US, in Canada, in Toronto, in Kelowna, in Castlegar
video "Silence" by Julie Elizabeth

in the Kootenays
Support the Businesses which are upholding the Charter of Rights & Freedoms

List of Safe Businesses Here
Weekly updates with special guest speakers.
Video clips of weekly meetings are available on the VCC channels
Please subscribe Here

Tuesdays at 3:3o PM Parent team meeting

Thu, Feb 10, 7 pm ET
Open Discussion

Wed, Feb 16, 7 pm ET

The Zoom registration links for these exceptional meetings are sent to VCC members every Monday – become a member today for as little as $5/yr: Join Here

For Vaccine Choice Canada Printable Resources Open Here


  • DO NOT ENGAGE with hecklers. IGNORE THEM. Please do not heckle in return, do not approach, and do not surround them in a group, which could be construed as threatening.
  • If a heckler is disruptive, ASK FOR ASSISTANCE FROM AN EVENT ORGANIZER to approach the person and ask them to stop.
  • DO NOT ARGUE with people who are clearly there to mock us or disrupt the event. TRY TO AVOID RAISING YOUR VOICE. If possible, offer them printed information about the topics under discussion.
  • DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE drive-by hecklers. A friendly wave at supportive drivers is fine.
  • IF APPROACHED BY MEDIA, direct them to the media spokesperson designated in advance by the organizing committee for that event.
  • SHOW KINDNESS whenever possible.

Non Violence
"Before we went on any protest, whether it was sit-ins or the freedom rides or any march, we prepared ourselves, committed to the way of peace – the way of non-violence – the way of love – the way of life as the way of living."

John Lewis 1940-2020 American statesman and civil rights activist 
Provisional Charter
Kootenay Freedom is a volunteer-run group consisting of people from the West Kootenay region, formed in 2020 in response to growing concern related to COVID measures.
Our goal is to empower people by providing educational material and resources and by coordinating planning meetings and public events. Our mandate supports medical freedom, vaccine choice, informed consent, privacy rights, unbiased journalism, transparent science, free speech, democracy and the opening of the economy.
Kootenay Freedom is governed by an executive committee consisting of a rotating chair and administration and includes a membership of nearly 1300 participants.
Need a support group?
Please call Dan at 250-352-0108

To volunteer or for more information contact: info@kootenayfreedom.com

You can withdraw your permission to receive our emails at any time by clicking unsubscribe.

Thank you for your support!