Korean War Veterans Memorial
Wall of Remembrance Dedication
Freedom is indeed not free.
The Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation thanks the thousands who came to the dedication ceremony and accompanying events last week.

For the gold star families, we hope that seeing your loved one's name on the Wall of Remembrance will provide some peace and comfort in knowing that their service and sacrifice will never be forgotten. 

The Foundation's goals when redesigning and rededicating the memorial were:

  1. To honor those who fought in the war and ensured a free and democratic South Korea.
  2. To educate visitors about the cost of war. Nearly 1,000 soldiers died each month during the 37 months the war was fought.
  3. To show the strength of the existing ironclad ROK-U.S. Alliance.

On July 27, 2022 we accomplished these goals by dedicating the Wall of Remembrance to the Families of the Fallen and Korean War Veterans.

If you missed this special event in person, the Dedication Ceremony is available to watch by clicking on the link below.

Families of the Fallen Visitation
July 26, 2022
Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Families of fallen who lost loved ones from the Korean War received a first peak of the new addition to the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.
Wall of Remembrance Banquet
July 26, 2022
Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel, Arlington, VA

A special thank you to Sae Eden Church for sponsoring the banquet.
Wall of Remembrance Dedication Ceremony
July 27, 2022
Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C.

General (Ret.) John H Tilelli, Jr., U.S. Retired, Chairman of the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation
Mr. Doug Emhoff, 2nd Gentleman of the United States
Mr. Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor of the United States
Minister Min-Shik Park, Minister of Patriots & Veterans Affairs
Minister Jong-sup Lee, ROK National Minister of National Defense
His Excellency Taeyong Cho, ROK Ambassador to the United States

Master of Ceremonies
Jonathan Elias, ABC 7 news anchor for the 5, 6 and 11 broadcasts
Larry Hencshel, Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation, Advisor
U.S. Army Twilight Tattoo Concert
July 27, 2022
Fort Myer, Arlington, VA

A special thank you to U.S. Army for hosting this special event for the Korean War Veterans and Families of the Fallen.
Photo Credit: Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation / Jay Mallin

“As a grateful nation should, we commit to honor our nation’s Korean War veterans and all they made possible. We will continue to stand side by side with the Republic of Korea, and this Wall of Remembrance is a concrete and everlasting reminder of that promise,” Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff

“Today, we honor the veterans of the Korean War and the families of the fallen heroes. With this dedication ceremony, I hope that it is no longer the ‘Forgotten War,’ but the ‘Remembered Victory’ that was won by these veterans.” General John Tilelli, Jr., USA Retired, Chairman of KWVMF

“This wall reminds us of the depths of their sacrifice, and instilled in us a call of duty to carry on their fight. The service members we are here today to honor stood their ground in battlefields so that future generations could live in a vibrant democracy.” South Korean Ambassador to the U.S. Lee Soo-Hyuck 

“Freedom truly is not free. It takes sacrifice, human sacrifice.” Colonel Bill Weber, USA Retired

About the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation

Remember, Honor, Build and Preserve

The Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that the Korean War Veterans Memorial in our Nation’s Capital will be maintain in perpetuity.
The Wall of Remembrance Name Search
The Wall of Remembrance Name Search – The WoR Name Search features the names and panel numbers of more than 36,000 Americans who died supporting the War and over 7,100 Koreans who died while augmenting the Army. Their names are organized by rank and respective branch of service, demonstrating how the War’s burden fell unevenly across the military. Wall Name Search ›
The Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation is excited to announce several new features for visitors to the Memorial and the KWVMF website.
Memorial Mobile Walking Tour App – An interactive mobile app featuring walking and audio tours of the five sections of the Memorial. Available in both English and Korean. Walking Tour ›

Virtual 3D Tour of the Memorial – Tour the Memorial from the comfort of your home. Get a close up 3D tour of the Memorial and the newest addition to the Memorial, the Wall of Remembrance. Virtual 3D Tour ›