Workshops return at Kula Farm

We are happy to announce that we'll start hosting in person workshops again for small groups of people. Workshops will be free but donations are welcomed. With the workshops, we hope to offer a little relief and inspire you to be creative during these unusual circumstances. On a sunny day, it is an ideal way to boost you vitamin D in our greenhouse. Strict safety precautions will be in place.
The first workshop will be a Nature Printmaking Workshop
Saturday, November 14, 10 – 11:30 am, Free (donations welcomed)
Learn the techniques for relief printing on fabric or paper! Explore design and printing techniques aimed at repeating patterns and nature-inspired compositions. Great for cards and fabric projects! This workshop will introduce beginner techniques to relief printing, exploring papers, inks, textures, and recycled materials.
All materials are provided but participants are welcomed to bring reliefs to be printed.
Saturday November 14, 10 – 11:30
Kula Farm, 115 Atkins Ave., Asbury Park.
Registration required - RSVP to
this is a free event - 10 spots available
About the Artist
Ashley McFarland is a local artist and art educator in New Jersey. She studied art at Montclair State University with a concentration in printmaking. Her work ranges from small illustrations and prints to large scale murals. Much of her work is inspired by nautical and environmental subjects.
We require participants to disinfect hands on arrival and wear masks during the workshop. The workshop will be held in our greenhouse with open windows (or outside if it’s a really beautiful day).

FRIDAY FARMSTAND CONTINUES through the winter. Check our website for weekly updates and order by Wednesday for Friday pick-up at the farm between 11-3 or Saturday delivery. We will continue to have salad greens, kale, microgreens and cold hardy vegetables in addition to offering our tinctures and dried culinary and tea herbs.

We had an extremely productive growing season this year in the Kula gardens and greenhouse and provided food to our restaurants, the public and for free to our local community and food pantry every week. Times are tough and we hope to do our part to best serve the community by growing food and providing safe and healthy ecological spaces for the neighborhood. We want to thank everyone who took the time to order from us and come to the farm to pick up their vegetables every week. We love seeing your smiling faces behind your masks!

If you have a nice fall display or bags of (preferably chopped) leaves we would like them for our COMPOST PILES. Please contact us to pick up or drop off at our Community Compost site behind the old Turf Club at the corner of Atkins and Springwood Ave. Give us a call (732-455-0511) or send us an email if you have any questions!

Thanks to everyone who plays an active role in recycling and drops off compost at our Community Compost Pile, you are doing your part to reduce what goes into the landfill AND helping us build soil-THANK YOU!!! The Community Compost pile is accessible 24 hours a day. Click here for more info on our website.
Starting in November we will be collaborating with our friends at KYDS in an integrative approach to mindfulness and ecological based education every 3rd Saturday of the month at the Kula Greenhouse from 1-4pm. Those interested in participating are asked to contact Class size is limited and ages range from elementary to middle school.
The days are short, the sun a spark, hung thin between the dark and dark. -John Updike

Friday Plant Sale: The short days can be hard-COME GET SOME SUN and browse our plant selection on Fridays between 11-3pm. We have a variety of succulents for your sunniest windows and houseplants for your home. Stop by the greenhouse to see what's available!
We are a non-profit, all sales will support our efforts to employ/train/educate the community of Asbury Park's West Side. 

For more information, please visit

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury park, NJ 07712
Kula Farm is proudly owned and operated by Interfaith Neighbors