Kula Farm now offering delivery!

We are happy to announce that you now have the option to have our produce delivered to your doorstep.

Local pick-up at the farm will remain available too on Fridays between 11am-4pm. Deliveries will be made on Saturdays.

We have been adding more products to the webshop every week and even more will become available throughout the season. We now have several variaties of microgreens available and we would like to urge you to try them. Use "micro20" at checkout to have 20% off all microgreens for this week.
New at the farm: hydroponic cucumbers. Watch them grow.
This time lapse shows how the little cucumber plant in the middle is climbing up the rope. It uses it’s tendrils that keep swaying around until it can grab something. It then pulls itself up to get up above all the other plants so it can catch a lot of light. The right tendril curls up during the day and the left one over night.
You can also note the temporary pump failure early on where the leaves are drooping down and the plant stops swaying around.
The grow lights come on at night after a short period of ‘evening sleep’ and stay on until dawn so the plants are ready to soak up the sun.
Cucumbers -like all fruits- start as a flower. Usually these flowers would have to be pollinated with the help of insects to produce a fruit, but since we don't get that many bees etc in the green house, we use a special variety that only produces female flowers. These don't need to be pollinated. It also means that they don't produce seeds which makes them extra tasty.

Growing food in an urban area keeps us connected to the community of citizens that we work to serve. Everything we grow at Kula is distributed to people who live within 5 miles of the farm, the food pantry next door or the restaurants less than a mile away. Considering the food miles that most of our calories travel we are proud to serve our community by growing food and creating safe and healthy ecological spaces for the neighborhood.
Plant Donations:
This Spring we received a generous donation of plants from Hockhockson Farm in Colts Neck. We were able to donate over 70 flats of vegetables to the many community, church and food pantry gardens in Monmouth County. This season we have witnessed great collective action behind food access from the work of area churches, food pantries and soup kitchens and The Asbury Park Dinner Table to the many individuals and community gardens that work everyday to bring fresh food to those affected by economic injustice or social circumstance.
Master Gardeners of Monmouth County picking up plants for distribution
Friday Plant Sale: The public is still welcome to browse our plant selection on Fridays between 11-4pm. We will have tomatoes, peppers, summer veg, seeds and flowers. Check out our online store for a list of available plants and seed varieties . While we are open to the public we will maintain a maximum of 3 customers at the farm at any one time and we ask our customers to adhere to social distancing guidelines to keep everyone safe.
We very much appreciate all our followers. Here's a picture of our biggest fan! We wish all dads a Happy Fathers Day .

"A good farmer is nothing more nor less than a handy man with a sense of humus." -     E. B. White

We are a non-profit, all sales will support our efforts to employ/train/educate the community of Asbury Park's West Side. 

For more information, please visit kulafarm.org

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury park, NJ 07712
Kula Farm is proudly owned and operated by Interfaith Neighbors