Online Store now open!

We are happy to announce that the public can now shop our online store and order produce and other farm products as they become available throughout the season.

The farm hasn't been able to sell its produce since March when restaurants closed. Instead we have been donating our produce to the Asbury Park Dinner Table project and are now opening up to the public to try to make up for our lost sales.

We ask folks to place orders by midnight on Wednesday for pickup at the farm on Fridays from 11am-4pm and on Saturdays 11am-2pm.

You can let us know when you are out front by calling 732-455-0511 or by ringing the bell at the front gate. We will bring your order to your car or you can pick it up at the front gate.

We prefer online payments but on Fridays we are still open for those who wish to pay cash on site. Contact us at to place your cash order.

Click here to browse our shop.
Friday Plant Sale: The public is welcome to browse our plant selection on Fridays between 11-4pm for the next several weeks. We will have tomatoes, peppers, summer veg, seeds and flowers. Check out our online store for a list of available plants and seed varieties . While we are open to the public we will maintain a maximum of 3 customers at the farm at any one time and we ask our customers to adhere to social distancing guidelines to keep everyone safe.
Bethel Lot: T he Bethel AME Church manages a food pantry next to the farm (open Wednesdays and Fridays) . It's been a little over one year since we began mulching and converting the lot into a garden to grow food for the pantry. We look forward to another year of cultivating this once empty piece of land to grow food for our community and connect with people through gardening.
The Farm Without Borders (The Turf): Started in 2017 this once empty lot now grows food for the neighborhood and hosts our community compost drop. Vegetables grown here are harvested directly by local citizens or donated to the food pantry. Over 20 crops are grown on the Turf.
On The Turf we have seeded cool weather crops like spinach, radish, beets, arugula and onions and amending all of our beds with compost to prepare for the summer fruits and vegetables.
Gooseberries growing at Kula Farm
Raspberries growing on the Farm without Borders
Community Compost : Many area residents drop compost at our accessible compost pile located on Atkins Ave behind the old Turf Club. Everyone is welcome to take part in reducing what goes into the landfill. Click Here for a list of what is and is not compostable.
"We can begin by doing small things at the local level, like planting community gardens or looking out for our neighbors. That is how change takes place in living systems: not from above but from within, from many local actions occurring simultaneously."   -Grace Lee Boggs
We are a non-profit, all sales will support our efforts to employ/train/educate the community of Asbury Park's West Side. 

For more information, please visit

Kula Urban Farm
115 Atkins Ave.
Asbury park, NJ 07712
Kula Farm is proudly owned and operated by Interfaith Neighbors