Monthly Newsletter - Issue 96                                                                 August  2018

FREE SHIPPING until the end of August!
August Kit of the Month
Kumihimo Student of the Month - Jane Milner
Kindred Kumihimo Princesses
Kumihimo Artist of the Month - Tracey Mack
September Vacation Notice
Kumihimo Links...

Hello Braiders,   

July has been such a busy month and it feels like a blurr. 

Reno Convergence 2018 Conference was excellent. The amount of talent at that place was mind boggling. The exhibits were phenomenal. If there were more hours in a day, I would learn to weave. I saw some amazing masterpieces! The marketplace was colorful and abundant with cool things. My collection of braiding fibers definitely benefited from my stroll through the marketplace. I taught a 2-Day Kumihimo Workshop, "Many Faces of the Kongoh Gumi" and LOVED it. I had a wonderful group of braiders that made teaching a real joy. The next Convergence Conference will be in 2020 in Knoxville, TN. Mark your calendars!

With a few things off my schedule, I have been unwinding and recharging my creative juices by treating myself to some personal braiding time. Many of you have seen the fun I have been having from my postings on Facebook. Color and pattern are my "things" and I have been having a grand time studying Rodrick Owen's Andean Sling Braid books. I give myself the bilingual challenge of creating each braid on the Marudai as well as the foam disk! 

And last but not least, a warm welcome to all of What a Braid's new subscribers and customers. I appreciate all of you so much!   Thanks.

Happy Braiding,

Free Shipping until the end of August!
Free Shipping until the end of August on all orders over $25. This applies to US orders only. Hint, Hint! This is a good time to order supplies for holiday projects!!
August Kit of the Month - Braiding with A Core Necklace Kit
I got so many requests last month to make this necklace into a kit and so I did! This is NOT a beginner kit.  You should feel comfortable braiding a 16-strand Kongoh Gumi braid and experience braiding around a core is helpful but not completely necessary. 
"Braiding Around a Core"
The pattern is written for a finished necklace of 23 1/2" to 24" and can be shortened to any length depending where you attach the end caps. 

You will need: 
Kumihimo Disk (I use the Beadsmith Mini; 10mm or Thick)
16 Small Bobbins
Scissors,Tape Measure, Sewing Needle & Thread or Fray Block (my preference) to finish ends, Glue to attach end caps. (I like WeldBond).

You should know: 16-strand Kongoh Gumi or Round Braid (Left up, right down or Right down, left up).

Kit Includes:
Kumihimo Student of the Month - Jane Milner
Kumihimo Student of the Month: Jane Milner 
From: Grass Valley, California

There is a saying that I like and I think about it often when I am teaching a class.

"The teacher opens the door, the student chooses to enter". 

As a teacher, I can prepare, teach, share and hope t o inspire but it is the student's choice to take the information and put it to use. Wonderful creations come from practice, experimentation and the willingness to try something new. Great things don't always happen in an instant but excellent results are almost always guaranteed if you invest your time into new techniques and ideas! 

I have had the pleasure of having Jane Milner in several of my Kumihimo classes, the most recent being Convergence in Reno, Nevada. I can't tell you the delight I feel when my students send me pictures of the things we have shared in class. 

Thank you Jane!!!!
Kumistas Having Fun!
One of my July highlights, after Convergence, was spending a day braiding in my workshop with Beth Hardy. Many of you know Beth from Facebook and AKS. She is the "travelling Kumista". Retired from the Navy, Beth and her very nice husband Howie live in and travel in their Airstream trailer. 

We spent a day working on braids from Rodrick Owen's Andean Sling Braids books and we had a great time. Beth brought us the "Princess" visors and there is nothing better than feeling like a princess. Thanks Beth!

The three gorgeous necklaces at the bottom of the photo are part of Beth's show-n-tell. They are all pieces that she created and her inspiration came from Jacqui Carey and Jacqui's book "Beads & Braids". This is probably one of my favorite books for creative beaded braids. I have had my copy for almost 10 years and every time I open it I discover something new. 
Kumihimo Artist of the Month - Tracey Mack
Kumihimo Artist of the Month: Tracey Mack 
From: Jacksonville, North Carolina

Tracey is one of my customers and recently sent me some amazing pictures of her Kumihimo jewelry stash. She is a busy braider! I am sharing a few of her creations!

Tracey has purchased alot of What a Braid Kits. What I love, is that she makes the kits and then re-makes them (many times) in her own color selections. I love her creative expression. 

Tracey's original. Fun and Whimsical. I love this one! 
Another Tracey Mack Necklace!
Tracey's necklace makes me think that these Handpainted Porcelain Hearts could be put to use!!

Here's what Tracey has to say,

" My love for jewelry has been apparent since I was a little girl. After college I was a manager with a department store and fell in love with the jewelry department. I worked in that field for twelve years. I have always been fascinated with gemstones, sea glass, and different ethnic beads of all types, ceramic pendants, Czech glass beads, and lamp work beads. Each year the local craft fair would come to town and I would treat myself to a new piece of jewelry. Afterwards, I often studied the piece and would think I could make this - from that moment I started making jewelry. It started out simple with knotting, macramé, stringing, bead weaving and wire wrapping necklaces, bracelets, and pendants. My friend brought me the kumihimo foam disc. The funny thing is she doesn't bead and dragged her husband into a beading store and said she needed a gift for someone who is obsessed with beads. I didn't know what to do with it at first. My teenage son told me to go on You Tube. I practiced and practiced until I got it. I made lots of errors, mistakes, and I got better at it. Now I am constantly rolling with what project is next? I have learned if I make a mistake, it is a redo for me.   I often think of my mom's words "Do what makes you happy!" Beads make me happy-who knew? I am addicted to kumihimo and bring it with me where ever I go. It is quite a conversation topic with strangers". 

Thank you Tracey!!

Yippee! We are going on vacation. My hubby and I are planning to take off on a trip in our motorhome that we call Winnie (short for Winnebago). 

Our September dates are a moving target at this point but our hope is be out adventuring the first two weeks of September.  Washington here we come!

You have plenty of time to order but I wanted to give you a little advance notice because I know alot of you start your holiday braiding projects now! I will be sure to let you know when we are planning to take off!
Pinterest, Facebook & Instagram

What a Braid has gone Social 
and this is where I introduce some of the mid-month "special" kits. 

So make sure you:

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And you can also Follow Me on Instagram!
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What a Braid Monthly Newsletters
Copyrighted patterns are not to be copied, shared electronically, given to friends or members of the guild or used for teaching purposes 
without express consent of the author. What a Knit or What a Braid patterns are for your personal use. Feel free to sell your creations but remember to give proper credit to the Designer. If you decide you want to write a tutorial, 
it is not appropriate to "borrow" parts of a copyrighted pattern. Thank you.

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