Monthly Newsletter - Issue 65 May 2016 |
Hello Braiders,
Greetings! Spring arrived, my daffodils popped their cheery heads out of the ground and then it snowed a foot and buried them. Fortunately, at this time of the year snow melts quickly. Fingers crossed.
This month I am introducing my "Zip it Up" Bracelet. It
 comes in 2 versions with variations in each. I have the "Zip it Up" Double Braided Bracelet and the "Zip it Up" Triple Braided Bracelet. Oh, they are fun. Once you make one, you won't be able to stop and you will want to come up with your own bead & color combinations.
Special announcement Kumihimo & Knitting Trip - OAXACA 2017
Now that the
 dust has settled and we are back from our Knitting & Kumihimo Trip in San Miguel de Allende it is time to announce that we have a fantastic trip planned for 2017. We are going to Oaxaca, Mexico! I LOVE this place. Arts, crafts, textiles, color, pottery - it is colorful and wonderful! See details below.
Thank you for the ENORMOUS positive response to the
20-Strand Bracelet Kits last month. I am thrilled so many of you are enjoying the 2o-Strand braid structure and can add it to your list of "good" addictions. Once you get the hang of it, experiment with mixing fibers and colors.The sky is the limit!
P.S. All colors of Kumihimo Rayon Ribbon & Gimp are back in stock with fun Spring colors!
With much gratitude and
Happy Braiding, 530-448-3624
Knitting & Kumihimo Trip - Oaxaca - 2017
Oaxaca here we come! Many of you have asked to return to Oaxaca or venture there for the first time. We're doing it! And because so many of you have expressed an interest, we have planned two, 10 day trips, February 14 - 24 and February 24 - March 6, 2017.
We are taking 20 people on each trip. It is our policy to announce our trips, first, to the people that have been with us on previous trips, next we announce the trip to those that have been on a waiting list and then to everyone. We had 38 sign-ups in 36 hours. The trip is currently sold-out. If you are interested in going, I highly recommend that you get on the waiting list. The trip is almost a year away and many things can happen in a year and sometimes we do get cancellations. And a few of the people on the waiting list from the last trip, are now going to Oaxaca in 2017! I urge you, if you are interested, by all means get on the waiting list.
Oaxaca (pronounced wa-hah-kah), is a city located about 300 miles south of Mexico City. Oaxaca is designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its ancient and supremely beautiful architecture. Oaxaca awaits those travelers eager to know one of the richest areas in culture, gastronomy, art, tradition and folklore that Mexico has to offer. Oaxaca is one of Mexico's most captivating cities. Oaxaca is the gourmet heart of Mexico.
For more info, click this link to view at our Oaxaca - 2017 Itinerary!

MAY Kumihimo Kits of the Month - "ZIP IT UP" Bracelet Kits ©2016
The Zip it Up© Double Braided Bracelet ©2016
with single color edge beads consists of "double" braids and is based on techniques from my Edge Bead Necklace ©2012 and my Magatama Fringe Necklace© 2012. Both braids in the Zip it Up Double Braided Bracelet
©2016 are Kongoh Gumi Braids. The Kongoh Gumi braid itself is an opportunity for design. The braids can be solid or multicolored with a variety of different patterns.
Click here for the "Zip it Up Double Braided Bracelet Kits with Single Edge Bead Color"
The Zip it Up Double Braided Bracelets (below) are a variation of the Zip it Up© Double Braided Bracelet (above) and they are designed with alternating colors of edge beads. Click here for the "Zip it Up Double Braided Bracelet Kits with Alternating Edge Bead Colors".
The Zip it Up Triple Braided Bracelet ©2016
consists of "triple" braids and is based on techniques from my Edge Bead Necklace ©2012 and Magatama Fringe Necklace© 2012. All three of the braids Kongoh Gumi. The three braids are "zipped" together. The Kongoh Gumi braid itself is an opportunity for design. The braids can be solid or multicolored with a variety of different patterns. The seed bead on the outer edges are a 3 color alternating pattern. Click here for the "Zip it Up Triple Braided Bracelet" Kits.
The bracelets below are another variation of the Zip it Up© Triple Braided Bracelet. They are designed with a single colors of edge beads and two colors of Super Duos on the middle braid.
You will need: Kumihimo Disk (I really like the
BeadSmith Thick Mini ($3.75), 8 Bobbins (I use the
small plastic EZ Bobbins, Fray Block (a must), Scissors, Tape Measure, Cord Zap (optional but super nice to have), Needle & Thread (if you don't have a Cord Zap or Fray Block) and Glue. I use WeldBond. WeldBond is available at some craft stores as well as Ace Hardware stores.
You should know: Kongoh Gumi or Round Braid and how to "drop" beads. If you need a refresher on "dropping" beads, check out
Kumihimo Tip #14.
Kit includes:
- Pre-cut C-Lon Bead Cord
- Super Duo Beads
- Seed Beads
- Riveted or Punched Tin Magnetic Clasp (as shown)
- Zipping Thread
- Instructions with photos
- Cost $32 - $36
Kumihimo Artis
t of the Month
Sandra Wishart - Alexandria, VA
I love opening emails with pictures of Kumihimo creations. Since tassels are one of the "things" these days, Sandra adapted the idea to the Beaded Petal Fringe Necklace Kit (left) and then did a fun job using a tassel as a focal in the picture below. Wonderful!
Here's what Sandra has to say, "I have been a
n avid seamstress for many years but about 2 years ago I became interested in
adding jewelry making to my many projects and began with a pearl bead knotting class.
Soon after, I discovered Ku
mihimo and became addicted. My neighbor showed me how to do basic Kumihimo and recommended Karen Huntoon's site, I ordered several kits and miscellaneous findings. My favorite cord to use is the C-Lon Bead Cord. It is easy to bead and comes in many beautiful colors. I also like working with the Kumihimo Rayon Gimp. One of the first beaded kits I did
was the Beaded Petal Fringe Necklace Kit (above) - quite daring for a beginner but Karen's directions were precise and easy to follow. I made the fringe longer and swing it around to the front so the tassel to shows. Almost all of the Kumihimo I do is with beads. Since Tassels have been popular recently, I designed the blue beaded necklace with the beaded tassel slider. I am known to be creative in my sewing groups and get teased for using beads in everything I sew, therefore doing the Kumihimo with beads falls right into my line of interest. Often when I do a project, whether sewing or jewelry making, I design as I go, as evidenced with the necklace with the beaded tassel".
Thanks you Sandra for sending me some pictures of your Kumihimo creations.
A La Carte Items for "Zip it Up" Bracelets
After you've made a few Zip it Up Bracelets, you can pick your own beads and start your own designing. Here are a few of the items at that will come in handy!
Extra Strong Cord Zapper - $18.95
Fray Block $4.45 |
These are both great tools to use to finish the ends of your Kumihimo braids. The Extra Strong Cord Zap is great rouse on braids made with synthetic fibers like C-Lon. I have another method for finishing ends that puts the Fray Block to good use. You can read about finishing ends in my article.
Click here for
Kumihimo Tools
. Click here for my article on Finishing Cord Ends.
For those of you that love beads, I have increased my selection of beads.
Super Duos: Czech Glass beads with two holes in 28 colors.
Click here for all 28 colors of
Super Duos.
Decorative Flat Magnetic Clasps
20-Strand "Round" Bracelet Kits
Mid - April I sent out a second flyer with additional 20-Strand Bracelet Kits. My first introduction of the 20-Strand Bracelet Kit featured the "Flat" version and the second intro included the "Round" version. Many of you saw these but for those of you that missed them, here's another opportunity. I received great responses to the pattern and was told by one person" I read your instructions and understood how to do it before I even started". That made it all worth it. Thanks!
If you haven't given these kits a try, I promise you will not be disappointed.
4th of July in May
I figure if we have "Christmas in July" shouldn't there be "4th of July in May"?
Here are a few of my "tried and true" 4th of July Kits...
The "Original" 4th of July Square Knot Bracelet Kit - my most popular pinned pin in Pinterest. $12 (kit includes everything)
4th of July 3-color Blended Beaded Necklace Kit with Adjustable Closure. $27 (kit includes everything)
KRR and KRG - Re-Stocked with Spring Colors!!
Kumihimo Rayon Ribbon & Gimp in Spring colors have arrived !
What a Knit/What a Braid Monthly Newsletters
Copyrighted patterns are not to be copied, shared electronically, given to friends or members of the guild
or used for teaching purposes
without express consent of the author. What a Knit or What a Braid patterns are for your personal use. Feel free to sell your creations but remember to give proper credit to the D
If you decide you want to write a tutorial,
it is not appropriate to "borrow" parts of a copyrighted pattern.
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