L. Kobie DA WIZ...Providing exciting interactive fun-filled experiences for students, teachers, administrators and parents. Striving to give you tools and skills to help you be the very best version of yourself!

L. Kobie Wilkerson a.k.a L. Kobie Da Wiz is an award-winning author, poet, speaker, presenter, storyteller, edutainer, master teacher, and powerful transformer of schools and organizations. He ingeniously converts resistance to change into receptiveness for growth. He is a leading authority on helping schools and organizations cultivate relationships that support a healthy culture and climate. Kobie works with schools and organizations where it is his goal to see them systematically operate at their best, so they can effectively impact those they serve. He also loves working to empower teachers to engage students to transform our world through literacy and music.

Please take a moment to review the  Transformational services we are providing across the country. Click the links provided in the Eblast to request our services or to learn more about each service. We look forward to assisting you with the Transformation of your leadership team, your school or your district. Our 2018 bookings are filling up quickly,

Yours in Education,

L. Kobie DA WIZ & VSC
L. Kobie DA WIZ is Transforming Educators, Students and Parents

L. Kobie Da Wiz is a Master Teacher and edutainer specializing in serving schools pre-K-8th grade. He is a leading expert on instruction, culture, climate and cultivating relationships. If you are looking to improve your morale, instruction, curriculum or learning environment call on L. Kobie Da Wiz and allow him to add some magic to your world! 

"Without continuous self- development, you are right now all that you will ever become." - L.Kobie DaWiz

Transforming Educators
Transforming Educators

The professional development presentation(s) is an interactive experience that gives participants not only substantive information but also practical ways of application that are designed to ease frustration.

Transforming Students
Transforming Students

To engage and excite students these presentations infused with music, movement and high level questions to create an educational experience your students are sure not to soon forget. Check out our YouTube page for a sneak peak.

Transforming Parents
Transforming Parents

These workshops are designed to give parents tools to help build, strengthen and maintain the important bonds of a successful family. It also aids parents in building the necessary bridges between school and home. These can be done in multiple sessions throughout the year.

L. Kobie DA WIZ Provides the Following Services 
Transformation Institutes Powered By VSC

L. Kobie DA Wiz is a featured trainer in Teacher, Youth and Parent Transformation Institutes around the country. The institutes are held at various locations and times throughout the year. Individuals or groups have the opportunity to register for these one or two day Transformation Institutes.  Request a Transformation Institute

Custom On-Site Training

L. Kobie DA Wiz provides custom educational training to meet your organization's needs. We will work closely with your team to shape the training to meet your goals and budget. These sessions will be conducted at a location of your choice. Request a Custom On-site Training

Keynote Presentations

L. Kobie DA Wiz presents keynote presentations across the country. His presentations are dynamic, interactive, educational and inspirational. They are shaped according to the theme provided by you.  

Workshop Facilitator

L. Kobie DA Wiz facilitates workshops and break out sessions at academic and professional conferences and events across the country. These sessions are based on L. Kobie DA Wiz's educational expertise.  Request a Workshop Facilitation

Webinar Training

L. Kobie DA Wiz's webinar sessions are developed to provide engaging and effective instructional strategies and information to educators across the country. These sessions are affordable and provide easy access to L. Kobie DA Wiz's amazing expertise and resources. Request a Webinar Training 

L. Kobie DA WIZ  Looks Forward to Working With You

L. Kobie DA Wiz is now booking to finalize his 2018 schedule. We look forward to working with you this year and we are ready to help transform you and your organization.

Someone from our team will be contacting you in the coming days, however, feel free to click here to contact us today to get started now.

Kind Regards,

L. Kobie DA Wiz and Vanguard Solutions Consulting

This Eblast was created by Vanguard Solutions Consulting, an official PR and Marketing firm of L. Kobie DA Wiz. Click on the links below to find out more about what we have to offer.