For those of you who did not already meet beautiful Trinity at our 2019 Venetian Masquerade, we introduced her in our February / March 2020 newsletter to share her updates every month:
Trinity is one tough baby girl, and will have to undergo three days of scans. For these scans, she will need IVs, sedation, and to be NPO (no food or drink = no fun for a toddler!).
Trinity will have one day to recover from all of the pokes and sedation before we head up to North Carolina to meet with her clinical trial team.
As things stand now, Trinity has lost about 50% of her hearing and is expected to lose more as a result of these toxic chemotherapies she has to take. As many doctors keep saying, the goal is to save her life so we can handle hearing loss / damage.
Trinity is still dealing with some big side effects including neuropathy, swelling, extreme tiredness, and rapid weight gain just to name a few. But despite everything, she still smiles all the time and is an all-around awesome person.
In the #TrinityTough community, we have a moto of #WeFightTogether. Will you fight with us?