Change in eCLIPSE procedure is now in effect for some permit types requiring preapprovals from Department of Streets
As of January 19, 2021, the Department of Streets has started conducting many of its plan reviews in eCLIPSE. This changes the procedure for applying online for Zoning, Residential Building, or Commercial Building permits requiring preapprovals from Streets.
You must submit your application and plans to the Streets portal and obtain a Streets Review Job Number before you file your permit application with L&I. The main advantage of this change is that while you await Streets review and approval, you can continue working in eCLIPSE with L&I and other departments. All pre-approvals are still necessary before final permit issuance.
Contracts Required for Electrical Permit Fee Calculations
The requirement for submitting an executed contract with all new electrical permit applications prior to the generation of a billing statement is now in effect. The contract cost must include the cost of all electrical equipment, material, labor, overhead, and profit and shall be used to determine permit fee in accordance with Section A- 903.2 of the Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code.
If the construction cost identified on the contract includes work that is not covered by the permit application, an explanation and detailed estimate of equipment, material, labor, overhead, and profit for the work that is covered by the permit must be provided. The cost associated with solar electric or photovoltaic systems may exclude the cost of arrays or inverters in accordance with Section A-903.2.1.
The contract is not required at application; however, it must be provided prior to calculation of permit fee and generation of billing statement.
All permit applications for new construction and additions filed on or after April 1, 2021, shall be subject to new requirements:
Energy Compliance Documents
All permit applications for new construction and additions must include the following information:
- A separate energy compliance plan depicting the full building thermal envelope and providing necessary detail to confirm compliance with applicable Energy Code provisions, including insulation, continuous air barrier, and window / door schedule with fenestration rating and areas, is required.
Projects utilizing the prescriptive method to comply with the Philadelphia Energy Conservation Code must include a ComCheck or ResCheck Compliance Certificate signed by the design professional. If a mechanical and/or lighting system is selected as an additional energy efficiency package, Mechanical and/or Lighting Compliance certificates must also be provided.
- This requirement for compliance certificate does not apply to projects utilizing the PA Alternative Residential Energy Provisions.
Soil Investigations
Please review important updates to Code Bulletin B-9906, Soil Investigations for New Construction, including:
- All site soil investigation reports prepared on or after April 1, 2021 must include the depth of footing for any existing structure within 3’ of the proposed structure.
- Permit applications for additions less than 2,000 sq. ft. of built-upon area and requiring excavation within 3’ of an existing structure must include a soils investigation report.
Test pits meeting the limitations outlined in Code Bulletin No. BB-9906-R5 shall be permitted. A licensed special inspector must be on-site at all times during the excavation and certification of final compliance must be submitted with the soil investigation report.
Renew Your Lapsed License Today
to Avoid Late Charges
Beginning February 1, 2021, a delinquency fee of 1.5% per month will be charged to all licenses that are more than 60 days past due. Please renew your business or trade license on time to avoid additional charges.
To renew your license, log on to your eCLIPSE account and submit your license renewal application. You can visit the L&I website to get help with eCLIPSE.
If you are no longer renting out the property, you must close your license by contacting the 311 Philly Help Center at www.phila.gov/311 or (215) 686-8686.
Outdoor Dining License 2021 Updates
Under a new law, Temporary Sidewalk Café/Streetery Licenses issued in 2020 will remain valid through December 31, 2021. Restaurant owners do NOT have to submit another application or renew their 2020 temporary licenses to continue operating their licensed sidewalk café/streetery in front of their restaurants.
However, approvals for extensions of a sidewalk café/streetery in front of neighboring properties expired December 31, 2020 and must be renewed for 2021.
If your sidewalk café or streetery includes an extension in front of a neighboring property, you need your neighbors’ written permission to continue to use the area in front of their property through December 31, 2021. Once you have permission, you must notify the City by completing the Authorization of Outdoor Seating Extension form and submitting it online through the Outdoor Dining License Amendment tool.
To put up a shelter and/or structure (including a platform) in the right of way, you must 1) obtain permit(s) and 2) amend your Temporary Sidewalk Café/Streetery License. The City’s Outdoor Dining Guidelines have been updated to clarify and walk you through what is allowed and what permits are needed.
Rental Property Lead Paint Certification Law
Landlords in many Philadelphia zip codes will not be able to obtain a new or renewed rental license in 2021 unless they have submitted a lead-free or lead-safe certification for their rental property to the Philadelphia Department of Health. In addition, landlords in these zip codes will be prohibited from signing a tenant to a new lease or lease renewal until the rental property is certified lead-safe or lead-free.
If you would like to learn about the updated Philadelphia Lead Paint Certification and Disclosure law please contact the Department of Public Health, Lead and Healthy Homes Program at 215-685-2788 or through e-mail at leadcert@phila.gov.
Visit the Health Department website for more information on complying with the law and resources available to landlords to reduce children’s exposure to lead.
Extension on Plastic Bag Usage
The City recently announced that the ordinance on single-use plastic bags, originally passed by City Council in December 2019, will be implemented beginning July 1, 2021, extending the delay of implementation by another six months. Implementation has been delayed due to the impacts of COVID-19 on the business community. Businesses are still encouraged to begin phasing out their plastic bag supply as soon as possible. Click here for more detailed implementation timeline and additional information.
Residential Property Wholesaler License Requirement
Any person or entity who is in the business of purchasing or soliciting residential properties without intending to live in the dwelling (including multi-family or mixed-use buildings) is required to obtain a Residential Property Wholesaler License.
Review the website for more information on requirements, exceptions and applicable forms.
Building Maintenance Inspections
Dampers and Smoke Control Reminder
The requirements for periodic certification of qualifying damper and smoke control systems are now in effect. Please review the fire protection certifications for more information on regulated occupancies, official forms, and how to submit certifications.
A reminder and correction to submitting your subcontractors' names to L&I
Philadelphia contractors and trade licensees are required to submit the names of each subcontractor that works under their permits to L&I using eCLIPSE, within three (3) days of the commencement of any work authorized by that permit. This requirement will not apply to the construction of one- or two family residential buildings.
Failure to comply may result in license violations, fines, and Stop Work Orders.
Refer to the How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions to add a subcontractor to your permit via eCLIPSE.
Bed Bug Control Law
- develop and follow a Bed Bug Control Plan;
- provide written notice of the history of bed bug remediation in the rental unit within the preceding 120 days.
Responding to tenant complaints: If a tenant complains about bed bugs in their rental unit, landlords have ten days to bring in pest control professionals to investigate the complaint and begin remediation if bed bugs are present. If the unit is in a building with four or more rental units, the units above, below, and adjacent to the unit must also be investigated for bed bugs.
Remediation must continue until there is no evidence of bed bugs. Afterwards a pest control professional must monitor for 12 days to check for reinfestation.
Back issues of the L&I Newsletters are available on the L&I website under Resources.