L&I Newsletter - February 2022


L&I information sessions

The Department of Licenses and Inspections is offering regular information sessions to assist stakeholders in navigating L&I processes and keeping abreast of code changes. A list of current offerings is provided below. Customers can also sign-up for this and future webinars under the “Events” section of the L&I homepage (www.phila.gov/li).

  • L&I eCLIPSE permitting and licensing basics webinar - L&I will be conducting a 2-hour public training session on the basics of filing license and permit applications through the online eCLIPSE system. This webinar is an introductory session intended for new users. The session will be held from 9:00am - 11:00am on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 via Zoom. Please register if you are interested in attending this information session.
  • Changes to the 2018 residential Code provisions webinar - The Department will be offering a 1-hour session to provide an overview of the significant changes to the 2018 Residential Code provisions. This session will be held from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm on Tuesday, March 15th, 2022 via Zoom. Please register if you are interested in attending this information session.
  • Fire suppression contracting webinar (NEW) - The Department will be conducting a 1-hour webinar to provide an overview of the Fire Suppression worker and apprentice requirements. This webinar will also cover the 10 most common installation errors found in Fire Suppression Systems in Philadelphia. This webinar will be held from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2022 via Zoom. Please register if you are interested in attending.
  • L&I eCLIPSE Q&A session - The Department of L&I will be hosting a 90-minute open Q&A session to address specific permit application questions for users with some experience using eCLIPSE. This session will be held from 9:30 am - 11:00 am on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 via Zoom. Please register if you are interested in attending this information session.

Note: Capacity is limited and, in order to accommodate all stakeholders, we ask that you only register if you plan on attending the session and, if your circumstances change, please cancel your registration.

2018 residential code adoption

The Pa Uniform Construction Code has been amended to incorporate 2018 International Code Council provisions, with certain amendments. Review the Pennsylvania Bulletin for detailed information on changes, which took effect on February 14, 2022.
Because Philadelphia already adopted 2018 International Code provisions for non-residential buildings under PA Act 36 of 2017, this change only impacts residential buildings. Please refer to Code Bulletin B-2202 for information on implementation.
We encourage you to review the Significant changes to the 2018 IRC or participate in the upcoming Changes to the 2018 residential Code Provisions webinar.

Electric vehicle charger 

New regulations governing the placement of an electrical vehicle charger on a public sidewalk have been published.
L&I has also developed a new EZ Permit Standard for EVC Systems to waive the requirements for electrical plans and a separate building permit for eligible systems accessory to a one-or-two family dwelling.
Pre-approval of the Streets Department and Art Commission are required for installations on the sidewalk. Please contact the Streets Department Right-Of-Way Unit for submission requirements

Limited lodging (short-term rental) requirements

Effective April 1, 2022, the following licenses will be required to offer your home as a limited lodging rental in Philadelphia:

  • Limited Lodging Operator License  – This license is required to rent your primary residence or a room within your primary residence for periods of less than 30 consecutive days or less. This license applies to property owners and eligible tenants.

  • Limited Lodging and Hotels Booking Agent  – This license is required to make reservations or collect payment for hotel accommodations, including limited lodging, on behalf of or for an operator. This license applies to companies that make reservations or collect payment for guest accommodations in residential properties and/or hotels.

You can apply for theses licenses at eCLIPSE.phila.gov beginning March 1, 2022. For more information on the upcoming license changes, refer to Bill No. 210081. For more information on the permit and license requirements, refer to the recently updated short-term rental FAQ .

Outdoor dining: streeteries update 

Legislation enacted at the end of last year authorizes the City to issue permanent licenses for streeteries that meet the requirements of the streetery ordinance and associated regulations. The regulations have been drafted and are now pending.

They are entitled JOINT REGULATION REGARDING THE LICENSURE AND OPERATION OF STREETERIES ON AUTHORIZED PORTIONS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY and can be found in the regulations chart on the Department of Records website.

The City now expects that the streetery license will launch in April 2022. This newsletter will continue to share additional information as it becomes available.
Inspections / Enforcement

Fire suppression worker (specialty) license

Effective March 15, 2022, an individual performing testing or inspection on a water-based fire-protection system must possess a Fire Suppression Worker (Specialty) license.

  • This does not apply to new installations. A licensed Fire Suppression System Worker may continue to perform this work under a fire suppression permit and complete related certifications.

  • Licensed apprentices may continue to perform testing or inspection under the supervision of a licensed individual.

Inspections initiated prior to March 15 may continue, including correction of noted deficiencies.

Effective July 1, 2022, the individual completing testing and inspection must be identified when uploading annual certifications to eCLIPSE and proper licensure will be validated. More information on this change will be provided in future newsletter editions.

Please visit our website for more information on the Fire Suppression Worker (Specialty) License.

Commercial leasing notice 

Effective March 18, 2022, all commercial property owners must provide potential commercial lessees with the Commercial Leasing Notice upon seven (7) days of signing a lease. Upon receipt of the Commercial Leasing Notice, both the owner and the potential lessee must sign and date the confirmation pages.

Refer to Bill No. 210917 for more information on the requirements for leasing of commercial properties and penalties for non-compliance. 

Plastic bag enforcement

Philadelphia’s plastic bag ban went into effect on October 1, 2021, prohibiting retail establishments from providing single-use plastic and paper bags that do not meet certain requirements. Businesses that were non-complaint were given written warnings. Starting April 1, 2022 businesses that remain in violation of this requirement will be issued Site Violation Notices that carry a minimum penalty of $150.
Each violation of the ordinance is subject to a separate fine. If businesses repeatedly or egregiously violate the ordinance, the City may take them to court and ask the judge to impose additional penalties.

Philadelphia Gas Works notice

Below you can find an "URGENT SAFETY NOTICE" issued by the Philadelphia Gas Works. PLEASE be aware of this information when you and or your company is excavating, installing piping, replacing or repairing any underground work on public or private property.  

Board of L&I review appeals (BLIR)

Beginning March 1, 2022, any person filing a BLIR appeal will no longer be able to submit online in eCLIPSE. All BLIR appeals must be submitted either in-person or by regular mail.

  • For in-person submissions at the Municipal Services Building, you must make an appointment using the online appointment system.

  • For mailed submissions, send a completed appeal application form and a copy of the notice or letter being appealed to:

Board of Licenses and Inspections Review
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Municipal Services Building
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Note: This BLIR filing procedure will NOT affect the filing procedures of the Board of Building Standards, the Plumbing Advisory Board, the Board of Safety and Fire Prevention, and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Back issues of the L&I Newsletters are available on the L&I website under Resources.