Temple Israel Reform Congregation
of Staten Island
315 Forest Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
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Rabbi Michael D. Howald
Cantor Suzanne Bernstein
Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Sandy Mazzucco, Felicia Otto
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Temple Israel’s Electronic Bulletin
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“Shalom, Welcome to Temple Israel....” is a phrase taught to us by Carole Lachman, a beloved, long-time congregant and bulletin editor who died in 2002. We named our bulletin in her honor and worked to realize her vision of Temple Israel as a community that welcomes the stranger and lets no one stand alone. As we move to a new version of this tradition of communicating with our Temple Israel family, we continue to forward Carole’s vision, love and devotion for our synagogue. | |
The streaming links for selected services will be available to full members and ticket holders on request.
Tickets are available for non-members as well as relatives of members. Please call the Temple Office at 718-727-2231 for information on pricing.
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For your convenience, membership tickets (High Holiday Service Tickets) will be available for members in good financial standing to pick up IN PERSON on Sunday, September 11, 2022 from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m., following the Sisterhood/Brotherhood Kick-off Meeting and first day of Religious School. Tickets will be distributed in the area between the Social Hall and Sanctuary.
If you are unable to pick up your tickets in person at that time, you may contact Alan Siegel at AJSiegel1@aol.com to request that your tickets be mailed to your home address.
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Effective August 2, 2022, Temple Israel's Covid Policy has been updated and is as follows:
Temple Israel shall follow current New York State and New York City guidelines as applicable to Staten Island: Properly wearing a face mask is recommended at Temple Israel, but is no longer required. If you feel sick, we ask that you stay at home. If you have tested positive for Covid 19, as per the CDC guidelines, isolate for 5 days and wear a KN95 or N95 face mask when leaving your home at all times from days 6-10.
Temple Israel’s policy is aligned to the City of New York and New York State’s Covid 19 policy. When and if those policies change, we will follow the directions of both the city and the state.
The (Co-)President(s) of Temple Israel are authorized to impose additional measures as they deem necessary for the safety of the congregation, including the re-imposition of the vaccination/test criteria for entry into the building.
Due to anticipated increased attendance at High Holiday Services and our goal of ensuring the health and wellness of all congregants, a Special Covid 19 Vaccination Policy will be in effect for High Holiday Services 2022. This policy refers to the following services: Rosh Hashanah (evev, first day, second day), Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre, morning, children's service, afternoon service, Yizkor and Neilah.
Adults and children 16 and up must show proof of vaccination or present a negative Covid test result taken within the previous 36 hours. Proof of vaccination/Negative Covid 19 test is to be shown upon entry (copy of certificate or phone app). Copies of proof may be submitted to the Temple office in advance of your arrival, if you have not already done so.
We thank you for your cooperation in maximizing the safety of our Congregants and our Temple during the High Holidays this fall.
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Erev Shabbat Services take place IN PERSON. Live-stream links, for those unable to join us, will be e-mailed to all congregants, along with the Friday night Progam, every Friday. The Zoom link for Saturday morning Torah Study and Services can be found below. (Please check weekly News and Notes and the Friday Night Program for any updates or changes.)
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Shabbat Morning
Torah Study at 10:00 a.m. followed by Services at 11:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: 842 7725 0914
Passcode: 345339
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,84277250914#,,,,*345339# US (New York)
+16469313860,,84277250914#,,,,*345339# US
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
1 646 931 3860 US
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Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Shabbat, available
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Through the generosity of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, there is a free online flip-book version of our prayer book, Mishkan T'filah for Youth, available
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A Message from
Rabbi Michael D. Howald
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Earlier this year, Robin and I purchased a LOMI, a countertop composter that turns food scraps into nutrient rich earth you can use for potting plants or nourishing a garden. Using the device has opened our eyes about how much food waste even two people can generate and how much organic matter a city like New York generates for landfills. By using our LOMI, we hope to cut down, in our own small way, the amount of methane, a primary greenhouse gas, our trash produces and so contribute to the effort to reduce global warming. Over the months we have been using it, we have reduced our food waste to a large bag of rich soil we hope to use around the flower beds in our apartment complex.
In some ways, preparing for the High Holy Days is like using a composter. Over the years, we develop many habits and practices that outlive their purpose. Maybe they involve behaviors we adopted when we were single that do not serve the needs of an ongoing relationship. Perhaps they consist of patterns of daily life that served us well when we were working full time but that serve no useful function after we retire. Or they may be ways of thinking about the world we developed before the Internet and the rise of social media. Some may retain their value or charm, but others may only blind us to the reality of a rapidly changing global society.
As human beings, we tend to hold on to things long after their utility has ended. “I might need that old briefcase one day,” we think, so we put it into the attic or the garage rather than give it away. We do the same with outdated habits and ways of thinking. Rather than give them up, we try to preserve them even if they distort our ability to adapt to a changing landscape. By symbolically composting these no longer useful patterns of behavior and thought, we can potentially turn them into something that will nourish our future growth. Thinking of the change process the High Holidays encourage as “composting” reminds us that everything can be useful if we know what it is and how we can transform it into new soil where new habits and ideas can grow.
Every year during Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, our liturgy reminds us that personal change is hard. Even as we digest this message, however, the world changes constantly around us. In the words of writer adrienne maree brown (she prefers lower case letters), “we are in a fast river together — every day there are changes that seemed unimaginable until they occurred.” In the “rapids” we face, perhaps more than any other generation who came before us, change is thrust upon us whether we wish it or not. Imagining this process, not as turning what was once precious to us into trash, but as converting it into something else we can use to nourish our future growth, can be a helpful and, hopefully, comforting way of conceiving of the central task of the Days of Awe.
As we look forward to the start of 5783, I wish you a sweet and enriching New Year. May we all continue to thrive and grow and may the earth we create together sustain us for life in the year to come. L’shana tova!
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A Message from the Co-Presidents
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During the month of Elul Jews begin to prepare for the High Holy Day season. It is a time for soul-searching and reflection to prepare for the Days of Awe, Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur. Selichot is observed at Temple Israel this year on Saturday night, September 17th. The prayers that we say on Selichot are general prayers of repentance, the word Selichot means “ forgiveness”. The Selichot prayer service mirrors the service that we find on the Day of Atonement. We begin and end the season of repentance asking for God to be compassionate , hoping that he will accept our prayers.
As we progress to the seventh month of the Jewish year,Tishri, we
recite two special prayers. The first is Unetaneh Tokef , which is a medieval poem about the solemnity of the day. The other prayer, El Maleh Rachamim, is a prayer for the souls of the departed, who are believed to be watching over those living in crucial times.
Of course we hear the shofar, blasted everyday during Elul and on Rosh Hoshanah ( September 25th- 26th) when the horn sounds in earnest. We will gather to hear the sounds of the shofar, considered to be a great mitzvah.
Join us at Temple Israel to begin the New Year by asking for forgiveness, by asking to be inscribed in the Book of Life, with the hope that we will be sealed in the Book of Life.
This is a time for us to come together, to pray together under one roof and to plan for the coming year. Know that each of us wishes you and your family a year filled with the best of health , with peace of mind and with the hope that our Temple Israel community will work together to make 5782, the 75th anniversary year of our synagogue, our best year ever.
L’ Shanah Tovah!
Your Co- Presidents
Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Sandy Mazzucco, Felicia Otto
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Dear Fellow Congregants,
Thank you to all of you who have already acknowledged your annual commitments by submitting appropriate payments. Please be reminded that the initial date for honoring your commitment was Monday, August 15th. If you have not yet made your commitment submissions, please do so according to the template that is shown on the back side of your Membership Form. In addition, it is important that you provide all requested information so that out Temple records may be updated to fully reflect your family’s status.
The preparation of Membership documents which will serve as your admission ticket for High Holiday Services is dependent on the honoring of your annual commitment. These tickets will not be available to anyone whose commitment has not been satisfied.
For your convenience, membership tickets (High Holiday Service Tickets) will be available for members in good financial standing to pick up IN PERSON on Sunday, September 11, 2022 from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m., following the Sisterhood/Brotherhood Kick-off Meeting and first day of Religious School. Tickets will be distributed in the area between the Social Hall and Sanctuary. If you are unable to pick up your tickets in person at that time, you may contact me at AJSiegel1@aol.com to request that your tickets be mailed to your home address.
Should you wish to have non-members or other family members join us at these Services, Guest Seating will be available according to the following fee schedule:
Non-members: $234 per person
Unaffiliated relatives of members:
Adult Family Members: $180 per person
Adult Children: $126 per person
Parent/In-law Parent: $90 per person
Please feel free to contact me directly at 917-873-4739 should you wish to discuss any matter regarding your annual commitment. Please leave your name and phone number if you are leaving a message.
Thank you in advance for your on-going support of Temple Israel.
Alan Siegel
Financial Secretary
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Will you be away from Temple Israel during the High Holidays this year?
If you would like to attend services at a Reform Congregation in another state, click here for a High Holiday Courtesy Seating Request Form.
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The form will help you arrange for reciprocal seating at a URJ affiliated congregation when traveling during the High Holidays. Seating is available for members in good standing of Temple Israel and is at the discretion of the Destination Congregation. | |
Please consider becoming a member of our
It helps to make membership available to all our families. Speak to our Financial Secretary to upgrade your membership.
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On Selichot as we prepare ourselves for the High Holy Days, one familiar prayer returns again and again:
Hashiveinu, Adonai, eilecha v'nashuva. Chadesh yameinu k'kedem.
This text, from Lamentations 5:21, can be translated into English as "Return us to You, Adonai, and we will return; renew our days as of old." Translation from one language to another always requires interpretation. Just as midrash (commentary) teaches us about a text, the skillful translator can inspire us with new insights.
In Mishkan HaLev, (The Dwelling-Place of the Heart) our prayer book for Selichot, this verse is translated as, "Take us back, Adonai -- let us come back to you." For me, there is something visceral about this translation. The simple single syllable words are so direct. They are a cry from the heart: take us back!
I can't help but think these words have a special meaning for me this New Year. Back in 2006 when I left Temple Israel Reform Congregation of Staten Island, I never expected to come back. To be honest, despite continuing to have many friends in the congregation, I felt reluctant to come to Temple Israel for services or events.
And certainly since I left Temple Israel, I've been busy, so I could easily say I had no time to return. I have taught literally hundreds of b'nei mitzvah students at Temple Shaaray Tefilah on the Upper East Side, where I continue to teach. I had the awesome privilege and honor of being the cantor and spiritual leader of a small congregation in Boro Park, Brooklyn. I even "starred" in a short film about my retirement from that congregation. My daughters, Chaya and Miryam, grew into adulthood, with busy lives of their own. I moved up to the village of Catskill, to enjoy the vibrant community and the great outdoors. I am a member of Temple Israel of Catskill where I occasionally lead services.
So how does it come to pass that I am back at Temple Israel this year? The simple explanation is that this year there is a shortage of student cantors, creating an opening for a retired cantor like me. But there is more to the story. Over these past years, I have gotten to know Rabbi Michael Howald, first as the parent of Kevin, who was my bar mitzvah student at Shaaray Tefilah, then as a colleague and friend. It is because of Rabbi Howald, because of his kindness, wisdom and friendship, that I have gone from feeling I could never go back to Temple Israel to being able to say "yes" with excitement and joy, to coming back for this year.
Maybe you will find inspiration from my story. My prayer for all of us is that we come to understand that it can be possible to return to places, to people, to the Eternal, even when there has been difficulty, disappointment, sadness or anger. We can return with open hearts, with joy, with love. Sometimes the hardest part is to be able to say, "take us back."
Wishing you the sweetest of New Years!
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Many members of the choir in this photo from 1993 now have children of their own! How many do you recognize? This year, Cantor Bernstein welcomes all children who love to sing to join the Temple Israel junior choir. We will rehearse once a month after Sunday school and sing at family Shabbat services, Chanukah and more! First rehearsal: Sunday, September 18 at noon in the sanctuary. | |
Children's Choir Rehearsal
Sunday, September 18- 12:00 noon
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, September 1- 7:00 pm
Thursday, September 8- 7:00 pm
Thursday, September 15- 7:00 pm
Sunday, September 18- 10:00 am
Thursday, September 22- 7:00 pm
Thursday, September 29- 7:00 pm
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RABBI & ROBIN HOWALD on the birth of their granddaughter and to Arline Bronzaft on the birth of her great -granddaughter Sophia Huiya Bracha Howald to Kevin and Yvonne Howald
ROBIN & JOEL HERTZBERG on the birth of their granddaughter, Theresa Lynne;
ANNA WU as she Is welcomed into the House of Israel;
AMANDA BROGLIO & MICHAEL DONOVAN on their wedding officiated by Rabbi Howald;
BARBARA FEIGELMAN on her pending retirement
from JP Morgan.
STEPHEN SINGER & family on the loss of his stepfather, Joseph Maldonado;
KAREN GROSS & family on the loss of her nephew,
Matthew Kinsey;
Mindy Berkower, Howard Pisetzner and Karen Fried and their families on the passing of their father and longtime Temple Israel member DR. IRA PISETZNER.
DEBBIE CHERNOFF recovering from surgery;
KAREN FREY-GAMORON recovering from a broken foot;
GENNIE LOPEZ recovering from a fall;
CLAIRE GUTTSMAN healing from a fractured tibia.
RIAN SILVERMAN and her son Nolan;
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September 2, 2022
Sylvia Chazanoff
Mary Freedman
Solomon Jacob Gross *
Mina Dashman Katz *
Evelyn Ruth Konigsberg *
Louis Schlefstein *
Royal Slamow *
Phyllis Vaccarelli
Sidney Wolchok
Louis Henken
Samuel Flaum
Gertrude Newhouse Diamond *
Helen E. Frey
Jack Goodman
Marc Kopstein *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Karl Jantof
Erich Weber
Albert Chambre
Noakh Wajntraub
Jetta Wittenberg
September 9, 2022
Norman Sorkin
Robert T. Lane *
Tom Sparacio
Harold Landowne
Boris Reznikoff
David Schmeidler *
Harry Avis *
Leo Diamond *
Irving Reznikoff
Sarah Miriam Gross *
Martin Lavender
Harold Pappert
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Regina Gruskowiak
Wolf Tiger
Elie Decremer
Galka Lesczynska
Karl Wischmann
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September 16, 2022
Albert Kaufman
Sidney Goldberg *
Miriam Sugerman-Rosenblum
Martin Goldstone
Joseph Newman *
Lewis Schwartz
Sol Sparber
Isidore Janatofsky *
Dr. Melvin Victor *
Mark Heitowit *
Emanuel Leef
Marivic Lipton
Jacob Rosenberg *
Arthur Duskin *
Abraham Gamoran
Lewis Werb *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Gisela Tanberowa
Jean Loussant
Henryk Kajzer
Sally Blech
Arminne Lowenstein
September 23, 2022
Solomon Davidson *
Harriet Kramer
Sedge Levee *
Milton Silberlight
Jeffrey Tenzer
Florence Weinstein *
Samuel Gootenberg *
Charles Hirsh
Abraham Mendelsohn
Max Reiman *
Irving E. Rothaus *
Frances Lipston *
Herman Gross
Michael Berlyand
Florence Harrison
Fannie Kruger Levy *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Ischorowic Retscher
Hans Bloch
Esther-Hinda Hampel
Mali Brender
Wilhelm Sölch
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September 30, 2022
Samuel Elman *
Jorge Vinocur
Virginia Menna
Carol Schwimmer *
Millard Siegler *
Edith Fazio
Stuart Schorr
Sidney Simon *
Joseph Steinberg
Louis Benjamin *
Sylvia Selig
Albert Mulnick
Joseph Gershansky
Irving Lieberman
Victor Pessah *
Lillian Winer *
Mary Borack *
Loretta Grossman
Ruth Sommer
Pauline Spector *
And we remember from the Holocaust:
Karl Zinncken
Sandorne Garai
Hubert Bergemann
Jean Mora
Haim Schmelzer
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* These names are on our Memorial Wall.
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Erev Shabbat Services
Friday, September 2
Celebration of September
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Service at 7:00 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
“May you live to see
your children’s children.”
Friday, September 9
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, September 16
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, September 23
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Friday, September 30
Service at 7:30 p.m.
In Person and
via Live-Stream
(link to be sent via e-mail)
Torah Study and Shabbat Services
Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.
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The Advance Payment Program allows members to pay in advance for Friday night program ads. Members usually deposit $100 (or less in some cases) and when an ad is placed, $5 is deducted. When the balance gets low (usually to about $10) an e-mail is sent reminding the member that they should consider adding money to their account.
You may, if you wish, pay in advance for Friday night program announcements. For more details contact the Temple office or contact Deanna Feder dfeder19@aol.com to set up an account.
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For your information, the dates of the High Holy Days and Fall Festivals are as follows:
Selichot: Saturday September 17th
Erev Rosh Hashanah: Sunday September 25th
Rosh Hashanah First Day: Monday September 26th
Rosh Hashanah Second Day: Tuesday September 27th
Kol Nidre: Tuesday October 4th
Yom Kippur Day: Wednesday October 5th
Erev Sukkot: Sunday October 9th
Sukkot Day: Monday October 10th
Shemini Atzeret/Erev Simchat Torah: Sunday October 16th
Simchat Torah Day: Monday October 17th
We look forward to seeing you all in person at Temple.
Linda Brill, Jerry Gross Nina Rohan
Thank you to the following congregants for their assistance with ushering during services as well as for honoring the Congregation with their presence on the Bimah in August:
Bryn Biren, Linda Brill, Deanna Feder, Barbara Fried, Silvia Gornstein, Sam Gornstein Cheryl Levine, Larry Hanibal, Beverly Mazer, Felicia Otto, Blanche Ricci, and Pamela Rogozin
Nina Rohan
Ushering Chair
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Click directly on flyer to print or download.
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At this time of year when we “throw away our sins” during Tashlich, we have a perfect opportunity to take a fresh look at ourselves and commit to being better individuals.
September and October will be months of renewal. With Rosh Hashanah on September 24-25 and Yom Kippur on October 4-5, we have an opportunity to start the New Year with a clean slate.
We will have a “Break the Fast” after the last sounds of the shofar are blown on October 5 in the social hall as we begin the year 5783. We hope you will be able to join us!
We have so much to look forward to. On October 15, Temple Israel will enjoy Pizza in the Hut at 5 pm and Sippin’ in the Sukkah at 7 pm.
Please see the Calendar in this E-Shalom for all our activities. Don’t miss out!
One of our first meetings is our Sisterhood/Brotherhood Joint General Membership Kickoff when we meet at Temple on (Sunday) September 11, which will mostly be a social meeting. Unfortunately, this is also a day we remember those who were tragically lost 21 years ago. However, when we meet as sisters, Temple Israel creates an environment for our entire Sisterhood community to repair the world.
Through Sisterhood’s work, we demonstrate support and sustenance for each other. As a result of our dedication and commitment, we bring out the best in each other, in ourselves, and in our world. Together we continue the good work of Sisterhood by sharing our time and our skills with each other.
As co-presidents, we would like to see a focus on a mentorship program through which we can cultivate the wisdom and experience of our sisters, who have been members for much of their lives and are willing to teach the ideals of Sisterhood to our youngest and newest members. We need to ensure that this chain of tradition carries forward to our current youth and congregation members and into the future. We know you are women who are busy with families and careers and personal obligations, but it is usually those busy women who open themselves to the necessity of taking at least some small part in the continuation of these contributions to Temple.
Sisterhood is a member of the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), the women’s affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ). Our Sisterhood dues support WRJ. This is the time to join or renew your membership in Temple Israel’s Sisterhood, which provides you with the opportunity to put your talents and gifts to use for many causes, both large and small. Your membership enriches your life as well as that of the entire congregation. And of course, you don’t want to miss our lovely paid-up membership breakfast on November 20th.
Please remember to fill out the survey emailed to you and return it to Sisterhoodti@aol.com. It is anonymous and would be very helpful in providing activities and events that are engaging and that you enjoy. If you wish, you can answer the questions on a separate screen and then send the survey answers to Fern. You can print or download a copy of the survey here:
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We would like to express our sincerest appreciation to all those who provided home-baked and store-bought goods for onegs last month and who set up, cleaned, and put everything away. Due to their efforts, our August onegs went very smoothly. Thank you, Felicia Otto, Silvia Gornstein, Bryn Biren, Pamela Carlton, Marnie Blit, Nina Rohan, Sandy Feurstein, and Maxine Cohen. We hope we did not forget anyone.
Thank you also to Silvia Gornstein for her hard work in ordering and sending out the beautiful Community New Year’s Card to the many members who participated. Thank you also to JD, Judy Lee’s child, who created the beautiful and colorful design we used this year.
Blanche Ricci and Deanna Feder did a super job of taking orders for the lovely honey bags (more than just honey) and will be preparing them for distribution soon. Thank you!
Our gift shop sells Judaica items, including jewelry, for all the holidays and simchas. Only a portion of our available items are on display in the Temple foyer. For assistance with gift shop needs, appointments can be arranged by contacting Blanche Ricci at branchtr@aol.com.
L’Shanah Tovah to you and your family,
Anita Zuckerberg, Pam Rogozin, Judy Lee
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
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Brotherhood at Temple Israel continues….
Welcome to all past and future members of the Brotherhood of Temple Israel. We look forward to welcoming you at the first meeting of the year, a shared Breakfast meeting with Sisterhood on Sunday, September 11th. We will be having a brief meeting following the Breakfast and will engage in the annual cleaning of our stream prior to the Tashlich Service.
Our annual building of our outdoor Sukkah will take place on Thursday evening, October 6th, in preparation for our religious school children to decorate it on Sunday, October 9th, as part of their school activities.
Please stay tuned and prepare to become an active member of the newer and stronger auxiliary organization. We are planning to have a dinner for Brotherhood members on Sunday, October 23rd at 5pm, at Bocelli’s Restaurant. Please mark your calendar! We look forward to sharing good times with each other. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to contact us to offer your service and confirm your participation.
Alan Siegel and Bob Zuckerberg
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We are sorry if your name was inadvertently omitted. Please contact John at the Temple Office to update your membership information.
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The Sisterhood of Temple Israel would like to help you celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for you and your family.
You can share the joy of Shabbat and your birthday and/or anniversary by helping to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat on the Friday evening when we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries for that month.
In addition to sponsoring the Oneg, the names of those celebrating appear in the Friday night program and celebrants are invited to the Bimah.
A contribution of $10 for birthdays and $18 for anniversaries is suggested to honor your special occasion and help the Temple at the same time.
Letters are sent out early in the month prior and payment would be appreciated before the first Friday of the month of the celebration.
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It is hard to believe it is back to school season and at school at Temple Israel the excitement is gearing up! The first day of school is Sunday, September 11th at 9:30am. Prior to the first day, there is a mandatory orientation for school via zoom on Thursday, September 1st at 7:30pm. At least one adult family member is required to attend this informational and important orientation.
We have 40 students enrolled in school this year and we are pleased to have our largest school staff we have had in about a decade. We have hired three new enthusiastic and knowledgeable teachers and have one returning teacher in addition to our School Director, Rabbi Howald. This year families will receive additional communication pertaining to their child(ren)'s class through our class parents. Our class parents are:
Jackie Rabinowtiz, Kitonim
Sarah Sarfati, Kitah Alef
Polina Leibovich and Samantha Sherer, Kitah Bet
Remy Smith, Kitah Gimel
In addition to my weekly emails, families will receive direct communication from class parents when planning holiday celebrations, assemblies and Friday Family Shabbat Services.
We have some important September dates to make note of:
Friday, September 2nd at 7:00pm
is our September Family Shabbat Service
Friday, September 16th at 5:30pm
is our September Tot Shabbat Service
Sunday, September 18th at 12:00pm
is the first Junior Choir gathering and rehearsal!
Hear more about all of these events and dates at our school orientation!
Our September Parents' Committee meeting takes place on Sunday, September 18th at 10:00am and I hope to see you there as we continue planning all of the fun programming and celebrations for our families and kids!
See you soon!
Felicia Otto
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The membership committee met on August 11, 2022.
We are finalizing plans for the Special Shabbat on September 16th welcoming Cantor Bernstein back to Temple Israel. We have decided to set an RSVP with a final date to ascertain the amount of members planning to attend. We have also obtained the list of members who left Temple. We will reach out and invite them to this Shabbat.
The committee is panning more events for the year. Be on the lookout for exciting programs which hope to reach inter-generations of our Temple.
If you have ideas to present to the committee, please send them to speakdok@aol.com. We are happy to entertain ideas that are exciting for the year to come.
Sandy Mazzucco and Claire Guttsman
Membership Committee Co-Chairs
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2.Select "Change Your Charity"
3.Type in “Temple Israel Reform 4.Congregation of Staten Island"
5.Click Search
6.Click Select
7.Order as usual.
Temple Israel benefits!
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Every Voice Every Vote Campaign
Now that the Primary Elections are over, our attention turns to the General Election on Tuesday, November 3rd.
In New York City, the polls will be open from 6am - 9 pm.
The early voting period is from October 29th-November 6th.
This election is extremely important since those who are elected to various offices across our country will determine how our government is run far into the future. Please make sure that everyone in your family is registered to vote and votes either in person on November 3rd or via absentee ballot.
Tell 5 friends and have each of them tell 5 friends. This is how we can spread the word about the importance of showing up to vote and making our voices heard.
For more information, including polling places and absentee ballots go to https://vote.nyc
If you are interested in more information about how you can participate in voting efforts through the RAC, click on the link to the Every Voice Every Vote initiative here:
The Torah teaches us to pursue justice which can only be achieved if everyone’s voice is heard. Watch for more information in future E-Shalom issues as well as in the weekly News ‘n Notes.
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There are so many social justice issues to think about in these troubling times- antis-semtism, access to abortion, allowing travel to enable access to abortion, gun violence, climate change and others. Follow the RAC at https://rac.org Read the Reform Movement’s position on these issues and contact your Senators and Congressional Representatives at the key moments when important bills are coming up for a vote.
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Temple Israel Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Just what you need and just what they want!
The only place on Staten Island for all your Jewish gifts.
Special Orders available.
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Some featured Judaica Shop items this month:
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Contact Blanche Ricci at branchtr.ricci@gmail.com
if you are interested in any Judaica Shop items.
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Bryn Biren
Terry Baver
Avis Foundation Trustees
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The mission of the Dr. Ronald Avis Foundation for Temple Israel Reform Congregation is:
…. to provide financial support for young families seeking membership in Temple Israel, and to attract new young families by providing learning opportunities, family programming, and social justice initiatives.
Temple Israel is going to be a very active place this year. Rabbi Howald and Felicia Otto have met, talked, planned, interviewed and hired some new teachers for our Religious school. Input has been gotten from the Parent Committee, suggestions are been implemented in our programming.
Cantor Suzanne Bernstein returns to Temple Israel this month and will be looking for youngsters who would like to participate in the Children’s Choir. Looking ahead, she will also reaching out to children who would like to be part of our Purim Shpiel. Before you know it rehearsals will begin.
The Avis Foundation has already planned for Ceramics classes at Wagner College, for our older children (age 9 and above) on Sundays, 10/16, 10/23, 11/6 and 11/20, from 1:30-3:30 PM.
This year we will be partnering with the PJ Library. Temple Israel has been accepted to be part of their network. We will be notified about activities and materials available in our area. Polina Leibovich has stepped up to be our liaison to the PJ Library. For those of you who are not already signed up to receive the excellent books ( at no charge) each month, register at PJLIBRARY.org. There are two categories of membership- newborn to age 8 and ages 9-12. The books are a wonderful source of Jewish and ethical knowledge.
We have museum trips, Tot Shabbats, Cultureats and many other programs planned for this year. We want you to become involved.
Tell your friends and neighbors about Temple Israel and all that we have to offer. It is a New Year and the time that we want to welcome new children to our Temple family.
Bryn Biren and Terry Baver
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Judith Pessah will lead the discussion of “Lilyville, Mother Daughter and Other Roles I’ve Played” by Tovah Feldshuh, on September 7th at 7:30. (Zoom information will be sent) We will delve into the relationship we had with our own mothers, and will be asked to think about the following; “Did our mothers take on the role of “Gardener” or “Carpenter”? Did they plant and nourish the seeds , or did they hammer and shape?
If you would like to join this book discussion, please contact Cheryl Levine.
Upcoming Events
Book Discussion—Wednesday, November 16, 7:30 “People of the Book”, by Geraldine Brooks, discussion led by Anita Zuckerberg.
This novel discusses events surrounding the real historical past of Sarajevo Haggadah, one of the oldest surviving Jewish Illuminated texts.
Discussions with Judy Sher—“Our Families”, November 3, 10, December 1, 7:30.
Tentative Future Plans
A series of programs to help us to better understand our Sabbbath rituals, and other aspects of Judaism.
A discussion of Jewish Diversity, exploring the many worldwide locations where we find our people practicing our religion in diverse ways. (For some surprising insights on this topic, read “Under One Canopy, Readings in Jewish Diversity”, edited by Karen Primack, published by Kurland, Inc.).
A discussion of the “Jewish Catskills”.
Trips— A guided tour with The Lower East Side Conservancy. A visit to the Holocaust Center at Wagner College.
Looking forward to Learning with you!
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Cheryl Levine and Judith Pessah
Adult Learning Committee Co-Chairpersons
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November 19, 2022 for our next FUNdraising event.
Details to follow.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Trontz-Allen, Karen Frey-Gamoran, Lissa Winchel
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Click the order forms above to print or download. | |
Classes are for ADULTS ONLY.
Both chair and mat students are accommodated at each class.
For more information, contact
Terry Baver at 718-490-4428 or
Bryn Biren at 718-447-6225
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The cost of Yoga is:
Temple Israel members: $48 per month $6 per class
Non members : $10 per class
(Two people in a home pay only one fee)
Pilates classes are FREE.
Checks payable to:
Ronald Avis Temple Israel Foundation
Send monthly payment to:
Terry Baver. 30 Theresa Place. SI, NY. 10301
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Contributions to Temple Israel as tributes, dedications or memorials are welcome and are published in the weekly Shabbat program.
Donations can be dedicated to the general Temple Israel Fund or to any of the following specific funds:
- Adult Education Fund
- Building Preservation Fund
- Caring Community Fund
- Carole Lachman Memorial Fund
- Choir Fund
- Confirmation Fund
Estelle A. Gootenberg Memorial Fund (for Torah Repair/ Restoration)
Gerald J. Lustig Memorial Fund (for Ark & Ark Doors)
- Liheyot Fund
- Membership Fund
- Prayerbook Fund
- Rabbi Marcus Kramer Memorial Library Fund
- Shoah Education Fund
- Scholarship Fund
- Rabbi Michael D. Howald Fund for Social Action and Tikkun Olam
A $5.00 minimum donation is requested for these funds. Checks for donations to any of these funds should be made payable to Temple Israel.
PRAYERBOOKS may be dedicated in honor or memory of a special person or occasion. For specific prayerbooks and donation amounts, look for the Prayerbook icons found in this bulletin
Please make checks for Donations to the RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND payable to that fund.
Donations in any amount may be made to SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL or BROTHERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL with checks made payable directly to the affiliate organization.
For a leaf on the TREE OF LIFE in honor of a simcha, please scroll down.
For permanent MEMORIAL PLAQUES on our Family Memorial Wall or Original Memorial Wall, please call the Temple office at 718-727-2231.
To see list of all recent
Tributes and Program
Donations to Funds...
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If you are not receiving this Bulletin via a direct e-mail and would like to, please contact us at TICOMMUNICATION@aol.com to be added to our mailing list.
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Our E-Bulletin is shared with the entire Temple Israel Family and the Staten Island Community. If you are a local business or community organization and you would like to advertise in our monthly bulletin, please contact the Temple Office at 718-727-2231 or e-mail TICommunication@aol.com.
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