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LA Animal Services Shares Tips to Keep Pets Safe
During Cold Weather
Los Angeles, December 23, 2021 – Cold weather, just like hot weather, can pose serious threats to your pets' health. Here are some tips to keep your pets safe during wintry weather:
Winter wellness: Cold weather may worsen some medical conditions such as arthritis. Your pet should be examined by a veterinarian at least once a year, and it's as good a time as any to get them checked out to make sure they are ready and as healthy as possible for cold weather.
It's sweater weather: If your dog has a short coat or seems bothered by the cold weather, consider a sweater or dog coat. Use a dry sweater or coat each time your dog goes outside. Wet sweaters or coats can actually make your dog colder.
Check paws and wipe down pets: After walks in rainy weather, paws, legs, and bellies may pick up harmful chemicals that could be toxic if pet's lick them off of their feet or fur. Dog booties are a good option during wet and cold weather; ensure booties are fitting properly.
Stay inside. If it’s possible to keep your pets indoors, cats and dogs should be kept inside during cold and freezing weather. If it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pet.
Make some noise: A warm vehicle engine can be an appealing but deadly heat source for outdoor and free-roaming cats. Before starting the engine, check underneath your car, bang on the hood, and honk the horn to encourage feline hitchhikers to leave their hiding spot under the hood.
Never leave a pet alone in a car during cold weather: A car can act as a refrigerator, holding in the cold and causing the animal to freeze to death. Always check to make sure that dogs are welcome where you are going, otherwise leave them at home.
Wear a collar and check the chip: Make sure your pet is wearing a well-fitting collar with a current LA City dog license and ID tag, and that your furry friend is microchipped with your up-to-date contact information, which can help reunite you with your lost pet should you become separated.
For more information about LA Animal Services, and how to keep your pets safe, visit:
LA Animal Services promotes and protects the health, safety, and welfare of animals and the people who love them, and is one of the largest municipal shelter systems in the United States. With six Centers across the City, LA Animal Services serves approximately 60,000 animals annually and responds to 20,000 emergency calls involving animals or people in danger. LA Animal Services is part of the Human Animal Support Services (HASS) international coalition, joining 38 municipal shelters and animal welfare organizations across the country to reimagine and transform the way shelters care for animals and their families, by offering access to resources to help keep families together; getting lost pets home quickly without having to enter the shelter system; providing food and medical assistance; and continuing to build on a strong adoption and foster program so pets find their permanent homes or are placed in foster care. Visit our link.tree for helpful links to the services and resources available to you and your companion animals. Connect with LA Animal Services and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.