The 2016-2017 Board Year just ended - what a year!
Very special thanks go to Dawn McFarland, LAAHU's Immediate Past President.
Dawn worked tirelessly and devoted many hours leading our Association this year - with a hand in so many areas and new initiatives. We had a fantastic year and she has left us with a very strong foundation and great morale - directly due to Dawn's leadership and huge heart!
Dawn will continue to be involved in LAAHU, serving on the LAAHU Board heading the Recruiting & Mentoring Committee, and she is now also serving as the CAHU Vice President of Communications.
We owe Dawn many thanks and have such respect for all she has given, accomplished, and set in motion. Please join us in thanking Dawn next time you see her and celebrate all the ways she contributed to the strength and character of this chapter. We are so fortunate to have had her!
And now I'd like to introduce you to the 2017-2018 Board of Directors:
(see list below)
We are all honored to represent the Los Angeles Association of Health Underwriters and will work many hours to provide you with quality programs and events, educational opportunities, business growth training and strategies, and the opportunity to make a difference in our communities.
The delivery and financing of healthcare has never been so fast-changing and hotly debated as it is right now. To have a marked impact we must stand together with the more than 100,000 other members of NAHU - our Association has earned the respect of the White House, Senate and House, and also CMS and HHS. But we need you!
I urge and invite you to be involved in this Association, more so now than ever.
We need your voice, your financial commitment, and your expertise!
It's key to keep in mind that the California Single Payor bill SB562 isn't dead - only delayed. It will be back, likely as a ballot initiative.
So get involved and hold on - it's going to be quite a ride!
Best regards,
Bobbi Kaelin
LAAHU President 2017-2018