Advocacy Council for Abused Deaf Children (ACADC)

The ACADC, established in 1991 to systemically address maltreatment among Deaf children, is a collaborative effort comprised of many community agencies that serve the Deaf population. Our efforts are based in education, service, resources, and community involvement to best serve the Deaf Community. The goal of the Advocacy Council for Abused Deaf Children (ACADC) is to prevent abuse and promote the development of appropriate and quality treatment resources for families with a Deaf member within Los Angeles County. This goal can only be accomplished by creating a network of service providers and agencies who are culturally and linguistically sensitive and knowledgeable of the community in which the Council serves. ACADC is committed to providing advocacy and quality services to the Deaf Community.
As a part of this commitment, in April of 2018, we hosted our 1 st annual workshop entitled "See Something, Say Something: Recognizing Trauma in Deaf Children." This workshop (tailored for professionals) provided insightful information on how to respond to trauma specifically for Deaf children. The workshop received such a positive response, that the ACADC is committed to providing this as an annual event while also extending the event for 2 days. Our next workshop will be help in April 2019 and we are excited to be able to expand. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon!