August 2023

Three-Days-A-Week Watering Returns

Image of a graphic of drought-friendly landscaping with a weekly chart stating which days of the week customers can water outdoors indicated by a water drop. Text that reads outdoor watering 3 days a week.

After watering only two days a week for the past year, our customers can begin watering their outdoor landscapes for up to three-days-a-week! This means customers with street addresses ending in odd-numbers are now allowed to water on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and customers with even-numbered street addresses are now allowed to water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Hand watering is allowed every day before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m. if your hose is equipped with a self-closing water shut-off device.

Our Water Conservation Response Unit (Water CRU) will continue to patrol LA streets to educate customers on the current watering restrictions and to enforce the CIty's Water Ordinance. Members of the public can report water waste to the Water CRU by visiting

Thank you for being leaders when it comes to water conservation. Let us help you continue those efforts! From rebate programs and free landscaping workshops to savings on a leak-detecting device, we have what you need to continue a sustainable and water-efficient lifestyle.

Start Saving Now!

PFAS Concerns?

PFAS are Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl chemicals that resist grease, oil, water, and heat. First used in the 1940's, they can now be found in hundreds of products including stain- and water-resistant fabrics and carpeting, cleaning products, paints, and fire-fighting foams. Recent news stories reported PFAS has been found in water supplies in California.

LADWP customers can rest assured that there are currently no PFAS in our water distribution system thanks to robust testing and monitoring.

In conjunction with the recent Drinking Water Quality Report that was recently published, we also prepared an FAQ regarding PFAS chemicals. Read the FAQ to learn more.

Image of a mother daughter clinking water glasses at a picnic table.
Frequently Asked Questions about PFAS

Low-Income and Lifeline Water Discount No Longer Available

As a result of a recent ruling by the Los Angeles Superior Court, effective July 20, 2023, LADWP will no longer apply a water discount for customers enrolled in its EZ-SAVE (low-income) and Lifeline (senior citizen and disabled) programs. This change does not affect program enrollment status, and customers do not have to take any action to continue benefiting from the remaining EZ-SAVE or Lifeline programs. This change also does not affect discounts offered through LADWP’s electric rate ordinance or for sewer service.

Despite this new development, LADWP continues to offer an array of programs benefitting its customers, such as Cool LA and other financial assistance programs to help mitigate the loss of the water discount, such as extended payment arrangements and Level Pay which helps “level out” a customer’s bill to a consistent bill amount over a 12-month period, to help make budgeting easier.

Learn More

Gear Up for Success with FREE Online Educational Resources!

Image of a child in a white lab coat with safety goggles and text that reads explore the fascinating world of energy, science and safety

As we head into the start of another school year, we continue to provide resources and educational offerings for both teachers and students! We realize the importance of providing resources to enhance our educators and the students they teach and we take pride in being able to spark the creative energy of a new generation. Participating and assisting in educating children in the city and communities we serve helps secure a knowledgeable base of residential and business customers who understand and appreciate water, energy, and environmental issues. Share these resources with kids at home or with a teacher you know!

FREE Online Educational Resources

2023 Times in Education Poster Contest Winner Selected

Image of student artwork showing a sink, washing machine and thermostat with text that reads Concerned? Conserve!

Times in Education Grand Prize Winner, Ava Kim (12th Grade, Granada Hills)

Congratulations to Ava Kim, 12th grade student at Granada Hills Charter High School, winner of the 2023 Times in Education art poster contest!

For more than 10 years, LADWP has proudly sponsored the Los Angeles Times in Education Program to promote important environmental topics in schools. Topics include water conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. This year's Art Poster Contest theme was "Water, Energy, the Environment and You."

2023 Poster Contest Finalists

Partnering with Neighborhood Councils

We're the only department in the City of Los Angeles with a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Neighborhood Councils committing to regular and ongoing communication about our programs and policies. The 2023 - 2028 MOU was approved by the Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners on January 24, 2023. The new MOU will is avialable online!

The DWP-NC MOU Oversight and Advocacy Committees meet every first Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Meetings are broadcast via webcast. Due to the Labor Day holiday weekend, September's meeting will take place on the second Tuesday. Join us!

Join the

next meeting


September 9, 2023

8:30 a.m.

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