arth Day is officially celebrated on April 22, but for LADWP, Earth Day is everyday. We strive daily to be a responsible environmental steward every day through various programs, capital projects and initiatives to help make Los Angeles the cleanest, greenest, most sustainable city in America. The stories here are just some highlights of how we protect the environment not just on Earth Day, but every day!
Los Angeles Ranked #1 City for Solar Installed!
Saving the
Earth by Saving Our
Local Water
Did you know, L.A. sits atop a sizable underground water resource in the San Fernando Valley? LADWP launched a $92 million project last year to respond to historical releases of hazardous substances, and restore and protect the full use of the San Fernando Basin as a safe, high-quality source of drinking water. The
North Hollywood West Groundwater Treatment Project
is the first of four planned remediation projects in the San Fernando Valley, and construction is expected to be completed by early next year.
Once complete, the project will begin removing contamination from the San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin, protecting the public and restoring our historic ability to use it as a resource. This means restored availability of local, affordable, clean, refreshing drinking water for our customers, while reducing our dependence on expensive, imported water.
We celebrated Earth Day at Grand Park on April 11 with the theme "Live Clean and Go Green." Sponsored by LADWP, Grand Park and The Music Center, Earth Day L.A. featured a variety of educational booths, activities and demonstrations on how to live a cleaner, greener lifestyle.
L.A. residents, workers, students and visitors delighted in activities such as gardening demos, musical entertainment, recycled art projects, electric vehicle demos and kid-friendly yoga. Visitors also learned about topics such as composting and living a healthy lifestyle from vendors.
Earth Day L.A. is an annual event celebrated worldwide with various events to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day L.A. now includes events in more than
193 countries.
At 102 gallons per day, Los Angeles has one of the lowest water use per capita levels of any major U.S. city. Water use today is about the same as it was in the 1970s, despite a population increase of over 1 million people.
Do Your Part for the
by Recycling that Old Refrigerator!
he Refrigerator Turn-in and Recycle (
) program and the
Refrigerator Exchange Program
have h
elped customers save on their bills, conserve energy and cut down on greenhouse gas emission by recycling their old, inefficient refrigerators.
To date, customers have turned in more than 170,000 energy inefficient refrigerators to LADWP for recycling through both programs. The estimated combined energy savings is equivalent to taking 32,000 homes off the grid on an annual basis!
Largest Solar Installation in Sun Valley Goes Live
LADWP is on track to reach 33% renewable power by next year, and we are not stopping there! LADWP's goal is to achieve 55% renewables by 2030 with studies and plans in the works to reach 100%. But we have to do it in a cost-effective manner while maintaining power reliability for our customers. From solar, to wind, to hydropower, biomass and geothermal, it's all in the mix. To learn more about our efforts and what you can do to go green, click
CA Friendly: The New L.A. Lawn
L.A. does a great job when it come to conserving water in the home, but what about those water guzzling lawns on the exterior? Why not make the switch to a more sustainable, California Friendly, drought tolerant landscape with
LADWP's Turf Replacement Program
? You'll save money, save water and be the envy of your neighborhood.
Join the Team! LADWP Meter Reader
Are you looking for a great career that doesn't have you cooped up in a cubicle all day--one that combines your love for the outdoors while getting in some exercise? Meter readers record the data on water and electrical meters to make sure we bill our customers accurately and on time. They log many miles walking in the community to access meters while interacting with customers and providing great customer service. If you think being a
meter reader for LADWP
is the career for you, visit
Employee Focus: The LADWP
Green Team
The LADWP Green Team is a group of dedicated employees throughout the Department who come up with innovative sustainability solutions for our operations and facilities. From finding ways to be more energy efficient to reducing paper waste, the Green Team is on it. This month, you'll find them volunteering at the annual
Cal State Northridge Orchard Pick
harvesting fruit to donate to local food banks.
Partnering with Neighborhood Councils
LADWP is the only department in the City of Los Angeles with a formal Memorandum of Understanding with Neighborhood Councils committing to regular and ongoing communication about department programs and policies. The DWP-NC MOU and Advocacy Committees meet every first Saturday of the month at 8:45 a.m. at LADWP Headquarters at 111 N. Hope St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. Join us!