Did you know that the City of Los Angeles has valuable, local sources of water directly beneath our feet? LADWP is working hard to create a reliable, sustainable water supply that doesn't rely on costly imported water from hundreds of miles away. Check out this videoto learn more about what we're doing to strengthen our local water supplies.
Know the Facts: Clarification About Indoor Water Use andCalifornia's New Water Conservation Laws
Recent news reports created uncertainty and confusion regarding two California water conservation laws and their impact on indoor water use. Senate Bill 606 and Assembly Bill 1668 were passed in 2018 to serve as a road map for California's urban water suppliers to plan for dry conditions and to work towards establishing clean, reliable water supplies. The new mandates for water efficiency objectives only affect water suppliers. They do NOT impact individuals, homeowners or businesses. Read the State of California's response to recent news reports and how these water conservation targets will be assessed.
(An important message to our Spanish-speaking customers about phone scams)
¡No sea víctima de estafadores! LADWP nunca le llamará pidiéndole pago inmediato o amenazándolo con cortarle su servicio de agua y luz. Vea este video informativo sobre cómo operan estos estafadores y lo que usted puede hacer para protegerse si recibe una llamada sospechosa.
Power Upgrades in Progress
LADWP has aggressively invested in the replacement and upgrade of our power infrastructure to ensure the reliability of your electric service. Check out our 2018-19 Power Infrastructure Plan for the latest on the work we've completed and upcoming projects and initiatives that will continue to keep LADWP's electric service among the most reliable in the region.
Partnering with Neighborhood Councils
LADWP is the only department in the City of Los Angeles with a formal Memorandum of Understandingwith Neighborhood Councils committing to regular and ongoing communication about department programs and policies. The DWP-NC MOU and Advocacy Committees meet every first Saturday of the month at 8:45 a.m. at the LADWP Headquarters, 111 N. Hope St., Los Angeles, CA 90012. Join us!