June 2020
Beat the Heat this Summer

June means summer’s here! And with social distancing encouraging us to spend more time
at home, we may find ourselves using more electricity as it heats up . But higher temps don't have to mean higher bills. We have several rebates and programs to help you chill your bill. Try out our Energy Advisor online tool to help you assess your home energy efficiency so you can see where your energy consumption is high and how to save. You can also follow a few simple energy conservation tips to beat the heat and keep your electricity costs low.
Mylar Balloon Safety

Mylar balloons have a metallic coating that can cause an electric outage if a balloon makes contact with a power line. Help prevent outages by keeping balloons tied to a weight and never release them outdoors. Watch this video to see the dangers posed by Mylar balloons. To report objects caught in power lines, call 1-800-DIAL-DWP.
Small Business Support

If your business is experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can help. Learn about our flexible pay plan options to make arrangements or call us at 1-800-DIAL-DWP. You can also visit our Small Business Resource Page to learn about local, state and federal programs and resources available to help your business during this crisis.
Essential Work Continues:
Coronado Trunk Line Project

Our crews perform important work on a daily basis to maintain, upgrade or replace electrical and water distribution infrastructure. One of the projects in progress is the Coronado Trunk Line to help improve water system reliability in the Rampart Village area. Approximately 7,400 feet of 30-inch welded steel water pipe is being installed along Robinson, Council, and Coronado Streets as well as Beverly and Sunset Boulevard. Learn more .
Census 2020 Response Period Extended

The Census response period has been extended to October 31, 2020. It's quick and easy to complete. Be counted. Complete the form online or call 844-330-2020.
Trouble Paying Your Bill?
We Can Help

If you’re facing a financial hardship and need help paying your bill, we can help. We offer extended payment plans and discount programs. We don't charge late fees and don't report late payments to credit bureaus. Learn more about our financial assistance programs here or call 1-800-DIAL-DWP.
Partnering with Neighborhood Councils
 We're the only department in the City of Los Angeles with a formal  Memorandum of Understanding with Neighborhood Councils committing to regular and ongoing communication about our programs and policies. The DWP-NC MOU Oversight and Advocacy Committees meet every first Saturday of the month at 8:45 a.m. I n order to keep the public and our employees safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings will be broadcast via webcast . Join us!

No July 4 meeting
in observance of Holiday.

Next Meeting: Saturday, August 1
Stay connected with us!