Lake Deaton Weekly!

Click Video below to watch a message from our Pastor.

The Trustees have scheduled a Landscape Workday for the congregation on Thursday, January 30th to spread pine needle mulch on the plant beds on the church grounds. We will meet in the church lobby at 9 am to sign in, be assigned an area to work, and to have a prayer before starting. The spreading of the pine needles is light work but does require bending over. Everyone who is able is asked to come out that morning to help spruce up the church grounds. Please wear a long sleeve shirt and bring work gloves. Click on image below if you need to contact me.


Ed Lovera

Click on the Bible to follow along using our reading guide. Or grab a Book Mark from the Connect Desk in the church lobby.

Prayer and Care Ministry

For Prayer and Care Ministry’s needs,

please email Janice Braden by clicking here

Please let us know if you, a relative, or a friend is in the hospital locally. If permitted, we will schedule a visit from our pastoral team.


If you would like to request a prayer quilt for

comfort and healing click here.

A prayer shawl for someone who needs prayers

can be picked up from the CLC.

Prayer Concerns:

Richard and Linda Kolloff, Ann McAndrew, Jon Sollid, Bret Perisho, Lynn Clever, Joyce Mirenzi O’Dell and her family,

Charlene Henderson, Iris Fuson

Coleman Oaks Thrift Store and Coffee Shop Construction Site Prayer: 

Dear Heavenly Father, we know that what our construction workers do is far from easy. It is physically demanding work. There are days when they are exhausted, and their bodies are depleted of energy and strength. Through their line of work, We can see that great things take plenty of time, effort, and sacrifice, and we will forever be grateful for the hard work that they do everyday. We ask your protection over each one of them. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen

Prayer Quilt:

Please stop by and tie a knot on the quilt as you pray for

Maureen Giordano.

Prayers for comfort, healing and peace.


Thank you for your

weekly/monthly online gifts and donations to

Lake Deaton UMC.

To Give online click the button below:

Worship Service Count

for this Past Weekend:

Saturday at 5 PM: 160

Sunday at 9 AM: 303

Sunday at 10:30 AM: 189

Watched Online: 163

Overall Total: 815

If you attend worship service IN PERSON, you can sign in using the Connection Pad given to you at the beginning of service. Include your first and last name. Thank you.

If you worship with us ONLINE, you can sign in digitally by clicking HERE.

Name Badges

Click HERE to order your

name badge.

Church Calendar

Connect with Us:

Mailing Address: 

6500 Wesleyan Way, Wildwood, FL 34785

Lake Deaton Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 9:00am to 4:30pm

Friday: 9:00am to 1:00pm 

Office: Call 352-571-4665


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