Last call for Ecuador donations!

MAA's Latin America team will be traveling to Ecuador November 6th-13th. Our staff will be bringing as many donations as they can carry with them. We have been told the children’s homes are in need of children’s gummy vitamins, educational toys and games, markers, and Legos. We sincerely appreciate any support you can give. Please mail donations to either the Illinois or Delaware offices by November 4th:

Madison Adoption Associates
1102 Society Drive
Claymont, DE 19703

Madison Adoption Associates
128 North John Street, Suite 2
Rochester, IL 62563

Should you prefer, you can donate funds to MAA to purchase these items. Please visit MAA's donation page to give towards these efforts! Designate your gift for the Humanitarian Aid Fund, and 100% of your donation will go towards these causes and other humanitarian needs in countries where MAA works and around the world.

Thank you!