September 21, 2022, is the last Wednesday of Safar, 1444. 

The Prophet ﷺ asked, "Who will be the one to give me good tidings of the end of Safar al-Khayr?" Numerous previous nations perished during this month.

Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh  Nazim ق said: 

The month of  Safar  is the heaviest month among the 12 months and the last Wednesday of Safar is also the most difficult day. Disasters may overtake many places. Pray at least 2 raka`ts that day and beg that the roof over your head does not fly off suddenly; that you not be flooded, as in many places; that volcanoes may not erupt, as they erupted in many places; that the ocean may not overflow the lands as it has in so many places. O little human beings, fear Allah! Have shame before Allah and avoid doing doing evil. Live for Allah Alone, worshipping Him as His sincere servants.


Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ق said: "On the last Wednesday of Safar 70,000 afflictions come down, so whoever keeps the adab that we mentioned Allah ﷻ will protect him."

Recite with intention of being protected and safeguarded:

  1. Shahada (3 times)
  2. Astaghfirullah (300 times)
  3. Daily sadaqa for the sake of Allah with the intention of removal of afflictions.
  4. Recite Surat al-Fil (7 times)
  5. Ayat al-Kursi (7 times)
  6. Blow on yourself and your family after the recitation of Surat al-Fil.
  7. Avoid going out of one's home between `Asr and Maghrib. 


It is recommended to sacrifice a qurban on the last Wednesday for the sake of Allah . To order qurban, visit


The price of qurban is $130.00 for a whole lamb.

May Allah bless you, raise you and honor you by the baraka of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ!

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