November reminds us to use a grateful heart while thanking the people who make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. Our team is so thankful for your work and commitment to the students in San Diego County and are truly grateful for our collaboration.
November is a great time to solidify plans for gaining insight from educational partners and data collection, including administering local indicators for the 2023-24 LCAP (e.g., the Priority 3 Self-Reflection Tool). Our team at the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) continues to focus on and prepare for upcoming professional learning sessions and informational workshops.
SDCOE is committed to supporting local educational agencies (LEAs) in developing and maximizing the impact of their plans. We hope the resources in this this newsletter and on our website keep you up-to-date with recent legislation and deadlines, and provide technical support.
California Dashboard
California's accountability system is based on a multiple measures system that assesses how LEAs and schools are meeting the needs of their students. Performance on these measures is reported through the California School Dashboard. The California Department of Education (CDE) has shared that the dashboard will be released in December. In preparation for the release, here are a few reminders.
California Dashboard State and Local Indicators
The dashboard includes both state indicators and local indicators that are founded on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) priorities and are also aligned to the measures required under the Every Student Succeeds Act. The state indicators are based on data that is collected consistently across the state from LEAs through the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System and testing vendors. The state indicators are:
- Academic Indicator (reported separately for English language arts/literacy and mathematics assessments)
- English Learner Progress
- Chronic Absenteeism
- Graduation Rate
- Suspension Rate
- College/Career Readiness (Note: not included in the 2022 dashboard)
The 2019 Dashboard Technical Guide is your key to unlocking how the state indicators are calculated. This guide covers an extensive review of each state indicator by covering calculation formulas, business rules, student examples, and general information about California’s accountability system. The guide also provides self-reflection tools adopted by the State Board of Education that are used by LEAs to report their progress through the dashboard. Detailed information on the rules used to determine schools and LEAs eligible for support are also covered.
Local Indicators
Those LCFF priorities for which there is no state-level data collected are referred to as local indicators. The seven local indicators are:
- Basic Services and Conditions (Priority 1)
- Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2)
- Parent and Family Engagement (Priority 3)
- School Climate (Priority 6)
- Access to a Broad Course of Study (Priority 7)
- Coordination of Services for Expelled Students (Priority 9, for county offices of education only)
Coordination of Services for Foster Youth (Priority 10, for county offices of education only)
Local Indicator Performance Standards
The State Board of Education has approved the following performance standards for each of the local indicators:
- Annually measure its progress in meeting the requirements of the specific LCFF priority
- Report the results as part of a non-consent item at the same public meeting of the local governing board/body in which the LCAP is adopted
- Report results to the public through the Dashboard utilizing the SBE-adopted self-reflection tools for each local indicator
California Dashboard Toolkit
In preparation for the CDE dashboard release, LEAs can refer to informational material provided on the Dashboard Communications Toolkit CDE webpage. You’ll find flyers for parents and educators and additional technical guides.
Register for the 2022 Dashboard Webinar Series
During the month of November, CDE will host four webinars to support LEAs with the release of the 2022 dashboard. These webinars are designed to ensure that participants have the foundational knowledge needed to understand and review the data that will be released on the 2022 dashboard. Registration links, topics, and dates and times are provided in this Fall 2022 Dashboard Webinar Series flyer. Mark your calendar and register today!
English Learner Students on the CA School Dashboard
The 2022 dashboard reports on English learner student progress on all state measures. However, students included in the English learner student group vary by state measure. See below for how English learner data is reported on state indicators.
Academic Performance: Students who were reported as an English learner student any time during the academic year, including students who were reclassified as fluent English proficient within the past four years (i.e., after June 15, 2018)
College/Career Readiness: Students who were reported as an English learner at any time during the last four or five years in high school
EL Progress: Annual English Language Proficiency Assessments for California test takers who have current (2022) and prior year (2021) results
Chronic Absenteeism: Students who were reported as an English learners at any time, at the school or district level, during the 2021-22 academic year
Graduation Rate: Students who were reported as English learners at any time during the last four or five years in high school
Suspension Rate: Students who were reported as English learners at any time, at the school or district level, during the 2021-22 academic year
LCAP Professional Learning Series
The CDE released the dates for their upcoming LCAP Trainings. Our team will attend and share information at our Putting It All Together ( PIAT) meetings and workshops. Follow the link to join these trainings (registration is required).
- Dec. 6 at 2 p.m., Intro to LCFF
- Dec. 8 at 3 p.m., LCAP Template and Instructions
- Dec. 13 at 2 p.m., Engaging Educational Partners
- Dec. 15 at 3 p.m., Goals and Actions
- Jan. 5 at 2 p.m., Increased or Improved Services, Part I
- Jan. 10 at 2 p.m., Increased or Improved Services, Part II
- Jan. 17 at 2 p.m., CA Dashboard Local Indicator Process
- Jan. 26 at 3 p.m., Required Goals
Putting It All Together Professional Learning
Save the date! Our PIAT sessions are designed to provide a space and time for participants to interact with others from around the county, learn about LCAP requirements, and explore promising practices. Based on your feedback, these sessions will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and remain virtual until further notice.
Once registration is confirmed, a corresponding link will be sent prior to each session.
Local Control and Accountability Plan 101
This free workshop was developed for anyone new to the LCAP process. The LCAP template and important dates were shared.
Assessment, Accountability, and Evaluation Update Meetings
The Assessment, Accountability, and Evaluation updates provide LEAs with timely information around assessment, funding, LCAP, state and federal programs, and more. They occur once per month from 2:30 to 4 p.m. virtually; most meetings will be held on Wednesdays with the exception of February, March, and May. Please use this OMS link to sign up for the updates.
Aug. 24 — Resources
Sept. 21 — Resources
- Dec. 7
- Jan. 18
Tuesday, Feb. 14
Tuesday, March 21
- April 26
Tuesday, May 23
- June 28
Community Engagement Liaison Meeting
The SDCOE community engagement liaison hosted a meeting Nov. 17. As we move forward with the 2022-23 school year and seek to develop effective strategies and employ best practices to increase family and community engagement, know that your voice is extremely valuable to the academic success of our students and San Diego County. You can access the resources from the Nov. 17 meeting here. For more information, contact LaShae Sharp-Collins at or 858-295-8773.
California Assessment Accessibility Resource Graphics for 2022-23
The updated California Assessment accessibility resource graphics for the 2022-23 school year are available on the CDE Student Accessibility Resources webpage. These graphics display the embedded and non-embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations allowed as part of the CAASPP and the ELPAC systems. Offered as quick reference guides for accessibility resources, these one-page documents are available for the following:
New Videos on the Use of Smarter Balanced Tools
If you are looking for more information about tools to support instructional planning, you will want to know about two professional learning videos that are now available. These videos, both under 10 minutes in length, provide helpful tips for getting started with two tools developed to support teaching and learning:
Smarter Annotated Response Tool video — provides an overview of the Smarter Annotated Response Tool. This video showcases how student writing is scored on the Smarter Balanced English language arts performance tasks and how educators can use the tool to support student writing. Highlights include how to browse the range of response types, exploring interactive scoring rationales and rubrics, and the potential to use the tool to practice scoring independently or with colleagues.
Using the Interim Assessment Item Portal video — demonstrates how educators with interim assessment administration permissions can use the Interim Assessment Item Portal (account required) to search for individual interim assessment items (e.g., test questions) for English language arts and mathematics to use in the classroom, supporting the flexible use of interim assessments. Highlights include how to view and print interim assessment items and sample scenarios for different uses of the tool. This portal can also be used to generate answer keys for the interim assessments.
Additional professional learning resources for the Smarter Annotated Response Tool, the Interim Assessment Item Portal, and more tools that make up the Smarter Balanced ecosystem can be accessed from the Tools for Teachers website (account required). Explore the resources to discover how these tools can support your instructional needs!
Social and Emotional Support in Distance Learning
We know from years of research that students who have access to caring relationships are more academically engaged, display stronger social skills, and exhibit increased positive behavior. The California Center for School Climate has just released a new resource for Cultivating Caring Relationships at School and has a series of webinars, technical supports, and resources available on their site.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through 6th grade. The ELO-P requires the development of a program plan by each LEA that receives an ELO-P apportionment. The program plan needs to be approved by the LEA’s governing board in a public meeting and posted on the LEA’s website. The California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division has posted on its website resources to assist with the development of their program plan, including a Program Plan Guide.
The System for Support for Expanded Learning at SDCOE is available to support LEAs with ELO-P plans. For any ELO-P-related questions or to schedule a meeting, please contact Brittany Mabe, director, or Liza Flowers, coordinator.
Get up-to-the-minute information about what's happening at SDCOE and in our districts across the county.