Jac Corless is a man of many talents, including his vast experience in the manufacturing industry. He has had over 49 years of experience in the field, primarily in Colorado, doing a variety of work from a rubber company, self-employment, medical supplies, wind energy, and being an instructor. He has a true passion for the manufacturing industry and learning as he loves to pass his knowledge down to the students. Jac stated, “This industry is amazing because you’ll never be unemployed, there’s a variety of jobs in this industry and across the country.”
Jac was originally introduced to Laramie County Community College’s (LCCC) Advanced Manufacturing and Material Center (AMMC) when viewing the open house of the center on the nightly news. He wanted to become involved in this great opportunity and after contacting the program manager, became an adjunct instructor. He says, “My favorite part about teaching is having fun! I like getting to know students and we all have a good time in class. I am currently teaching how to maneuver CNC Lathes in the summer bootcamp. My favorite machine is the CNC Mill, which has a variety of services. I love all of the parts you can make on this machine.”