Lutheran Church of the Foothills
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Dear Foothills Servants and Friends --

The rich man who comes to ask Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life is a good man, sincere in his asking. Out of love, not as judgment, Jesus offers him an open door to life: sell all you own and give it to the poor.

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Thanks to our musicians for this week's video -- Ralph Geror Jr, Kathleen Rogers, Andy Bade, and Ulrich Michael. They make our music extra special! Thanks also to Bryan Daum for his assistance behind the camera.

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Join us in-person for worship each Sunday!
Masks are required. Details are in the Footnotes.

The video recording of worship will be posted mid next week.

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Click the purple button or the image
below to access our Worship Bulletin.

Continue reading beneath the bulletin for our newsletter and church updates.
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Please provide us with your thoughts, comments, questions,
or concerns regarding our new Weekly Footnotes email format!

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Weekly Footnotes

Sunday Worship
+ 8:00a Discussion Eucharist in Prayer Corner
+ 10:00a Worship in Sanctuary + live-streaming of the service to our YouTube channel. A recording of the service is uploaded the following week.

At this time of COVID19, please register for worship in advance or sign in when you arrive, so that we can do contact tracing were anyone to test positive for the virus. Masks are required whenever you are meeting others in the building.

Church Office
Open Tuesday – Friday, 9:00a - 3:00p

Open for private prayer whenever the office is open.

Meetings & Events
Tuesday, October 12, 9:30a Family History Group: Activity Room

Thursday, October 14, 10:00a Thursday Journey: Activity Room & Zoom
If you wish to join by Zoom, you may do so here: Meeting ID: 810 9003 3685 Passcode: 445064.

Sunday, October 10, 11:00a Post-service reception in honor of our admin assistant, Dakota.

Call the church office for more information. (520) 299-5631

Next Sunday, October 17
+  8:00a Discussion Eucharist in Prayer Corner
9:00a Speaker from NAMI in Activity Room
+ 10:00a Worship in Sanctuary + live-streaming of the service to our YouTube channel. A recording of the service is uploaded the following week.
11:00a "Meet and Greet" event with Pastor Naomi - see Call Committee update for more.

We pray for . . . Jim “Q” Kuzel; Philip Ulmer (Laura Hollengreen's father-in-law); Tom Carter (Ken & Donna Cousino’s nephew); Dan Hodgson; Jane Hodgson; Judy Swanson (Donna Cousino’s friend); Albert Chow; Hans Strauss (Sylvia Strauss-Kolb’s uncle); and all those affected by the COVID-19 virus. Names will remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks unless otherwise notified.

We request that all indoor activities require the use of masks, distancing and attendance documentation for contact tracing to keep everyone healthy and safe. Thank you!

In-person Worship - Sundays - 10 am 
We have room for you to come back and worship! Please call or email the church to sign-up. Walk-ins welcome, so long as you sign in at the door. Masks are required. Holy Communion will be available. The worship is also "live streamed" at 10 am on Sundays. Check it out on the "Lutheran Church of the Foothills - Tucson" YouTube channel. (Closed captioning not available on live broadcasts.)  LCF YouTube Channel We will post the video recording of Sunday's worship on Tuesdays. Closed captioning is available on the recordings.

Children in Worship - We are happy to invite children into worship, as long as they are masked. We know masks are required in schools and they seem prudent in our community, too, for the protection of both the children, many of whom cannot yet be vaccinated, and the rest of our fellow servants. If you are bringing children with you to church, please be sure that their names, as well as yours, are recorded on our sign-in sheet (for purposes of contract tracing, should that become necessary).

Call Committee Many people have asked us if they could watch our nominee, Pastor Naomi Hartman, give a sermon. Pastor Naomi has said she would be glad to set up a private YouTube with some of her sermons in it. If you would like to see her preach before this gets set up here is how you can do that.
Go to the YouTube site for Evangelical Lutheran Church, Frederick, MD. On that site you will find several recorded Sunday services. Since she is the associate pastor, she is not in every service. Here are the ones where she does preach.
These are all services during the pandemic, so they are just a single view. The times may vary slightly.

You may attend a “Meet and Greet” event with Pastor Naomi after worship next Sunday, October 17 at approximately 11:30 am (or earlier, if possible). Please review a sample sermon first and plan ahead for any questions you want to ask. (A letter will be arriving this week from the Call Committee and Council.) ~ Bruce Rianda & Laura Hollengreen

Dakota’s last week is upon us! Wish her well after the service this week or stop by to say hi while the church office is open! Leslie Johnson has graciously agreed to be our interim administrative assistant until we hire a permanent person to fill the role, after our new called pastor is with us.

Community Service Emphasis for October: National Alliance on Mental Illness Southern Arizona (NAMIsa) 
Next Sunday, October 17, at 9:00a in our Activities Room, Judi Maikoff of NAMIsa will be here in person to explain mental illness, share with us how NAMIsa gives her help and hope, and present ideas for connecting with people living with mental illness. (It will be our first Sunday morning presentation in a year and a half!) Seating will be socially distanced and face masks will be required, as always when you’re with others in the building. 

This Sunday, October 10, is World Mental Health Day. In recognition, consider giving an additional offering today to help NAMIsa continue their free educational programs to those who are affected by mental illness. Mark your donation “October Community Service” and place it in the offering basket (make checks payable to Lutheran Church of the Foothills). Remember, your Sunday Dollars (loose one dollar bills placed in the offering basket) will be automatically designated for this month’s Community Service Emphasis. 

Stop by the display table in the lobby and help yourself to NAMIsa informational brochures and a colorful pen or fun mood pencil provided by NAMIsa in thanks for your support. Learn even more at ~ Leslie Johnson, Community Service Team.

We are invited, along with many other local organizations, to participate in Youth On Their Own’s 4th annual “Socktober challenge”! The goal is to collect 3,500 pairs of NEW ladies or men’s socks from the greater Tucson community between September 15 and October 31st. We are all encouraged to donate various colors, patterns, sock types, including white athletic socks. As always, if you’d prefer to donate money, please write “Socktober Challenge” on your check memo line. I’ll be happy to go shopping! Thank you. ~ Sylvia Strauss-Kolb & Beth Daum, Community Service Team

Non-perishable donation items needed:  Mac'n cheese; Peanut butter (14-16oz); Spaghetti, Spaghetti sauce; Chili; Ravioli; Canned meals; Canned meats, tuna, chicken; Soup; All kinds of canned foods (pull-tabs preferred on cans); Breakfast cereal; Jams and jellies; Instant mashed potatoes. The bin for these non-perishables is on the west end of the Activities Counter. You may also give by writing a check to the church; please mark ICS on the memo line. Thank you for donating to ICS!

Primavera: October 15th is our date this month – sign-up in the narthex!
Items still need for NEXT Friday: (descriptors per sign-up)
  • 2 Entrees: 2 PARTY-SIZE Stouffer lasagnas (12 servings);
  • 2 Rolls: 3 dozen;
  • 4 Salads: 2 EXTRA LARGE boxes or bags of salad and 1 dressing. Can include prepackaged veggie toppings for salads!
  • 2 Desserts: enough to feed 3 dozen people.

Please bring your food donations to the church by 1 p.m. October 15. Your Community Service team thanks you! ~ Community Service Team.

Welcoming Refugees Based on the response to an information meeting we had after service last month, there are at least 10 fellow servants ready to volunteer time and talents to help co-sponsor refugees. Here is some updated information with more to come. The past few weeks have been challenging and at times, confusing for refugee resettlement organizations around the country. Information from the federal government changes by the hour, therefore, LSS is still waiting the arrival of Afghan refugees. Thanks to the additional federal government support for Afghan arrivals, Lutheran Social Services have increased the number of evacuees they are able to resettle to 150 in Tucson and 300 in Phoenix.  

Lutheran Social Services will be presenting a series of 3 webinars on Zoom over the next few weeks. Staff from Refugee & Immigration Services in Phoenix and Tucson will host the first webinar on Tuesday, October 12th at 12pm about Welcoming Afghan Families to Arizona. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers. The webinar will be recorded, so even if you will not be able to join live, you can register here: You may send questions in advance to
   Join other fellow servants in the activities room at this time to view the webinar on October 12 at Noon.  You can register on your own at the above link. Let the office know if you will be coming to the activities room for the webinar. Masks will be required and social distancing will be observed.
   Visit the LSS-SW website at to learn more about what LSS-SW is doing to prepare for Afghan evacuees coming to Arizona . You can also sign up for LSS updates there.

Thursday Journey: The S Course What people believe today is not necessarily what people believed in biblical times. Indeed people's beliefs about satan, sin, eschatology, resurrection, and salvation have evolved over time. This course is a brief introduction of this evolution from the earliest parts of the Hebrew Scriptures, to the later Hebrew Scriptures after the Babylonian exile, to what Jesus said, to what rest of the New Testament says, to what we believe today. Then we will look at what might be an appropriate "S" Theology moving forward in the 21st century. The "S" Course might surprise you and even make you rethink what you yourself believe about the five S's. Starting October 7th, 10:00a - 11:00a. Zoom: Meeting ID: 810 9003 3685 Passcode: 445064

Sunday 8:00 a.m. Discussion Eucharist Worship – The 8:00 a.m. Discussion Eucharist in-person worship meets in the Sunday School Classroom. Holy Communion is available, but there is no music. Attendees need to be masked and socially distanced. Scott Warren is our worship and gospel discussion leader. All are welcome. ~ Discussion Eucharist Worship Team

Christmas Wreath time is here! The annual fundraiser for the youth of LCF will be until October 31st. I will be taking orders every Sunday and Tuesday at our church. You can also drop off an order any day the church is open. Thank you! ~ Lonnie Jenkins.

Our many thanks to this special congregation for the cards, visits, and phone calls to Otto. He so enjoyed the friendship given to him at Lutheran Church of the Foothills.
The celebration of life service certainly expressed Otto’s life. We thank the Guild for the wonderful outdoor reception. September 25, 2021 will always be remembered as Otto’s Special Day. On behalf of our entire family, our deepest thanks to all. ~ Georgia Ingraham, Frank and Barbara Putz

Proceeds from your pocket change that are put into our Hunger Loose Change Jar (on the stand inside the entrance to our worship area) are shared with our church’s World Hunger program. Many thanks for your generosity! Thanks also to our counters, Charles & Pat Erickson.
September Total: $66.00!

Sunday Dollars (loose dollar bills put into the offering plates) are designated for our monthly Offering of Service. If you want to contribute to the Sunday Dollars by mail, please do not send cash in the mail. You may add a dollar or two to your check and then note “Two dollars for Sunday Dollars.” Our counters will take it from there. Thank you!

Use the following link to conveniently give an offering online to Lutheran Church of the Foothills.

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A special word during special times . . .
Our offering is a key part of our worship experience as we offer “ourselves, our time and our possessions.” We ask that you remember your church during the duration of this virus threat. Expenses continue, and our faithful staff relies on what we have committed to them. Gifts may be received by mail, on our website, through your on-line banking, or electronically in other ways. We also encourage you to remember other non-profits that you regularly support. As in the past, at this unprecedented time your generosity means a great deal.   Thank you!

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Lutheran Church of the Foothills is a member of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We welcome all to our congregation; our statement of welcome is on the Activities Counter in the lobby. We are a Reconciling in Christ community in partnership with ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation.

We also partner with
Interfaith Community Services (ICS),
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW),
Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN),
Arizona Interfaith Power and Light (AZIPL),
Sunrise Neighborhood Assistance Program (SNAP).

   Executive committee: Laura Hollengreen, Bryan Daum, Liz Zidel, Gary Anderson.
   At-large members: Mark Olson, Michael Baumann, Karen Nickey.

Weekly Footnotes is distributed weekly for the community of Lutheran Church of the Foothills via email (email to subscribe) and postal mail. Please submit articles to the church office by noon on Wednesday.

Administrative Assistant
   Dakota Worden,
Interim Pastor
   The Rev. Dr. John Leech,
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Come to rejoice, give praise, and be fed and nourished by the good news.

Sent on behalf of Pastor John Leech ( by:
Dakota Worden, Administrative Assistant
Lutheran Church of the Foothills
5102 North Craycroft Road
Tucson, Arizona 85718
Lutheran Church of the Foothills
5102 N. Craycroft Rd.
Tucson AZ 85718-6343