• Dr. Bridi was born in Paris and grew up in the suburbs of Boston, MA. After leaving Boston, and prior to moving to Chicago, she has also lived in Montreal, Phoenix, and Brooklyn NY.
  • She would describe herself as a food enthusiast. "I love to cook, explore new restaurants, and have recently tried my hand at ice cream making. Tips Welcome!"
  • Dr. Bridi lives in West Town with her husband Andrew, who is a PM&R physician, and her 15 month old Thomas who provides her all the exercise now that he is mobile!
  • "I definitely have a travel bug and am hoping to pass that on to Thomas who recently took his first international trip to France in May."
  • She considers herself a city girl - "I like being able to walk everywhere and having easy access to the Chicago food scene."
  • Something interesting that many people do not know is that Dr. Bridi speaks fluent French.
  • Dr. Bridi is very passionate about preventative medicine and nutrition. "I think many healthy habits can be established early on."